Please note that the following items have been reproduced by kind permission of the NSW Fire Brigades. Some items have been removed due to confidential & security issues.


19 August 2005



Fire Brigades Act 1989 - amendments to recognise Community Fire Units, 2005

The Fire Brigades Amendment (Community Fire Units) Act 2005 No 33 became law in June 2005. The principal changes to the Fire Brigades Act 1989 are as follows:

74B Establishment of community fire units

(1) The Commissioner may establish a community fire unit for any geographical area within a fire district.

(2) The Commissioner is to determine the geographical area for which a community fire unit is established.

(3) A community fire unit is to consist of such persons as the Commissioner appoints as members of the community fire unit under this Division.

(4) The Commissioner may at any time disband a community fire unit.

74C Objects and functions of community fire units

(1) The objects of a community fire unit are to assist with the defensive protection of homes during bush fires and to carry out other fire protection work under the direction of the Commissioner.

(2) The functions of a community fire unit are as follows:

(a) to undertake fire prevention work by encouraging the preparation of properties in advance of the bush fire danger period and assisting with hazard reduction work such as clearing and pile burning,

(b) to assist fire fighters during a bush fire, particularly through the defensive protection of homes from spot fires and ember attacks before fire fighters arrive or while fire fighters are working at the main fire fronts,

(c) to assist with recovery operations after a bush fire such as bushland regeneration and removal of debris that could pose a future bush fire hazard,

(d) to educate members of the community in relation to fire safety and the prevention of bush fires.

(3) The functions of a community fire unit may be exercised only in the geographical area for which the unit is established.

(4) The functions of a community fire unit may be exercised by any member of the community fire unit.

(5) A member of a community fire unit is, in the exercise of his or her functions as a member of a community fire unit:

(a) subject to the direction and control of the Commissioner, and

(b) subject to the operational guidelines of the Commissioner.

74D Appointment of members

(1) The Commissioner may, by instrument in writing, appoint any person as a member of a community fire unit.

Note Members are generally volunteers who reside in a bushland area for which a community fire unit is established.

(2) The Commissioner may terminate the appointment of a member of a community fire unit at any time in accordance with guidelines established by the Commissioner.

74E Training and equipment for community fire units

The Commissioner is to provide each community fire unit with such training and equipment as the Commissioner considers necessary to enable the community fire unit to exercise its functions.

The full amended Fire Brigades Act 1989 can be read at .

Contact Officer:

Assistant Commissioner Graham Dewsnap, Director State Operations, (02)9318 4375

File Reference:



Response of additional appliances from stations

1. Discretion to respond additional appliances to fires, rescues and hazmat incidents

While most appliances are dispatched to incidents by the Communication Centres (ComCens), there are circumstances in which a Station Commander has the discretion to respond additional appliances from their station to fires and hazmat incidents, for example:

•  when the Station Commander has local knowledge that indicates additional resources may be required, or

•  when retained stations need to use a second appliance to transport additional retained firefighters to an incident.

Note: At stations with dual rescue appliances, the Station Commanders have the discretion to respond the additional rescue appliance to rescue calls within their rescue area. In the event that further rescue resources are required, Station Commanders can request their attendance through the ComCen. The ComCen will then pass the request onto the Police Rescue Coordinator.

Relevant ComCens will ensure the Police Rescue Coordinator is aware of the current status of NSWFB accredited rescue appliances in accordance with the policy on Notification of rescue unit status below.

2. ComCens must be notified of all responses

To ensure that the response of additional appliances does not jeopardise the NSWFB's ability to respond to other incidents, the Station Commander or Officer in Charge of the appliance must notify the ComCen before responding, giving the reason for the response, for example:

Appliance: Newcastle Comms, Tanker 444 Blue
ComCen: Newcastle Comms, pass your message Tanker 444
Appliance: Newcastle Comms, Tanker 444 Blue. Code 1 to Singleton Heights incident, transportation for Retained Firefighters only
ComCen: Newcastle Comms, received your Code 1 at 1435 hours, channel clear

In most cases this will be a formality, but the ComCen has the authority to refuse a request or to refer the request to the Incident Controller for confirmation that the resource is required. This ensures the ComCen can meet its responsibility to maintain response coverage across its dispatch area.

For example, if there is another incident in progress, the additional appliance may be required to remain at the station to provide coverage for stations that have been moved up. Another example would be where the ComCen has been informed of a security threat that requires resources to be held in reserve.

Notification of the ComCen also means that the response will be recorded in FireCAD and included in AIRS reports.

Contact Officer:

Assistant Commissioner Graham Dewsnap, Director State Operations, (02) 9318 4375

File Reference:


Notification of rescue unit status

1. Notification of unavailability for response

Under the State rescue policy , all accredited rescue units are required to notify the NSW Police, through the Police Rescue Coordinator, when an accredited rescue unit is unavailable for response.

Station Commanders must notify their NSWFB Communication Centre (ComCen) immediately if the accredited appliance can not respond for any reason, such as insufficient trained personnel available or appliance breakdown. The ComCen will notify the Police Rescue Coordinator.

2. Dual-appliance rescue stations

At dual-appliance rescue stations, Station Commanders must advise their ComCen whether one or both vehicles have sufficient rescue operators. The ComCen Supervisor will record this in FireCAD and pass this information to the Police Rescue Coordinator.

3. Notification of change of rescue status

Station Commanders must also notify their ComCen, who will notify the Police Rescue Coordinator, when the status of their rescue accreditation changes due to unavailability of other rescue units (ie when upgraded from secondary to primary).

Contact Officer:

Assistant Commissioner Graham Dewsnap, Director State Operations, (02) 9318 4375

File Reference:



Dynamic Risk Assessment Manual

1. Introduction

The NSWFB has produced a manual on Dynamic Risk Assessment for Operations: the Safe Person Concept to enhance occupational health and safety in the firefighter's operational working environment.

Dynamic risk assessment is the continuous assessment of risk in the changing circumstances of operational incidents and training exercises, with the objective of implementing control measures to ensure acceptable levels of firefighter safety.

2. Purpose

The purpose of this manual is:

•  to introduce the safe person concept to the NSWFB

•  to educate firefighters on reducing the risks that they face, and

•  to improve firefighter safety.

It reinforces the NSWFB's Risk Management Policy at a tactical level by promoting the risk assessment methodology at incidents and training exercises.

All operational personnel are expected to make themselves familiar with this manual.

3. Initial issue

Initial issue started in July 2005. A single copy of the Dynamic Risk Assessment manual was personally addressed and delivered to all operational personnel in the NSWFB.

An electronic version of the manual is also available on the Intranet under State Operations.

If you did not receive a in the initial issue, you can requisition a copy using the details in section 5 below.

4. Issue to recruits

Recruit and Retained Firefighters commencing duty after 29 July 2005 must be issued with a copy of the manual in accordance with the following procedure:

4.1 Permanent Recruit Firefighters

The Manager Recruit Training is responsible for ordering and issuing the manual to all permanent Recruit Firefighters undergoing initial training at the State Training College.

4.2 Recruit Retained Firefighters

Station Commanders involved in the recruitment of Retained Firefighters are responsible for ordering and issuing the manual when issuing initial uniform supply.

5. Ordering information

For the purpose of replacement and additional supply, the Dynamic Risk Assessment Manual has been included in the Corporate Stationery Contract with the printers SALMAT. All stations are to make note of the details listed below and include the information in their Supply Catalogue .

The Electronic Supply Catalogue (ESCAT) will be updated accordingly.

Manual, Technical

Information: Technical data on operational matters


Charge Against:
Order Method:
Order Instructions:
Order Authorisation:

3005 – Stationery Other
Local Purchase Order to Supplier
Use Supplier Part Number
Station Commander and above


In Orders

2001/10 Corporate Stationery
2005/10 Corporate Stationery - SALMAT




S/Part No


Est Price

Cat No

Dynamic Risk Assessment Publication








SALMAT Document Management Solutions Pty Limited

6. Further information

If you have an enquiry about dynamic risk assessment or need further information please contact the Operational Safety Coordinator on (02) 9318 4877 or by email .

Contact Officers: Steven Baker, Operational Safety Coordinator, (02) 9318 4877, or Andrew Biggs, Supply Officer, (02) 9742 7443

File Reference: CHO/07066

Privacy policy

1. Introduction

The NSW Fire Brigades respects the privacy of members of the public who use our services and of our employees and volunteers. As an emergency service, we know that protecting people's privacy is an important part of maintaining the trust of the community in the NSWFB so that we can help them in times of need.

As a NSW government agency, the NSWFB must meet the requirements of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and the Heath Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 . These two acts establish principles for the management of personal and health information by NSW government agencies. They set out our obligations in relation to the collection, retention, security, access, use and disclosure of personal and health information.

This policy gives the framework under which the NSWFB manages personal and health information and is a guide for decision making in the daily use of this information.

2. Who is responsible for privacy?

It is the responsibility of everyone in the NSWFB to protect the privacy of members of the public, our employees and volunteers by managing personal and health information in accordance with this policy.

It is the responsibility of commanders and managers to build privacy into the management of personal and health information in their areas of responsibility by making sure their staff are aware of the privacy principles and incorporating privacy considerations in policies, procedures and systems.

3. What is personal information?

Personal information is any information that relates to an identifiable person. Personal information may be held not only in paper records, but also electronic records, audio or video recordings, photographs and biometric information such as fingerprints.

A person's name need not be included in the information to make it personal information. If the person can be reasonably identified from the information, then it is personal information. For example, a photograph including a vehicle registration number may be personal information.

4. What is health information?

Health information is a particular type of personal information. Health information is personal information or an opinion about:

•  a person's physical or mental health or disability, or

•  a person's express wishes about the future provision of health services for themselves, or

•  a health service provided, or to be provided to a person, including information collected in relation to the provision of that health service.

5. What sorts of personal and health information does the NSWFB hold?

The following is an overview of the types of personal and health information that the NSWFB collects.

Incident information

In order to provide emergency response services, the NSWFB collects information about members of the public affected by incidents. This information is used to respond to and deal with the incident and may also be used to assist people to recover from an incident. Examples of information we collect include Calling Number Identification and voice recordings from Triple Zero calls, and information required for incident reports, court statements, investigation reports and approved research projects. In some cases this may include health information about a person affected by an incident, such as the fact that they were injured.

Risk management services

In order to provide risk management services such as Smoke Alarm Battery Replacement for the Elderly, Intervention and Fire Awareness Programs, the Static Water Supply program, etc, we collect personal information about the clients of these services. In some cases this may include health information where a person's health status is pertinent to the provision of the service.

Employee and volunteer information

We collect personal and health information about our employees and volunteers in order to manage their employment and volunteer service with the NSWFB.

6. Privacy principles

The Privacy and Information Protection Act 1998 sets out 12 Information Protection Principles. The Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 sets out 15 Health Privacy Principles . The NSWFB must follow these principles for collecting, storing, using and disclosing personal and health information.

Sections 7 to 12 of this policy set out the NSWFB's approach to these principles. Specific applications of these principles should be built into the policies and procedures of each area of the NSWFB that collects, stores, uses or discloses personal or health information.

7. Collection

Lawful - the NSWFB will only collect personal or health information for a lawful purpose. The information must be directly related to the NSWFB's activities and necessary for that purpose.

Relevant - the NSWFB will ensure that personal and health information that it collects is relevant, not excessive, accurate and up to date. We will not unnecessarily intrude into the personal affairs of the individual.

Direct - the NSWFB will collect personal and health information directly from the person concerned, unless they have given consent otherwise or unless we are responding to an incident.

Open - the NSWFB will take reasonable steps to inform people why we are collecting information about them, what we will do with it and who else might see it. We will also inform them how they can see and correct the information. However, in an emergency situation it may not be reasonable for us to individually notify people affected by the emergency.

8. Storage

Secure - the NSWFB will ensure that personal and health information is stored securely, not kept any longer than necessary, and is disposed of appropriately. Information must be protected from unauthorised access, use or disclosure. The NSWFB's Information security policy (In Orders 2003/26) applies to personal and health information.

9. Access

Transparent - the NSWFB will take reasonable steps to explain to people what personal or health information about them is being stored, why it is being used and any rights they have to access it.

Accessible - the NSWFB allows people to access their personal or health information without unreasonable delay or expense.

Correct - the NSWFB allows people to update, correct or amend their personal or health information where necessary.

10. Use

Accurate - the NSWFB will take reasonable steps to ensure that personal and health information is relevant and accurate before using it.

Limited - the NSWFB will only use personal or health information for the purpose for which it was collected, or a directly related purpose that the person would expect. We may use personal and health information without consent in order to deal with a serious and imminent threat to any person's health or safety. Otherwise we will get the person's consent.

11. Disclosure

Restricted - during an emergency the NSWFB may disclose personal and health information without consent in order to deal with a serious and imminent threat to any person's health or safety. The NSWFB may also disclose personal or health information to a third party who has lawful authority to collect the information, to investigative agencies, to law enforcement agencies, or to our Minister or the Premier. When somebody affected by an emergency incident lodges an insurance claim, we may disclose information about the incident to the insurance company or to loss adjusters for the purpose of verifying the claim.

Apart from the above, the NSWFB will only disclose personal or health information for the purpose for which it was collected, or a directly related purpose that the person would expect. Otherwise, we will get people's consent to disclosures.

Sensitive information - the NSWFB will not disclose sensitive personal information, for example information about a person's ethnic or racial origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership without consent or lawful authority, unless there is a serious or imminent threat to any person's health or safety.

12. Additional requirements for health information

Identification - the NSWFB allocates unique numbers to its employees and volunteers in order to manage their records effectively. The NSWFB does not use numbers issued by other government agencies to identify employees, volunteers or members of the public who receive health services from the NSWFB.

Anonymous - the NSWFB will give people the option of receiving health services anonymously, where this is lawful and practicable.

Transfers - the NSWFB does not normally transfer health information outside NSW, however, if there is a requirement to do so, we will make sure that substantially similar privacy laws apply in the receiving jurisdiction.

Linking health records - if the NSWFB becomes a party to any system that links our health records with those of another organisation, we will get express consent to participation from anyone involved.

13. Accessing personal information

Members of the public who wish to access incident information should use the Request for incident information form on the NSWFB's internet site.

Members of the public who wish to access other personal information we hold about them should contact the Records Manager/Archivist, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232, phone (02) 9265 2842.

Employees who wish to access their personnel records should contact their Human Resources Manager. For access to health records contact the Health Services Group on (02) 9265 2800.

14. Privacy complaints

If you think your privacy has been breached by the NSWFB, you should seek an internal review by sending a written application to the Professional Standards and Conduct Officer, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232, within six months of your first becoming aware of the conduct or decision you are complaining about.

You may use the internal review application form on the Privacy NSW website or you may simply write a letter.

The internal review will be done by someone other than the person responsible for the conduct or decision you are complaining about, and it will be overseen by Privacy NSW.

If your internal review is not completed within 60 days, or if you are unhappy with the results, you can ask the Administrative Decisions Tribunal to review the conduct or decision.

The Tribunal will assess whether or not the NSWFB complied with its privacy obligations. If it decides that there is a breach of privacy, the Tribunal may order the NSWFB to change its practices, apologise to you, or take some steps to remedy any damage you suffered.

For more information on how to lodge a privacy case in the Tribunal, contact the Tribunal on (02) 9223 4677.

15. Further information

An online Privacy Training Program developed by Privacy NSW to explain the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 is available on the Intranet . There is also information available on Privacy NSW's website , including a Handbook to Health Privacy .

For more information about privacy, the operation of the privacy laws, the Privacy Training Program, or for advice about NSWFB policies and procedures, contact:

Anne Pickles
Privacy Contact Officer
NSW Fire Brigades
PO Box A249
Sydney South NSW 1232

Ph (02) 9265 2971
Fx (02) 9265 2882


Contact Officer:

Anne Pickles, Information Coordinator, (02) 9265 2971

File Reference:




Station Officers Promotional Program – pre entry test

1. Applications

Applications are invited from eligible Senior Firefighters wishing to sit for the pre entry test for the 2006 Station Officers Promotional Program. The pre entry test will be conducted on Thursday 17 November 2006.

2. Course qualifications

Each program will run for a nine week period and selection of candidates will be determined by order of merit based on pre entry test marks.

3. Pre entry requirements

To be eligible for the pre entry test Senior Firefighters are required to have three years service at that rank by the date of the pre entry test, and to have successfully completed the following modules:


Module no

Module name


Course no



Building Evacuation Systems





Mechanical Venting and Air handling Systems





Building Structures 2





Present Information





Occupational Health and Safety





Building Fire Safety 1





Workplace Trainer Category A





Public Speaking





Dealing with Conflict



Applicants must also comply with Sub Clause 14.8 in Clause 14 of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005 . A firefighter performing the duties of an operational support position must complete the Operational support service record form and submit it with their application.

4. Mark election policy

Candidates will be eligible to elect to carry over their marks on one occasion only , provided the time frame from one pre entry test to the next pre entry test is twelve months or less. Candidates who are eligible to carry over their marks must complete the Election to carry over pre entry test marks form. This form must be returned to the Professional Development Unit seven days prior to any pre entry test being conducted.


5. Applications

Applications must be in report form and include the following information:

•  service number, rank and full name

•  platoon, station/section attached and contact phone number

•  In Orders number and date of promotion to Senior Firefighter

•  Transcript of Academic Record for completed modules (photocopy certified by NSWFB Officer with the words ‘true copy of original document')

•  current postal and email address (for course correspondence)

•  leave status (annual leave, long service leave etc). and

•  completed Operational support service record .

6. Support for candidates

Information forums will be delivered online to Senior Firefighters who have submitted an application to sit the pre entry test. These forums will include information delivered by the NSWFB and Charles Sturt University personnel. Candidates are also advised to visit the Charles Sturt University web site to access information about the Leadership/Management component of the pre entry test by clicking on the following link:

7. Additional information

All candidates will be mailed information on the pre entry test process and information regarding the online forums.

8. Date and address for applications

The closing date for applications is Friday 7 October 2005 . Send applications to:

Coordinator – Station Officers Promotional Program
Professional Development Unit
State Training College
NSW Fire Brigades
PO Box 559

For more information, contact the Professional Development Unit on (02) 9318 4302.

Contact Officer:

SOPP Coordinator, (02) 9318 4302

File reference:



Senior Firefighters Promotional Program 2005

Applications are invited from eligible Qualified Firefighters to be selected for the Senior Firefighters Promotional Program for promotion to the rank of Senior Firefighter.

Qualified Firefighters must have satisfactorily completed the nine modules listed below before applying for the Senior Firefighters Promotional Program:

3.01 Occupational Health and Safety
3.09 Workplace Trainer Category A
3.10 Writing Workplace Documents
3.11 Public Speaking
3.12 Dealing with Conflict
3.14 Leadership
3.15 Supervising Teams
3.19 Maths for Data Representation
3.24 Meetings

Applications must be in report form and include:

•  current residential address

•  annual leave group

•  In Orders number and date of promotion to Qualified Firefighter

•  Application for Assessment form (refer to CBT/A Information Pack issued to all fire stations)

•  photocopy of the Transcript of Academic Record showing completion of the nine pre-requisite modules. This photocopy must be stamped and signed by a NSWFB Officer as being a ‘true copy of an original document', which the NSWFB Officer has sighted.

Applications close on Friday 30 September 2005, and must be sent to the:

Professional Development Unit
State Training College
NSW Fire Brigades
PO Box 559

The Professional Development Unit will acknowledge receipt of your application within 14 days.

Contact Officers:

Bill Flegg, (02) 9318 4842 and Larry Denyer, (02) 9318 4852,
SFPP Coordinators

File Reference:



Cranebrook Fire Station

No 98 Cranebrook Fire Station became operational on Monday 1 August 2005. The staffing complement is Station Officer and three firefighters working the Standard Roster.



137-139 Vincent Road, Cranebrook NSW 2749

(02) 4730 6154
(02) 4730 6027

Contact Officer:

File Reference:

Superintendent Andrew McLeod, Zone Commander West 2,
(02) 9895 4606



Molong Fire Station – change of address

The new No 380 Molong Fire Station became operational on 13 July 2005. The new address details are as follows:



Cnr Edward and Lee Streets, Molong NSW 2866

(02) 6366 8686
(02) 6366 9167

Contact Officer:

File Reference:

Superintendent Anthony Grant, Zone Commander West 3,
(02) 4782 2568


Tingira Heights Fire Station

No 500 Tingira Heights Fire Station became operational on 3 August 2005. The staffing complement is Station Officer and three firefighters, working the 10/14 roster, and Captain and eleven retained firefighters (transferred from 500 Station Windale).



70 Violet Town Road, Tingira Heights NSW 2290

(02) 49489003
(02) 49474059

 Contact Officer:

File Reference:

Chief Superintendent Bob Lewthwaite, Area Commander Newcastle/Lake Macquarie, (02) 4927 2500




Staff Officer to Commissioner

Applications are invited from operational personnel for the position of Staff Officer to Commissioner, Operational Support Level 4, at Head Office.

An information package should be obtained before submitting an application. Applications must address all the selection criteria.


John Anderson, Acting Director Human Resources,
(02) 9265 2623

Information packages:

Vi Doncevski, (02) 9265 2625,

Applications to:

Vi Doncevski, Human Resources, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232,

Closing date:

30 September 2005

File reference:


Manager Recruit Training

Applications are invited from operational personnel for the position of Manager Recruit Training , Operational Support Level 3, Alexandria.

An information package should be obtained before submitting an application. Applications must address all the selection criteria.


Superintendent Rob Kaines (02) 9318 4303

Information packages:

Ms Michelle Tolson (02) 9318 4300

Applications to:

Administration Manager, State Training College, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box 559, Alexandria NSW 1435

Closing date:

30 September 2005

File Reference:


Station Commander Turvey Park

Applications are invited from officers holding the rank of Station Officer for the position of Station Commander at 472 Station Turvey Park, Zone South 4, working the 10/14 roster.

An ‘Application for Transfer to Country Service' form and an information package should be obtained before submitting an application. Applications must address all the selection criteria.

The successful applicant may apply for the conditions in Clause 29 of the Crown Employees ( NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff ) Award 2005 . Contact the Manager Operational Personnel for enquiries on Award conditions and any entitlement.


Inspector Phil Harlock, South 4, (02) 6921 5322

Information packages:

Beth McGee, Regional Administrative Services Officer,
(02) 9742 7327

Applications to:

Human Resources Manager, Region South Office, NSW Fire Brigades, Locked Bag 13, Greenacre NSW 2190

Closing date:

30 September 2005

File reference:




The following appointments are subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980. In some cases the maximum salary of the position may exceed the limit under which an appeal may be made to GREAT. The 21 day period for appeal commences on the date of this In Order.




Date of Decision





Station Officer Dubbo


G Barber


Station Officer Albury Central


D Humphrey


Assistant Director Operational Logistics, OS5


H Bootsma


Manager BA/Hazmat, OS4


R McNeil


Manager FireCAD Operations, OS3


G Tait







Inspector to Superintendent

6081 R McNeil

12 August 2005


Firefighter Level 4 to Qualified Firefighter



Anniversary date

Promotion date

8200 M Davidson

13 July 2005

13 July 2005

8205 D Gardiner

13 July 2005

13 July 2005

8211 D Muzyczka

13 July 2005

13 July 2005

8216 D Allen

10 August 2005

10 August 2005

8219 S Bradshaw

10 August 2005

10 August 2005

8220 G Browne

10 August 2005

10 August 2005

8221 P Downman

10 August 2005

10 August 2005

8222 P Edwards

10 August 2005

10 August 2005

8223 F Gates

10 August 2005

10 August 2005

8225 B Jacobson

10 August 2005

10 August 2005

8226 A Wilson

10 August 2005

10 August 2005

8227 P Nickel

10 August 2005

10 August 2005

8228 F Remington

10 August 2005

10 August 2005

8229 O Ruhen

10 August 2005

10 August 2005

8230 D Shaw

10 August 2005

10 August 2005

8232 M Ward

10 August 2005

10 August 2005

8233 M Wilkinson

10 August 2005

10 August 2005


Firefighter Level 3 to Firefighter Level 4


Anniversary date

Promotion date

8343 K Quinlivan

12 July 2005

12 July 2005

8359 M Toms

12 July 2005

12 July 2005


Firefighter Level 2 to Firefighter Level 3


Anniversary date

Promotion date

8485 Y Atty

27 June 2005

27 June 2005

8507 L Bergersen

27 June 2005

27 June 2005

8514 J Taylor

27 June 2005

27 June 2005

8555 L Schembri

27 June 2005

27 June 2005

8570 S Deverall

8 August 2005

8 August 2005

8571 M Duggan

8 August 2005

8 August 2005

8577 S Reid

8 August 2005

8 August 2005

8580 M McHugh

8 August 2005

8 August 2005

8581 N Evans

8 August 2005

8 August 2005

8583 S Porter

8 August 2005

8 August 2005

8585 A Mills

8 August 2005

8 August 2005

Firefighter Level 1 to Firefighter Level 2


Anniversary date

Promotion date

8711 N Trute

9 July 2005

9 July 2005

8715 B Kruger

9 July 2005

9 July 2005


Services terminated

7397 Senior Firefighter

J Natoli

20 July 2005


8366 Firefighter

A Robinson

8 August 2005



5370 Senior Firefighter

M McIvor

9 August 2005

4112 Station Officer

D Vile

19 August 2005



New members appointed to Brigades

N R McCall


15 July 2005

M J Byrne


1 August 2005

C L O'Shaughnessy


1 August 2005

G A Stewart


1 August 2005

J D Westling

Broken Hill

1 August 2005

R J Keen


15 August 2005

M Hodges


15 August 2005

M Hynes

Albury North

15 August 2005

C Dawson


15 August 2005


Appointed to ranks




21 July 2005

RETF G Butler


Deputy Captain

1 August 2005

RETF G I Hobden


Deputy Captain

15 August 2005

These appointments are subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980. The 21 day period for appeal commences from the date of this In Order.

Appointed to Engine Keeper's position

RETF S Laverty


15 August 2005

RETF M Cronin


15 August 2005

These appointments are subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980. The 21 day period for appeal commences from the date of this In Order.


RETF S Czemerys




1 August 2005



RETF W J Russell


15 April 2005


RETF G C Ruttley


28 February 2005

RETF G J Croake


26 May 2005



30 June 2005

RETF D R Tyson

South West Rocks

11 July 2005

RETF E J Fuller


15 July 2005

RETF M R Hedger


17 July 2005

RETF P W Lomman


25 July 2005

RETF O W Worrall


1 August 2005



DCAPT E G Callan


31 July 2005

RETF G W Twomey


6 August 2005


Transferred to Honorary List

RETF G C Ruttley


1 March 2005

RETF G J Croake


27 May 2005

DCAPT E G Callan


1 August 2005


Greg Mullins AFSM
19 August 2005