(29/0906) Report on visit to Port Macquarie
Your Secretary Bruce Johnson and Newcastle Branch Secretary Bob Tait traveled to Port Macquarie by car on Tuesday 12 th September and arrived just as the weather began to change for the better. On the Wednesday the B Platoon members prepared salads and refreshment with a B.B.Q. for 38 retired members and some wives who accompanied them . All who attended remarked that they had enjoyed themselves and are looking forward to a bigger and better attendance next year. I would like to pass on the appreciation of the Association and the Committee to Superintendent Dave Gray and Acting Superintendent Phil Treacy for their help and assistance in organizing the day . A number of retired members were able to continue the camaraderie at the local Bowling Club well into the night. A fond farewell was bid to the town known as Port the next morning by the weary travelers for their return to Newcastle and Sydney .
Bruce Johnson