5 January 2007                    2007/01


Current national security alert level: Medium







POLICIES    ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………      2

Fireworks   ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………      2

Total Fire Ban exemptions under Schedules 4, 9 and 14 ………………………………      4

TRAINING    ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………      6

2007 Station Officers Promotional Program entry results     ………………      6

PERMANENT FIREFIGHTERS NOTICES      ………………………………………………………………………………      7

Vacancies   ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………      7

Operational Media Coordinator, Public Affairs and Communication
Strategy Unit     ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………      7

Deputy Manager Bushfire/Natural Hazards,
Community Fire Units - amendment    ………………………………………………………………………………      8

Promotions  ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………      8

Resignation ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………      10

RETAINED FIREFIGHTERS NOTICES ………………………………………………………………………………………………      10

New members appointed to Brigades   ………………………………………………………………………………      10

Appointed to Engine Keepers’ positions    ………………………………………………………………      10

Transfer    ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………      10

Resignations      ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………      10







This instruction rescinds In Orders 2004/12, Fireworks.

1.    Who issues fireworks licences?


WorkCover NSW is responsible for issuing fireworks licences and authorising displays.  Under Clause 15 of the Explosives Regulation 2005  licences are required for the purchase, possession, and/or use of fireworks for authorised displays.


A register of fireworks displays approved by WorkCover NSW is available on their website.


Fireworks displays may only be held where the applicant can demonstrate a good and sufficient reason, such as organised public displays held by a community or private organisation, or for technical or theatrical purposes.  Private displays at domestic premises are not considered good and sufficient reason.


Local councils may impose conditions on fireworks displays.

2.    Notification of NSWFB


The licence holder must notify the local fire brigade in writing at least two working days before the display of the intention to hold a display and the time and duration of the display.

3.    Risk assessment


When a brigade receives notification that a fireworks display is to be held, the Station Commander should arrange an operational risk assessment of the site.  This assessment would take into account issues such as exposures, vehicular access and available water resources deal with any outbreak of fire.  Any concerns that local crews may have should be directed to the WorkCover Hazardous Activities Hotline on (02) 4321 5499 or the WorkCover Assistance Service on 131 050, and the Duty Commander must be advised.

4.    Total fire bans


The use of fireworks during Total Fire Bans is covered by Schedule 3, Fireworks, of gazetted Total Fire Bans issued under Section 99 of the Rural Fires Act 1997:


SCHEDULE 3 - Fireworks


Fireworks lit and maintained as part of an organised public display, provided that:


(a)   the person in charge of the display ('the responsible person") holds  a current “Display Fireworks Permit - General Permit” or a “Pyrotechnicians Licence” issued by WorkCover NSW;


(b)   the responsible person complies with the requirements of the WorkCover NSW publication “Fireworks Displays (DG 108)”;


(c)   approval to use of the land on which the fireworks display is to be held has been obtained in writing:


(i)   from the local authority for the area in which the land is located, if the land is controlled or managed by a local authority; or


(ii)  in any other case, from the owner or occupier of the land on which site the display will be held;


(d)   all fire, sparks or incandescent or burning material is extinguished at the conclusion of the display and prior to the responsible person leaving the site;


(e)   the display is conducted in a manner, which minimises the likelihood that fire, sparks or burning or incandescent material will impact on the land surrounding the display causing a fire;


(f)   precautions are taken to prevent the escape of fire, sparks or incandescent or burning material from the surrounding area;


(g)   the responsible person must notify, during business hours, not less than forty eight hours prior to the commencement of the fireworks display:


(i)   the NSW Rural Fire Service Zone or District Manager for that District if the place where the display is to be held is within a rural fire district; or


(ii)  the Officer In Charge of the nearest NSW Fire Brigades fire station if the place where the display is to be held is within a fire district


and comply with any direction or additional condition which may be imposed by that Officer, which may include a direction that the fireworks not be lit.


When a brigade receives notification that a fireworks display is to be held during a Total Fire Ban, or during a time when a Total Fire Ban may be issued, the operational risk assessment of the site (see section 3 above) must take the bushfire risk into account.  The Station Commander should liaise with local Rural Fire Service brigades where applicable.


For advice on approving fireworks displays during Total Fire Bans, contact your Duty Commander or the Bushfire/Natural Hazards Section on (02) 9742 7155.


A formal written reply must be provided by the Station Commander to the responsible person.  A template for Total Fire Ban exemption letters, including fireworks, is available in Word.  A standard letter is also available on Station Portal.



A copy of the completed letter must be kept at the station for seven years. Copies must also be faxed for information to:


*     the Rural Fire Service Manager Operations, Policy and Standards on

(02) 8741 5550


*     your NSWFB Communication Centre, and


*     your Duty Commander


An entry must also be made in the CARS system.

5.    Complaints


Community complaints about fireworks should be referred to the Police or WorkCover.

6.    Further information


Further information on fireworks can be found on the WorkCover website at


Contact Officer:  Superintendent Chris Jurgeit, Manager Fire Safety, (02) 9742 7410, or Acting Superintendent Ken Murphy, Acting Manager Bushfire/Natural Hazards, (02) 9742 7348

File Reference:   FSD/POL/127398 and CHO/01357




Total Fire Ban exemptions under Schedules 4, 9 and 14

1.    Background


Under Section 99 of the Rural Fires Act 1997, the Minister for Emergency Services may exempt individuals, companies and authorities from a Total Fire Ban declaration.  The list of scheduled exemptions is given in In Orders 2006/21, Total Fire Bans.


Schedule 4, Religious and sacred ceremonies, Schedule 9, Disposal of diseased animal carcasses, and Schedule 14, Building construction/demolition - urgent and essential, require notification of the local fire service and give the fire service the power to impose directions and conditions on the activity, including a direction that the fire not be lit.


If the activity is in a NSWFB Fire District, the officer in charge of the nearest NSWFB fire station will be notified.


2.    What to do if you receive a notification


If you receive a notification of an activity under Schedules 4, 9 or 14, a formal written reply must be provided by the Station Commander to the responsible person or the person in charge.


The Station Commander must arrange an operational risk assessment of the site or activity.  This assessment would take into account issues such as bushfire risk, exposures, vehicular access and available water resources deal with any outbreak of fire.  The Station Commander should liaise with local Rural Fire Service brigades where applicable.


The reply must specify any direction or additional condition that the NSWFB officer in charge imposes, which may include a direction that the activity must not go ahead.


A template for Total Fire Ban exemption letters, covering all Schedules, is available in Word.  Standard letters for each Schedule are also available on Station Portal.

3.    Notifications


When you issue a letter, copies should be faxed for information to:


*     the Rural Fire Service Manager Operations, Policy and Standards on

(02) 8741 5550


*     your NSWFB Communication Centre, and


*     your Duty Commander.


A copy of the letter should be kept at the station for seven years.  An entry must also be made in CARS.

4.    Further information or advice


For further information or advice, contact your Duty Commander or the Bushfire/Natural Hazards Section on (02) 9742 7155.


Contact Officer:  Acting Superintendent Ken Murphy, Acting Manager Bushfire/Natural Hazards, (02) 9742 7348

File Reference:   CHO/01357






2007 Station Officers Promotional Program entry results


The following candidates have been successful in gaining entry into the next four Station Officers Promotional Programs in 2007.  SOPP No 17 will commence on 2 February 2006 and successful candidates for SOPP Nos 18, 19 and 20 will be advised when course commencement dates are confirmed.


2007 SOPP No 17



6860  Roger Mentha

7681  Roger Whight

7675  Hewon Parry

7480  Simon McIntosh

7666  Andrew Dadley

7687  James Fenech

6582  Leigh Mackintosh

8116  Bruce McIntosh

7456  Stuart Harvey

7592  Daniel Gibson

6507  Terry Driscoll

7090  Rodney Davis

6621  Iain McGuire

7448  Cheryl      Steer

7680  Dale Wade-Ferrell

7534  Paul Creed

7469  Jamie Sewell

6655  Glenn Edwards

7528  Scott Morgan

7859  Matthew Murray

6117  Stephen Shields



2007 SOPP No 18



6263  Quentin Johnson

7566  Kevin O’Reilly

7388  Graeme Tull

7494  Martin Annan

6619  Ian Jameson

7688  Jeremy Fewtrell

6676  Dean Wellfare

6838  John Phillipp

5406  James Barnes

7439  Grant Kenny

7590  Harry Fisher

7522  Stephen Franks

7253  Barry Casey

6327  Edward Melinz

6913  Nicholas Short

6870  Craig Hill

7654  Adrian James

7606  Chris Cusack

7218  Thomas Freedom

7362  Brett Butler



2007 SOPP No 19



7596  Gaven Muller

7366  Phillip Sturges

7489  Kerry Webster

7649  Neil Duncan

7701  Graeme Watson

7678  Ian Straiton

7434  Phillip Eberle

7464  Dennis Nadazdy

7639  Phillip Parker

7445  Ryan Neich

7454  Matthew Fraser

7614  Robert Dickson

6885  James Shackleton

7604  Rodd Bland

5943  Stephen Brown

7293  Bruce Ingersole

7000  Jeff Ryan

7603  Mark Beachcroft

7583  Craig Bennett

7404  Julian La Rosa




2007 SOPP No 20



7693  Harald Nasko

7496  Adam Turnor-Browne

7676  Grant Rice

6402  Mark Roxby

7540  Andrew Leddy

7179  David Steiger

7554  Kathryn Barnes

7584  John Bolwell

5706  Phillip Cox

7387  Alan Robertson

7435  Peter Eastment

7611  Mark Johnson

7347  John Roach

7432  Gregory Bathurst

6891  Gary Barton

7032  Rodney McDonald

6246  Rick Shires

7637  Jason Murphy

7350  Jeffrey Hogan

7092  Mark Black



Contact Officer:  Acting Superintendent Geoff Richmond, Acting Manager Professional Development Unit, (02) 9318 4331

File Reference:   CHO/04492





Operational Media Coordinator, Public Affairs and Communication Strategy Unit


Applications are invited from operational personnel for the position of Operational Media Coordinator, Public Affairs and Communication Strategy Unit, Strategy and Planning Division, Operational Support Level 4, at Head Office.


An information package should be obtained before submitting an application.  Applications must address all the selection criteria.


Inquiries:  Kate Dennis, Assistant Director Public Affairs, (02) 9265 2804


Information packages:   Kate Dennis, Assistant Director Public Affairs, (02) 9265 2804,


Applications to:  Assistant Director Public Affairs, PACSU, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232


Closing date:     16 February 2007


File reference:   CHO/08998



Deputy Manager Bushfire/Natural Hazards, Community Fire Units - amendment


Please note that the contact details for inquiries for the above position which was advertised in In Orders 2006/28 have be amended as follows:


Inquiries:  Acting Chief Superintendent John Denny, Acting Assistant Director Specialised Operations (02) 9318 4872


All other details remain the same.


File reference:   CHO/03132




Station Officer Level 2 to Inspector      5 January 2007


5948  T Morrison

6696  A Cozens


Senior Firefighter to Leading Firefighter 16 November 2006


6860  R Mentha

7681  R Whight

7675  H Parry

7480  S McIntosh

7666  A Dadley

7687  J Fenech

6582  L Mackintosh

8116  B McIntosh

7456  S Harvey

7592  D Gibson

6507  T Driscoll

7090  R Davis

6621  I McGuire

7448  C Steer

7680  D Wade-Ferrell

7534  P Creed

7469  J Sewell

6655  G Edwards

7528  S Morgan

7859  M Murray

6117  S Shields

6263  Q Johnson

7566  K O’Reilly

7388  G Tull

7494  M Annan

6619  I Jameson

7688  J Fewtrell

6676  D Wellfare

6838  J Phillipp

5406  J Barnes

7439  G Kenny

7590  H Fisher

7522  S Franks

7253  B Casey

6327  E Melinz

6913  N Short

6870  C Hill

7654  A James

7606  C Cusack

7218  T Freedom

7362  B Butler

7596  G Muller

7366  P Sturges

7489  K Webster

7649  N Duncan

7701  G Watson

7678  I Straiton

7434  P Eberle

7464  D Nadazdy

7639  P Parker

7445  R Neich

7454  M Fraser

7614  R Dickson

6885  J Shackleton

7604  R Bland

5943  S Brown

7293  B Ingersole

7000  J Ryan

7603  M Beachcroft

7583  C Bennett

7404  J La Rosa

7693  H Nasko

7496  A Turnor-Browne

7676  G Rice

6402  M Roxby

7540  A Leddy

7179  D Steiger

7554  K Barnes

7584  J Bolwell

5706  P Cox

7387  A Robertson

7435  P Eastment

7611  M Johnson

7347  J Roach

7432  G Bathurst

6891  G Barton

7032  R McDonald

6246  R Shires

7637  J Murphy

7350  J Hogan

7092  M Black



Firefighter Level 3 to Qualified Firefighter   


8553  D Morgan          28 November 2006


Firefighter Level 2 to Qualified Firefighter   


8590  N Begley          23 October 2006

8664  J Sanday          28 November 2006

8678  J Townsend        28 November 2006

8589  C Antonievich           6 December 2006




8459  Qualified Firefighter   M England   5 January 2007





New members appointed to Brigades


M Madden    Bangalow    15 December 2006

T Burkhardt Mullumbimby 15 December 2006

P McGeary   Brunswick Heads   15 December 2006


These appointments are subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980.  The 21 day period for appeal commences from the date of this In Order.


Appointed to Engine Keepers’ positions


RETF S Cowan      Unanderra   15 December 2006

RETF A Willis     Maitland    1 January 2007


These appointments are subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980.  The 21 day period for appeal commences from the date of this In Order.




RETF C J Hartmann Walgett     Narrabri    1 January 2007




RETF P Faleako    Minmi 30 September 2006

RETF A E Bourke   Wyoming     3 October 2006

RETF B L Jackson  Toukley     10 October 2006

RETF S Castelli   Toukley     11 October 2006

RETF P Butlin     Toukley     17 October 2006

RETF N A Hobson   Umina 20 October 2006

RETF H M Jackson  Bowraville  7 November 2006

RETF B McLennan   Albury Central    15 November 2006

RETF G Browning   Wagga Wagga 30 November 2006




      Greg Mullins AFSM


      5 January 2007