20 July 2007                         2007/16



Current national security alert level: Medium






Minor fleet establishment 3

Specifications for minor fleet vehicles. 3

Allocation of vehicles. 5

Use of pool cars. 6

Private use of vehicles. 7

Running sheets. 10

Purchase of fuel and oil for minor fleet vehicles. 11

Servicing minor fleet vehicles. 12

Fire, damage to, or theft of NSWFB vehicles. 12

Hiring cars. 13


Hydrant inspections. 14

Procedure for reporting hydrant faults to Sydney Water 16


Senior Firefighters Promotional Program results. 17


Area Command Regional South, Queanbeyan - change of address. 17


Vacancies. 18

Senior Planner, Clerk Grade 11/12. 18

Data Information and Support Officer, Clerk Grade 5/6. 19


Vacancies. 20

International Exchange with the District of North Vancouver Fire and Rescue
     Service. 20

Response Coordinator, Sydney Communication Centre. 20

Station Commander Dubbo. 21

Operator, Katoomba Communication Centre. 21

Instructor Appliance Training. 22

Appointments. 23

Promotions. 23

Resignation. 24

Retirements. 24


New members appointed to Brigades. 25

Appointed to Ranks. 25

Appointed as Engine Keeper 25

Transfer 25

Resignations. 25

Retirement 26

Transferred to Honorary List 26




Minor fleet establishment


This instruction rescinds In Orders 2001/21, Minor fleet establishment.

1         Establishment Register


1.1       The approved vehicle establishment is as shown in the Register maintained by the Fleet Administration Manager.  The Register sets out the approved number of vehicles within the fleet, their type, location, allocation and greenscore.

2         Changes to the establishment


2.1       Changes to overall vehicle numbers can only be approved by the Commissioner.

3.        Ordering and change over of vehicles


3.1       Vehicles are to be changed over in line with the Minor Fleet Replacement Program.


3.2       The Fleet Management Unit will, from information provided on the running sheets, estimate the time required to organise the replacement of a vehicle, and will forward a replacement request to the Assistant Director, Area Commander or Director for approval.


3.3       Replacement vehicle types and equipment installed on vehicles will be as defined in the Minor Fleet Functional Specification and sourced from the NSW State Contract.


Contact Officer:               Peter Fanning, Assistant Director Fleet, (02) 9742 7479

File Reference:                  CHO/02275



Specifications for minor fleet vehicles


This instruction rescinds In Orders 2001/21, Specifications for minor fleet vehicles

1.        Policy


1.1       Models, types and colours for vehicles for both operational and non-operational use are determined by the Fleet Management Unit in line with the Minor Fleet Functional Specification and government policy. Vehicles will only be approved in accordance with these specifications.


1.2       Functional requirements for vehicles such as trucks and buses will be specified at the time of acquisition.


1.3       Auxiliary equipment such as two way radios and mobile telephones must only be fitted by NSWFB electrical contractors in line with NSWFB specifications.


1.4       To facilitate effective fleet management, personal choice in vehicle fittings will not be accommodated before or after delivery, except on the basis of a clear operational or safety need, or to accommodate a disability.


1.5       Deputy Commissioners will consider any deviation from the standard fleet specifications after receiving written advice from the Minor Fleet Committee.

2.        Vehicle fit-out, colours and markings


2.1       All vehicles allocated to operational personnel will be red in colour and fitted with standard permanent NSWFB logos, striping, roof mounted warning lights and siren. These are referred to as operational vehicles.


2.2       Pool cars will not necessarily be red. They will be fitted with concealed sirens, magnetised flashing lights and a dash-mounted strobe light. On the exterior they will have striping and permanent NSWFB logos. These are referred to as pool operational vehicles.


2.3       Service vehicles used by Communications Technicians, Fleet and Properties Area Managers will not necessarily be red. They will be fitted with concealed sirens, magnetised flashing lights and a dash-mounted strobe light. On the exterior they will have permanent NSWFB logos. These are referred to as service vehicles.


2.4       The only exceptions to 2.1 to 2.3 above are:


·        the Commissioner


·        Senior Executive Service personnel with a vehicle on salary sacrifice,


·        managers with a vehicle on salary sacrifice


·        Chief Superintendents, and


·        the Chaplain.


These personnel may elect to use a magnetic roof mounted light and dash mounted strobe, and to select colours other than red, if desired. Chief Superintendents and the Chaplain will have the NSWFB logo permanently fitted beneath their vehicles’ wing mirrors which will then classify their vehicles as marked for Fringe Benefits Tax purposes.


Contact Officer:               Peter Fanning, Assistant Director Fleet, (02) 9742 7479

File Reference:                  CHO/02275




Allocation of vehicles


This instruction rescinds In Orders 2001/21, Allocation of vehicles.

1.        Application


1.1       This policy applies to all employees who are allocated vehicles except those who hold a vehicle as part of a salary package.

2.        Allocation is to positions


2.1       Vehicles are allocated to positions, not individuals, to facilitate effective and efficient discharge of duties.


2.2       If the holder of a position changes, any vehicle allocated to the position remains with the position.

3.        Vehicles must be available


3.1       Vehicles must be available for use for official purposes at all times.


3.2       Vehicles must be available for use when not required by the person allocated the vehicle.


3.3       If an employee is not replaced while on leave, the vehicle must be returned to the workplace location for the duration.


3.4       During an operational emergency, vehicles will be allocated according to operational requirements.  When a vehicle is required for operational use, the employee must relinquish it and, if required, deliver it to a specified location.

4.        Driver’s responsibilities


4.1       The driver is responsible for arranging the vehicle’s servicing, repairs, preservation and road worthiness at all times, and must adhere to all road regulations and instructions.


4.2       In Orders 1998/6, Corporate Penalty Notices for driving offences, applies to all employees allocated NSWFB vehicles.

5.        Responsibility for allocations


5.1       Directors may reallocate vehicles as required within their Directorate to meet operational requirements or work commitments, so long as the reallocation does not increase overall fleet numbers.


5.2       Transfers of vehicles beyond a Directorate must be approved by the relevant Directors.


5.3       Additional vehicles must not be bought or leased without the written approval of the Commissioner as it increases the vehicle establishment.


5.4       Long term car hire (more than one month) must be approved by a Director, in accordance with the policy on Error! Reference source not found. below.

6.        Reporting changes to allocations


6.1       Notification of all changes to fleet details (including changes of location or allocation of vehicles) must be sent to the Fleet Administration Manager and the Senior Finance Officer in writing within seven days.


6.2       The notification must state whether the relocation is permanent or the duration of the transfer so that records may be amended.


Contact Officer:               Peter Fanning, Assistant Director Fleet, (02) 9742 7479

File Reference:                  CHO/02275




Use of pool cars


This instruction rescinds In Orders 2001/21, Use of pool cars.


1.         Pool cars are maintained by the NSWFB as a resource for personnel from specialised units and as a means of providing:


·        replacements for response vehicles when the response vehicles are being repaired or serviced, or during vehicle change over,


·        sufficient vehicles for use by personnel to perform official duties, and


·        additional response vehicles during major emergencies.


2.         Before using a pool car you must consider the use of public transport or Cab Charge as an alternative means of travel. The most cost effective and environmentally friendly means of travel must be chosen where practicable.


3.         You should avoid appointments at the start or end of the working day to minimise the requirements for the overnight use of a pool car.  Other than for the above, pool cars are not to be taken to private residences overnight.


4.         Before booking a pool car you must complete the Motor vehicle request form (available on Station Portal) and have it approved by your supervisor.


5.         If you cannot return a pool car to the pool by the time nominated, you must notify the officer in charge of the pool, or their nominee, providing the reason and the time of return.


6.         Pool cars must be parked in normal NSWFB parking areas at nights and on weekends, unless required to be used in special circumstances, with the approval of a delegate under section 7.2.3 of the Delegations Manual.


7.         During major emergencies and bushfire alerts operational needs have absolute priority for allocation of pool cars.


8.         Requests for short term (more than five days and less than one month) allocation of pool cars should be made through the Fleet Management Unit, with the signed endorsement of your Assistant Director or Area Commander.


9.         Requests for the allocation of pool cars for periods in excess of one month, and requests for further extensions, must be approved by your Director.


10.       If you book a pool car for more than one month, the expenses associated with that car for that period will be debited against your cost centre.


Contact Officer:               Pat Crowe, Fleet Administration Manager, (02) 9742 7411

File Reference:                  CHO/02275




Private use of vehicles


This instruction rescinds in Orders 2001/21, Private use of vehicles.

1         Policy


1.1       NSWFB vehicles are provided for official business.  Employees can only use NSWFB vehicles for private purposes in accordance with this policy.


1.2       Unless an employee has a vehicle on salary sacrifice, vehicles must not be home garaged or used for private purposes during sick, annual or extended leave.


1.3       Unauthorised use of NSWFB vehicles may result in disciplinary action.

2.        Vehicle Fringe Benefits Tax status


2.1              The following table shows the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) classifications of NSWFB vehicles.





Subject to FBT when applied for private use

Subject to FBT when garaged at home

Reportable Fringe Benefit

Marked cars

Permanently visibly marked exterior and is fitted with warning lights and siren/alarm




Un-marked cars

Non-permanent exterior markings (magnetic, removable or no logo) and may be  fitted with warning lights and siren/alarm




Salary packaged cars






2.2      Vehicles exempt from FBT for home to work travel are marked cars as in the description in 2.1 above. NSWFB operational, pool and service vehicles fall under the marked car description.


2.3       The NSWFB is required by law to include on employees’ payment summaries (group certificates) the value of any fringe benefits, including private use of NSWFB unmarked cars, where the total exceeds $2000.


2.4       Vehicles which fit the marked car criteria in 2.1 above and are used in accordance with this policy will be FBT exempt for journeys between work and home or home and work only. Any other private use will incur an FBT liability. As they are marked cars no reportable FBT amount will be shown on employees’ payment summaries (group certificates) for private usage, but FBT will be paid by the NSWFB.

3.         Senior Executive Service and managers with a vehicle on salary sacrifice


3.1       Members of the Senior Executive Service have the option of leasing a vehicle through salary sacrifice. As this is a personal arrangement for which they pay, these employees may use their vehicles for private purposes and are subject to reportable FBT.

4.        Executive Officers


4.1       Executive Officers (Chief Superintendents and Superintendents) work on a flexible basis according to the needs of the NSWFB on any day of the week or at any time of the day.  Because of this requirement, private use and home garaging of vehicles is authorised except when officers are on sick, annual or other extended leave.


4.2       All use, including private use must be recorded on vehicle running sheets. Home to work travel in marked vehicles as described in 2.1 will not incur any FBT liability. Private use of marked and unmarked vehicles outside of home to work travel will incur an FBT liability which will be paid by the NSWFB.


4.3       Unmarked vehicles will incur an FBT liability and a reportable FBT amount for private use as they do not qualify as an emergency service vehicle for taxation purposes.


4.4       All vehicle running sheets must record and distinguish between business and private use to ensure the appropriate amount of FBT can be accurately identified. For unmarked vehicles (see 2.1 above), a reportable FBT amount will be generated and will be shown on employees’ payment summaries (group certificates) where the value of private use exceeds the threshold amount ($2000).

5.        Command and specialist staff on call


5.1       Some officers and specialist staff have access to NSWFB vehicles for official business and are rostered to be available for operational response to perform functions in an Incident Management Team.


5.2       These officers can be authorised by delegates under section 7.2.3 of the Delegations Manual to garage the vehicles at home.  Private use of the vehicle can be authorised but only when their Incident Management Team is rostered on call.


5.3       These officers are not required to home garage a vehicle.  They may choose to garage the vehicle at the workplace if they prefer.


5.4       When on call, these officers must be contactable at all times and available for response.


5.5       Any private use of the vehicle must be recorded on the vehicle’s running sheet. Journeys between work and home or home and work in marked vehicles will be exempt from FBT. Other private use will generate an FBT liability which will be paid by the NSWFB. There will be no reportable FBT amount generated by these marked vehicles.

6.        All other staff


6.1       The Premier’s Department guidelines for the private use of official vehicles apply to all other staff, including staff in specialised positions who are not formally rostered on call.  The guidelines recognise that it is sometimes more efficient for staff to start or finish work at their home than to return to their normal place of work.


6.2       Staff may only be authorised to use NSWFB vehicles for private travel to and from work in the following circumstances:


·        when they are performing duties in the field using a NSWFB vehicle and the time and distance to be travelled renders a return to the workplace unfeasible within normal working hours, or


·        when they will proceed to duties directly from their homes on the following day, at a location away from their normal workplace, and the travel cannot be more economically addressed by Cab Charge, and


·        when home garaging will result in reduced vehicle usage or more effective utilisation of the employee’s time on duty.


6.3              The use of NSWFB vehicles under the provisions of 6.2 must be approved on each occasion by a manager with a delegation under section 7.2.3 of the Delegations Manual.  There must be a genuine service need on each occasion that approval is given.


Note:   staff may not authorise their own private use of vehicles or home garaging.


6.4       Employees are not required to home garage a vehicle, and may leave the vehicle at the workplace if they prefer.


6.5       Private use in this case is restricted to travel between home and the workplace only.  The vehicle must not be used for any other private travel.


6.6       If you have been authorised to home garage a NSWFB vehicle, you must be contactable and available outside normal business hours by pager or telephone in case the vehicle is required for urgent operational use.

7.        Garaging of vehicles


7.1       Employees garaging NSWFB vehicles at their homes are responsible for the vehicle while it is in their care.


Contact Officer:                Peter Fanning, Assistant Director Fleet, (02) 9742 7479

File Reference:                   CHO/02275




Running sheets


This instruction rescinds In Orders 2001/21, Running sheets.


1          It is the responsibility of all individuals using NSWFB vehicles to accurately complete all aspects of vehicle running sheets.


2          It is mandatory to record and code all trips for the purpose of determining the NSWFB’s Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) liability.


3          Vehicle running sheets are subject to audit and it is essential that staff are specific and accurate in completing their entries.  Making a false declaration could result in disciplinary action and cost recovery.


4          The NSWFB’s standard Motor vehicle running sheet, available on Station Portal, meets NSW Government and the Australian Taxation Office requirements. No other running sheets are to be used nor may the standard running sheet be modified.


5          Running sheets must be checked for completeness by a delegate under section 7.2.3 of the Delegations Manual. Checking is to ensure that all necessary details have been completed to ensure compliance with audit requirements.


6          Supervisors should ensure that all running sheets for their area are fully completed and forwarded to Greenacre Finance Branch on a 14 day basis.


7          Employees who have a vehicle on salary sacrifice are to provide a record of their running by arrangement with the NSWFB.


8          Running sheets are to be completed for hired vehicles that are subject to private use.


Contact Officer:               David Hitchen, Finance Manager Greenacre,
(02) 9742 7438

File Reference:                  CHO/02275




Purchase of fuel and oil for minor fleet vehicles


This instruction rescinds In Orders 2001/21, Purchase of fuel and oil for minor fleet vehicles.


1.         Fuel and oil must be purchased with the fuel cards issued by the Fleet Management Unit.


Note:   Petty cash may be used for purchases in emergencies.


2.         Fuel cards have the following limits:


·        no other items can be purchased other than oil and fuel, and


·        fuel cards are only useable for the fuel type appropriate for the vehicle concerned.


3.         The vehicle odometer reading must be provided each time fuel is purchased.


4.         All requests, changes, or requirements for fuel cards must be arranged through the Fleet Administration Manager.


5.         When fuel is purchased on fuel cards, the invoice slip must be recorded on the running sheet. Slips must be attached to running sheets and forwarded to Greenacre Finance on a 14 day basis.  This allows for a reconciliation of the fuel account when necessary.


6.         Preference is to be given to the Government contracted companies when making purchases. The Fleet Management Unit provides advice when the contract changes.


Contact Officer:               Pat Crowe, Fleet Administration Manager, (02) 9742 7411

File Reference:                  CHO/02275




Servicing minor fleet vehicles


This instruction rescinds In Orders 2001/21, Servicing minor fleet vehicles.


1.         The person to whom a minor fleet vehicle has been allocated is responsible for arranging service and maintenance of the vehicle.


2.         Before arranging servicing of a minor fleet vehicle, users must contact the Fleet Management Unit on (02) 9742 7117 to obtain an order number and to ensure that all work is carried out at Government Contract rates.  If repairs to the vehicle are required as a result of the service, the Fleet Management Unit must be contacted for approval to proceed with the repairs and to obtain a further order number.


3.         Vehicles must be serviced at manufacturers’ recommended intervals.


4.         No NSWFB vehicle is to be driven while a defect exists which would render it unsafe or cause further mechanical damage to the vehicle.


Contact Officer:               Pat Crowe, Fleet Administration Manager, (02) 9742 7411

File Reference:                  CHO/02275



Fire, damage to, or theft of NSWFB vehicles


This instruction rescinds In Orders 2001/21, Fire, damage to, or theft of NSWFB vehicles.


1.         In the case of fire, damage to, or theft of a NSWFB vehicle:


·        Notify the nearest Police Station, noting the location, Police Officer’s name, rank and number.


·        Report the circumstances immediately to your direct supervisor.


·        Furnish a detailed report of the circumstances to the Assistant Director Fleet, giving a full description of the damage or stolen items on the insurance claim form.


·        On the insurance claim form show the loss of any personal items resulting from fire or theft.


2.         The NSWFB will not accept liability for loss of damage to private property or personal effects which have been left in vehicles owned by the NSWFB.


3.         All staff are advised to insure private property against loss or damage.


Contact Officer:                Pat Crowe, Fleet Administration Manager, (02) 9742 7411

File Reference                    CHO/02275

Hiring cars


This instruction rescinds In Orders 1999/10, Hiring cars.


This instruction should be read in conjunction with the policies on Error! Reference source not found. and Error! Reference source not found. above.

1.        Policy


Before approving the hire of a car, managers must take into consideration the use of:


·        public transport


·        taxi services


·        airline services


·        pool cars located at Greenacre, Alexandria and Head Office.


The mode of transport chosen should be the most cost effective option. For example if the car would lie idle for more than two hours while, on behalf of the NSWFB, the driver attends a medical appointment, training course or Court proceedings then use of a taxi or public transport would be the preferred option.


Hire cars are unmarked and as such will generate an FBT liability for private use.  A running sheet must be completed where the hire car is subject to private use.

2.        Approval


Delegations for the approval of car hire are given in section 7.1.2 of the Delegations Manual.  All costs associated with car hire must be met by managers from their own budget and cost centre.


All car hire for periods in excess of one month and requests for further extensions must be approved by a Director.

3.        Use of StateFleet


Where possible, cars should be hired from StateFleet, who offer a package including unlimited fuel and kilometres, or any approved hire company.


Contact Officer:               Pat Crowe, Fleet Administration Manager (02) 9742 7411

File reference:                  CHO/02275




Hydrant inspections

This instruction rescinds In Orders 1978/16, Street hydrants, In Orders 1976/21, Fire hydrants inspection (procedure and records), and In Orders 1965/20, Fire hydrant inspections.

1.        Purpose


The purpose of hydrant inspections is to:


·        ensure that hydrants work when needed


·        notify water authorities of problems with hydrants, and


·        familiarise crews with hydrants in their area.

2.        Inspection schedules


Station Commanders should manage hydrant inspection schedules and aim to have all hydrants in their station area inspected once every 12 months. Inspections may be more frequent if necessary.


Duty Commanders should check the adequacy and frequency of hydrant inspections and records during station visits.

2.1      10/14 stations


At stations staffed by permanent firefighters working the 10/14 roster, the station area should be divided into four approximately equal areas and each platoon allocated the responsibility for hydrant inspections in one of these areas.


Each platoon should average one inspection every eight calendar days, inspecting approximately 12 hydrants on each occasion.

2.2      Other stations


At stations with retained or mixed staffing and stations working other than the 10/14 roster, the Station Commander/s should liaise with the Duty Commander to organise inspection schedules.

3.        Inspection procedure


During hydrant inspections the following checks are to be made:


·        The hydrant indicator plate is in reasonable condition and properly placed.


·        The hydrant and cover plate are clear of dirt, grass and other debris.


·        The hydrant appears to be in proper workable condition.


Note:   All staff conducting hydrant inspections must follow Standard Operational Guideline 13.2, .

4.        Fault reporting


Where action by the water authority is required, the relevant reporting procedure for the particular water authority covering your area should be followed.


After a reasonable time, crews should check the condition of hydrants reported faulty.  If faults remain uncorrected, refer the issue to your Duty Commander.


If a major deficiency in the water supply is found report the details immediately through your chain of command to your Zone Commander.

5.        Record keeping


Hydrant record cards should be compiled from the Hydrant Map books and used to manage the inspection process.


Hydrant Inspections should be recorded on and in the Station Register.


Contact Officer:         Station Officer Terry Kirkpatrick, Community Safety Advisor,
(02) 9949 1613

File Reference:           CHO/03564



Procedure for reporting hydrant faults to Sydney Water


When faults are found with Sydney Water hydrants record the details on the Hydrant fault reporting form (Sydney Water) (available on Station Portal), and fax the form to Sydney Water’s Contact Centre Team Leader on (02) 9600 8931.


The fault reporting form requires faults to be given a priority rating. The relevant priority ratings for the NSWFB, 4, 3 and 2, reflect the system used by Sydney Water maintenance crews. Using the guide below, allocate a priority rating to each hydrant fault reported.





Faulty hydrants servicing Class 3 buildings (boarding houses, backpackers, etc); Class 9 buildings (health care, aged care, hospitals educational facilities, etc) and other buildings with a high life risk.  Also, faulty hydrants serving a required booster fitting.


 Two or more faulty hydrants located close together compromising effective hydrant coverage.  Also, faulty hydrants in cul-de-sacs or serving properties on the urban/bushland interface


A single faulty hydrant where the surrounding hydrants are available for firefighting


On receipt of the faxed form Sydney Water will allocate a job reference number to each fault and:


·        forward the details to a maintenance crew for action, and


·        fax the form back to the reporting station within 48 hours with the addition of the job reference number.


The reporting station should check the condition of hydrants reported faulty after a reasonable time. The progress of hydrant repairs can be checked by telephoning Sydney Water on 132 090 and referring to the appropriate Job Reference Number.


If the fault has not been corrected refer the issue to your Duty Commander.


Contact Officer:         Station Officer Terry Kirkpatrick, Community Safety Advisor,
(02) 9949 1613

File Reference:           CHO/03564





Senior Firefighters Promotional Program results


The following Firefighters have completed all the prerequisite modules and achieved competency in Level 2 Incident Control Systems.  They will be promoted to the rank of Senior Firefighter as follows:


Name                                          Date of promotion


7640       P Pedley                                            30 June 2006

7960       C Atherden                                      30 June 2006

8067       S Johanson                                      30 June 2006

8300       D Ball                                                17 May 2008

8334       A Borland                                         31 May 2008

8428       M Feledy                                          24 January 2009




The Senior Firefighters Promotional Program result for 7995 R Staggs in In Orders 2006/4 should have read:


7995       R Staggs                                             6 October 2005


Contact Officers:              Larry Denyer or Chris O’Keefe, SFPP Coordinators,
(02) 9318 4852 or (02) 9318 4307



Area Command Regional South, Queanbeyan - change of address


The Area Command Regional South office relocated from Batemans Bay to its new premises in Queanbeyan on Monday 9 July 2007. The new address details are as follows:


Address:            Area Command Regional South

                         NSW Fire Brigades

                         Suite 1/30 Lowe Street

                         Queanbeyan  NSW  2620


Telephone:         (02) 6284 2150

Firenet:              5917

Facsimile:          (02) 6297 7096


Note:  The Zone Command Regional South 1 remains at Batemans Bay.


Contact Officer:        Chief Superintendent Michael Ryan, Area Commander Regional South, (02) 6284 2150

File Reference:           NFB/00393




Senior Planner, Clerk Grade 11/12


Position No: 871150. Clerk Grade 11/12, Head Office, Permanent full–time. Total remuneration package valued to $116,886 pa including salary ($91,589 - $105,923), employer’s contribution to superannuation and leave loading.


Duties:  This position consults, negotiates and influences strategic planning matters on behalf of the NSWFB with other departments and levels of government, developers and stakeholders.


Selection criteria: Degree qualification in a relevant discipline or extensive equivalent experience.  Extensive experience in the use of geographical information systems.  Extensive experience in managing a multi-disciplinary project team and proven ability to provide high standard leadership and guidance to project team members through sound project management. Demonstrated high level understanding of the NSW planning system, and extensive experience and proven skills in the application of this system to achieve desired strategic service delivery outcomes, preferably in an emergency service context.  Superior written and oral communication skills, including high level conflict resolution and negotiation skills and extensive experience in successful community consultation, stakeholder liaison and autonomous advocacy. Demonstrated capacity to operate within a hierarchical environment, make sound decisions and deliver results on time and within budget, and to develop new and innovative approaches to working within a team.  Common selection criteria also apply.


Inquiries:                           Nick Nicolopoulos (02) 9265 2994,


Information packages:     Vicky Ballantyne, (02) 9265 2928,


Applications to:                Recruitment Officer, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232, or online at  Electronic applications must be MS Word compatible


Closing date:                    27 July 2007



Data Information and Support Officer, Clerk Grade 5/6


Pos No: 809021.  Clerk Grade 5/6, Alexandria, Temporary full-time (period up to 12 months). Total remuneration package valued to $74,428 pa including salary ($61,128 - $67,448), employer’s contribution to superannuation and leave loading.


Duties:  Verify, enter and update information into the NSW Fire Brigades Computer Aided Dispatch System to provide accurate, up to date and complete information for the use in responding to and managing emergencies.


Selection criteria:  Demonstrated skills and experience in using a GIS based system.  Knowledge and experience in data collection processes and an understanding of manipulation of data to produce reports and problem resolution.  Knowledge and experience in data reporting systems.  Knowledge of spatial information systems and applications.  The ability to attain full understanding of Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and legacy systems.  Strong customer service commitment and organisational skills.  Well developed oral and written communication skills.  Common selection criteria also apply.


Inquiries:                          Station Officer Graham Tait, (02) 9318 4350,


Information packages:   Station Officer Graham Tait, (02) 9318 4350,


Applications to:                Recruitment Officer, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232, or online at Electronic applications must be MS Word compatible.


Closing date:                   3 August 2007





International Exchange with the District of North Vancouver Fire and Rescue Service


Applications are called from Permanent Firefighters between the ranks of Qualified Firefighter and Leading Firefighter interested in a 12 month international exchange with the District of North Vancouver Fire and Rescue Service, in Vancouver, Canada.


Information on the NSWFB Exchange Program can be found under the Frequently Requested heading on the Intranet or from Joanna Hollands in Operational Personnel on (02) 9265 2875.


Applications should comprise a covering letter, a statement addressing the selection criteria and a resume.


Arrangements for all visas, travel costs and accommodation are the responsibility of the participant in the exchange.


Inquiries:                           A/Superintendent Peter Levett, A/Manager Operational Personnel


Applications to:                 Manager Operational Personnel, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232


Closing date:                     31 August 2007


File reference:                   CHO/00889


Response Coordinator, Sydney Communication Centre


Applications are invited from operational personnel holding the rank of Inspector for Response Coordinator position/s that are or may become available in the Sydney Communication Centre.


The appointment will be for a minimum period of two years.  Appointment will involve an interview by a selection panel, and successful completion of a training course by the selected applicant.


This position attracts an allowance of $340.16 per fortnight which is superable.


The Response Coordinator is responsible for overseeing the day to day operations of the New South Wales Fire Brigades’ four Communication Centres on a state-wide basis.  The position is directly responsible to Manager Operational Communication Centres.


Inquiries:                           Response Coordinator A, B, C or D, (02) 9318 4354


Information packages:     Amy Piddington, (02) 9318 4811


Applications to:                 Manager Operational Personnel, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232


Closing date:                     31 August 2007


File reference:                   CHO/01862



Station Commander Dubbo


Applications are invited from officers holding the rank of Station Officer for the position of Station Commander, 280 Station Dubbo, working the 10/14 roster.


An information package should be obtained before submitting an application. Applications must address all the selection criteria.


The successful applicant may apply for the conditions in Clause 29 of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005. Contact the Manager Operational Personnel for enquiries on Award conditions and any entitlement.


Inquiries:                            Superintendent David Felton, Zone Commander Regional West 1, (02) 6882 9688


Information packages:      Zone Administration Officer, (02) 6882 9688


Applications to:                 Manager Operational Personnel, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232


Closing date:                     31 August 2007


File reference:                   WST/00280F


Operator, Katoomba Communication Centre


In accordance with Clauses 28A.6.1.1 and 28A.6.1.2 of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005 applications are invited from Firefighters holding the rank of Qualified Firefighter or Senior Firefighter for Operator positions that are or may become available in the Katoomba Communication Centre.


(Staff applying under Clause 28A.6.1.1 will be afforded priority over staff applying under Clause 28A.6.1.2).


The appointment will be for a minimum of two years.


The position attracts an allowance of $269.06 per fortnight which is superable.


Appointment will involve an interview by a selection panel, and successful completion of a training course by the selected applicant.  The information package must be obtained before submitting an application.  The application form included in the information pack is to be completed in full.


Inquiries:                           Response Coordinator A, B, C or D, (02) 9318 4354


Information packages:     Amy Piddington, (02) 9318 4811


Applications to:                Manager Operational Personnel, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232


Closing date:                    31 August 2007


File reference:                  CHO/01558


Instructor Appliance Training


Applications are invited from operational personnel for the position of Instructor Appliance Training, Operational Support Level 2, at Alexandria.


An information package should be obtained before submitting an application.  Applications must address all the selection criteria.


Inquiries:                           Station Officer Leo McCrory, A/Manager Appliance Training,
(02) 9318 4356


Information packages:     Linda Shuttleworth, (02) 9318 4351


Applications to:                Manager Operational Personnel, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232


Closing date:                    31 August 2007


File reference:                  CHO/07324






The following appointment is subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980.  In some cases the maximum salary of the position may exceed the limit under which an appeal may be made to GREAT.  The 21 day period for appeal commences on the date of this In Order.















Date of Decision



Supervisor, Wollongong Communication Centre


T Brassel

13 July 2007




Recruit Firefighters


The following Recruit Firefighters were appointed to the NSW Fire Brigades on 6 July 2007:


9215            G Jones

9216            A Gough

9217            D Williams

9218            B Buckingham

9219            A Young

9220            A Boyle

9221            R Sullivan

9222            R Bailey

9223            A Bird

9224            M Kennedy

9225            J Kelly

9226            R Lawton

9227            P Broomfield

9228            B Agland

9229            S Kokkin

9230            P Taylor

9231            G Scott

9232            B Bevitt

9233            R Toms

9234            S Adams



Leading Firefighter to Station Officer Level 1




The promotion of 6370 C Hill from Leading Firefighter to Station Officer Level 1 In Orders 2007/15 should have read:


6870    C Hill                                                                                                             28 June 2007


Senior Firefighter to Leading Firefighter                                                                                    


6943    D Lesslie                                                                                                         5 July 2007


Firefighter Level 3 to Qualified Firefighter


8372    D Coyne                                                                                                         22 June 2007


Firefighter Level 2 to Qualified Firefighter                                                                 9 July 2007


8709    T Archer

8711    N Trute

8712    S Pearson

8714    D Simonian

8715    B Kruger

8717    T Kelleher

8719    C Ellis

8720    G Thompson

8722    A Whitton

8723    T Cherry

8724    S Simmonds

8725    S Lambert

8726    B Rossiter

8727    T McRae

8728    A Batt

8729    C Giitsidis

Firefighter Level 1 to Level 2                                                                                  24 June 2007


8855    K Ingle

8882    C Vaughan

8883    M Dennis

8889    T Woods


Recruit Firefighter to Firefighter Level 1                                                                  19 July 2007


9194    C Jans

9195    D Pye

9197    J Sheehy

9198    S Walker

9199    P Abrahams

9200    D Skybinsky

9201    G Fuller-Gooley

9202    P Worrad

9203    D McKenna

9204    T Buckland-Kerr

9205    C Gilpin

9206    G Little

9207    D Lea

9208    J Barbuto

9209    C Dean

9210    M Green

9211    M Bell

9212    D Koster

9213    D Marchant

9214    R Webster




6181    Inspector                           G Lockhart                                                             12 July 2007




5302    Station Officer               M Naylor                                                                      5 July 2007

3800    Station Officer               R Somerville                                                                 6 July 2007

4947    Senior Firefighter           R Boyle                                                                        6 July 2007

7377    Station Officer               J Parsons                                                                     6 July 2007

4104    Senior Firefighter           D Woolaston                                                               18 July 2007

5656    Station Officer               J Stapylton                                                                 18 July 2007

4536    Inspector                      J Spencer                                                                   19 July 2007

5541    Senior Firefighter           P Baggs                                                                     19 July 2007





New members appointed to Brigades


C Binkins                          Kiama                             1 July 2007

N Mays                            Rhodes                           1 July 2007

D Walsham                       Teralba                            1 July 2007

T Bentick                          West Wyalong                 1 July 2007

S Young                           Holbrook                          1 July 2007

J Papalia                          Moss Vale                       1 July 2007

S Steiner                          Moruya                            1 July 2007

T Preston                         Walgett                          15 July 2007

D White                            Walgett                          15 July 2007

D Brauer                           Tenterfield                     15 July 2007

T Hamilton                        Minmi                            15 July 2007




The appointment of K Flamme in In Orders 2007/15 should have read:


M Flamme                        Helensburgh                    1 July 2007


Appointed to Ranks


RetF K Sawczynski           Goonellabah                      Captain                            1 March 2007

RetF P Kirkby                   Eden                                 Deputy Captain               10 July 2007

RetF P Dennis                  Trangie                             Deputy Captain               15 July 2007

RetF J Towe                     Warren                              Deputy Captain               15 July 2007

DCapt P Kirkwood             Belmont                            Captain                          15 July 2007


These appointments are subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980.  The 21 day period for appeal commences from the date of this In Order.


Appointed as Engine Keeper


RetF T Edlington               Campbelltown                  1 July 2007


This appointment is subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980.  The 21 day period for appeal commences from the date of this In Order.




RetF M Jackson                Lake Cargelligo       to        Dorrigo                           15 July 2007




RetF M Fishbourne            Ingleburn                        25 April 2007

RetF J Evans                    Braidwood                      26 April 2007

RetF M Newton                 Tamworth                      30 April 2007

RetF M Kaltenbachker       Gilgandra                         6 May 2007

RetF D Kirkland                 Lithgow                          31 May 2007

RetF S Tebbens                Brunswick Heads             1 June 2007

RetF C Radford                 Broken Hill                       5 June 2007

RetF D Knight                   Delroy                           15 June 2007

RetF B Agland                  New Lambton                   5 July 2007






The retirement of RetF M Pantlin in In Orders 2007/15 should have read:


Capt M Pantlin                  Terrigal                          24 February 2007


Transferred to Honorary List




The transfer to honorary list of RetF M Pantlin in In Orders 2007/15 should have read:


Capt M Pantlin                  Terrigal                          25 February 2007









                                                                                                       Greg Mullins AFSM


                                                                                                       20 July 2007