14 September 2007             2007/20


Current national security alert level: Medium






External development programs policy. 2

Applications for 2008 Emergency Management Australia funded programs. 3

Arrangements for progression from Qualified Firefighter to Senior Firefighter 5

New arrangements for applying for promotion from Qualified Firefighter to Senior Firefighter 7

Senior Firefighters Promotional Program 2007. 7

Senior Firefighters Promotional Program results - correction. 9


Uniform change over to summer dress. 9


Vacancies. 10

Operations Manager Rural, Clerk 9/10. 10

Storage Systems Administrator, Clerk 7/8. 10

Building Access and Management Support Coordinator, Clerk 5/6. 11

Fleet Administration Officer Systems, Clerk 5/6. 12

Technical Editor/Writer, Technical Officer I/II, Engineering Services. 13

Appointments. 14


Long service leave ballot applications 2008/09. 15

Vacancy. 16

Canine Handler, Fire Investigation and Research Unit 16

Appointments. 16

Promotions. 17

Resignation. 17

Retirements. 17


New members appointed to Brigades. 18

Relinquishment of Rank. 18

Appointed to Ranks. 18

Appointed as Engine Keepers. 18

Transfers. 18

Termination. 19

Resignations. 19

Retirements. 19

Transferred to Honorary List 19


External development programs policy

1.        Purpose and scope


This policy is specific to NSW Fire Brigades personnel applying for development programs and courses offered by external agencies and organisations as advertised in In Orders.


It outlines the application process for all NSW Fire Brigades staff responding to advertisements calling for nominations to attend external development programs (EDPs) that are conducted by external organisations.

2.        Advertisement of external development programs


The Professional Development Unit (PDU) will use In Orders to provide details of external development programs, including the date of application, as they become available.  Programs that are made available to the NSWFB on short notice may be advertised by expression of interest via email.


The schedule for programs will vary from year to year, depending on availability of programs and funding.

3.        Applications


Applicants are required to follow the application and selection procedure available on the PDU Intranet site.

4.        Selection for programs that are funded by an external agency


A selection panel will evaluate applications to select suitable nominees.  The selection panel is convened by the Assistant Director Learning and Development, and comprises the Director Regional Operations or nominated representative and an equivalent administrative representative.  The panel will determine the relative merit of applicants based on the criteria listed in the application and selection procedure, available on the PDU Intranet site.


Applicants will be advised in writing of the outcome of this process.


The NSWFB will forward selected nominations to the external agency funding the program.  This agency will then conduct their own selection process to select the EDP participants.

5.        Selection for NSWFB funded programs


A selection panel will evaluate applications to select EDP participants.  The selection panel is convened by the Assistant Director Learning and Development, and comprises the Director Regional Operations or nominated representative and an equivalent administrative representative.  The panel will determine the relative merit of applicants based on the criteria listed in the application and selection procedure, available on the PDU Intranet site.


Applicants will be advised in writing of the outcome of this process.

6.        Enrolment


Successful applicants will be required to follow the external organisation’s enrolment requirements.

7.        Reporting


On completion, participants are required to present a report on the program outcomes and on how their learning can be implemented in NSWFB.


Participants must provide their reports to their Director.  Participants may also be required to deliver a presentation to the Corporate Executive Group, or another appropriate meeting.  This will inform senior management of any innovations that may improve NSWFB operations or the delivery of services.


Contact Officer:          Superintendent Gray Parkes, Manager Professional Development Unit, (02) 9318 4331

File Reference:            NFB/00223



Applications for 2008 Emergency Management Australia funded programs


The NSWFB is inviting applications from NSW personnel to participate in 2008 Emergency Management Australia funded courses.


Two courses are available:


PUA60104 Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Emergency Management)


Graduate Certificate in Emergency Management


PUA60104 Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Emergency Management)


As part of the learning and assessment strategies for this program, candidates are required to have completed:


Introduction to Emergency Risk Management and


Introduction to Emergency Management


Nominations will not be accepted without having completed these two pre-requisites.


The NSW State Emergency Management Committee is the nominating authority for this course and has been allocated five places across all emergency service agencies.


The closing date for NSWFB nominations is 24 September 2007.


Please refer to the Error! Reference source not found. above for the application procedure.  This policy can also be found on the Intranet.  The Application form and Application and selection procedures for external development programs are also available on the PDU website under PD Programs.


Further information and the Advanced Diploma nomination form can be found on the Emergency Management Australia website under Education and Training.

Graduate Certificate in Emergency Management


The NSW State Emergency Management Committee is the nominating authority for this course and is able to nominate nine people across all NSW emergency service agencies.  These nine people will then be selected by the University delivering the course.


Entry requirements for the Graduate Certificate are Bachelor Degree, an Advanced Diploma or alternatively have extensive comparable vocational practice.


The closing date for NSWFB nominations is 28 September 2007.


Please refer to the Error! Reference source not found. above for the application procedure.  This policy can also be found on the Intranet.  The Application form and Application and selection procedures for External Development Programs are also available on the PDU website under PD Programs.


Further information and the Graduate Certificate nomination form can be found on the Emergency Management Australia website under Education and Training,


Send applications marked CONFIDENTIAL to:


Manager Professional Development Unit

NSW Fire Brigades

State Training College

PO Box 559



Contact Officer:          Superintendent Gray Parkes, Manager Professional Development Unit, Unit, (02) 9318 4331

File Reference:           CHO/04152


Arrangements for progression from Qualified Firefighter to Senior Firefighter


This instruction rescinds In Orders 2007/3, Arrangements for progression from Qualified Firefighter to Senior Firefighter.

1.        Introduction


The provisions for progression from Qualified Firefighter to Senior Firefighter are outlined in subclause 13.7 of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005.  Progression is subject to a minimum of 72 months service from the date of commencement as a Recruit Firefighter and to the satisfactory completion of the specified training competencies (the Senior Firefighters Promotional Program)

2.        The Senior Firefighters Promotional Program


The Senior Firefighters Promotional Program consists of subjects delivered by both OTEN and the NSWFB.

2.1      Subjects delivered by OTEN


The following subjects from the 2007 32000 Program of Selected Study are delivered by OTEN:


7917A     Occupational Health and Safety

7917R     Workplace Trainer Category A

8979N    Public Speaking

8979S     Dealing with Conflict

7917G     Leadership

7917B     Supervising Teams

8979L     Meetings


If you are considering progression to the rank of Station Officer, it is recommended that you should enrol in and complete the subject 7917D Building fire safety 1 from the 2007 32000 Program of Selected Study.

2.2      Subjects delivered by the NSWFB


·        Incident Control System


·        Incident Ground Mathematics. This focuses on practical mathematics and hydraulics and covers length, area, volume and mass, pressure and head, velocity, capacities of tanks, and discharge of hose and nozzles.  Examples will be sent to all candidates and a short test will be held in conjunction with the Incident Control System course.

3.         Eligibility to attend the NSWFB component of the Senior Firefighters Promotional Program


All Qualified Firefighters are eligible to apply to OTEN to enrol in the subjects listed at 2.1 above for progression to Senior Firefighter.  Qualified Firefighters who complete the necessary OTEN subjects will then be eligible to apply to attend and complete the remainder of the Senior Firefighters Promotional Program (see 2.2 Subjects delivered by NSWFB).

OTEN requirements as per 2.1 above must be entered in Quad by your Workplace Assessor before you attend the NSWFB component of the SFPP. The process is as follows:

·        Write a memorandum stating the following:

The date

This In Order number as a reference

Your full name and service number

·        Attach a copy of your OTEN Transcript of Academic Record showing completion of the pre-requisite subjects listed under 2.1 above. This copy must be stamped and signed by a NSWFB Officer and endorsed with the statement: “This is a true copy of the original document which I have sighted.”

·        Send the two documents to:

Workplace Assessors

Operational Training

NSW Fire Brigades

PO Box H4

Harris Park  NSW  2150

4.        OTEN enrolments and payment of fees


All Qualified Firefighters can apply to OTEN to enrol in the OTEN subjects for progression to Senior Firefighter.


The NSW Fire Brigades will pay OTEN fees up front for all subjects for a period not exceeding 24 months from the date of enrolment.  Those firefighters who are unsuccessful or do not complete the program of study within the 24 month period, from date of enrolment, will be required to reimburse all OTEN fees to the NSW Fire Brigades.


To enrol in this program firefighters should contact the OTEN Firefighting Section on (02) 9715 8451 and quote 2007 Senior Firefighter Course.


Contact Officer:         Superintendent Gray Parkes, Manager Professional Development Unit, (02) 9318 4331

File Reference:          CHO/01918


New arrangements for applying for promotion from Qualified Firefighter to Senior Firefighter


A new Application for promotion to Senior Firefighter form has been created to meet the specific needs of Qualified Firefighters seeking promotion to Senior Firefighter.


This form can be accessed via the intranet by clicking on State Training College > PDU > Promotional Programs and scrolling down to click on the link to the Application for promotion form.


All Qualified Firefighters seeking promotion to the rank of Senior Firefighter are now required to use this form once they have completed ICS Level 2.  The form should be completed at least six weeks before the due date for promotion, or immediately if the applicant’s promotion date has passed.


Instructions for using the Application for promotion to Senior Firefighter form appear on the form itself.


Contact Officer:       Larry Denyer, David Simms, Professional Development Unit,
(02) 9318 4852 or (02) 9318 4315

File reference:          CHO/01918



Senior Firefighters Promotional Program 2007


Applications are invited from Qualified Firefighters for the Senior Firefighters Promotional Program (SFPP) to progress to the rank of Senior Firefighter.


Qualified Firefighters need to have satisfactorily completed the following subjects before applying for the SFPP:


7917A     Occupational health and safety

7917B     Supervising teams

7917G     Leadership

7917R     Workplace trainer category A

8979L     Meetings

8979N    Public speaking

8979S     Dealing with conflict


During the SFPP firefighters will be trained and assessed in Incident Control Systems Level 2 (ICSL2), and will also complete an assessment in the NSWFB-specific subject Incident Ground Mathematics.


A letter of acknowledgement will be sent on receipt of your application.  Pre-course resources and information for all participants will be forwarded six weeks prior to ICS Level 2 course commencement. Pre-course requirements will need to be completed prior to entry on the SFPP.


Applications must be in report form and include:


·        Email address


·        Current residential address and contact phone number


·        Annual Leave group


·        Recruit commencement date and class number


·        Date of promotion to Qualified Firefighter and In Order number


·        Copy of your OTEN Transcript of Academic Record showing completion of the pre-requisite subjects listed above. The copy must be stamped and signed by a NSWFB officer at the rank of Station Officer or above and endorsed with the statement: “This is a true copy of the original document which I have sighted.”


Note:   To ensure that all completed subjects are recorded on the transcript it is essential that all assessment items for all subjects (assignments, tests, practical results and RPL applications) are received at OTEN at least six weeks prior to submitting your application for the ICSL2 course. Transcripts are sent to all enrolled students at the end of the calendar year. Transcripts may also be obtained from any TAFE NSW college upon request, except in November and December. Enrolled firefighters should check on the TAFE NSW Student e-Services website that all completed subjects are recorded, before asking for a transcript.


·        Copy of Confirmation of Enrolment letter from TAFE NSW. Only firefighters who are covered by In Orders 2006/17 and who are eligible to have their promotion date recognised as 30 June 2006 must submit their Confirmation of Enrolment letter. The copy must be stamped and signed by a NSWFB officer at the rank of Station Officer or above and endorsed with the statement: “This is a true copy of the original document which I have sighted.” Firefighters covered by In Orders 2006/17 who no longer have their Confirmation of Enrolment letter may contact the Firefighting section at OTEN to request a letter stating their date of enrolment.


Applications must be forwarded to:


Professional Development Unit

State Training College

NSW Fire Brigades

PO Box 559



The Professional Development Unit will acknowledge receipt of your application within fourteen days.


Contact Officer:       Larry Denyer, David Simms, Professional Development Unit,
(02) 9318 4852 or (02) 9318 4315

File reference:          CHO/01918

Senior Firefighters Promotional Program results - correction


The Senior Firefighters Promotional Program results for 7290 M Medlin in In Orders 2005/6 should have read:


7290       M Medlin                   10 November 2004


The Senior Firefighters Promotional Program results for the following Qualified Firefighters in In Orders 2007/7 should have read:


6417       J McManus                30 June 2006

7977       R Southwell                30 June 2006

7997       M Thomas                  30 June 2006


Contact Officer:       Larry Denyer, David Simms, Professional Development Unit,
(02) 9318 4852 or (02) 9318 4315

File reference:          CHO/01918





Uniform change over to summer dress


The change from Winter to Summer uniform will occur at 0800 hours, Monday, 1 October 2007.


Contact Officer:      Acting Superintendent Malcolm Connellan, Acting Professional Standards and Conduct Officer, (02) 9265 2826

File Reference:         CHO/01092






Operations Manager Rural, Clerk 9/10


Position No: 932020. Clerk 9/10, Fleet Management Unit, Greenacre.  Permanent full-time.  Total remuneration package valued to $96,294 pa including salary ($79,188 - $87,263), employer’s contribution to superannuation and leave loading.


Duties: Schedule, direct and organise the maintenance and repair of NSW Fire Brigades appliances and equipment, to ensure their optimum availability and effectiveness.


Selection criteria: Manage Greenacre Workshop productivity and quality control of the appliances to ensure all maintenance, servicing and program requirements are on time and within budget limits.  Manage the GSA RTA heavy vehicle inspection process as the Proprietor for the Greenacre HVAIS.  Experience in project management related to major repairs and refurbishment for all vehicles.  Demonstrated communication and liaison ability with contractors and internal stakeholder on progress of jobs within Greenacre Workshops, ensuring critical path programs are complied with.  Experience managing databases and systems, related to the capture of vehicle repair history, preventive maintenance and RTA inspections as well as high level report writing.  Manage the recruitment, training and staff development for staff attached to the Greenacre Workshops including the preparation of work rosters.  Demonstrated experience in conducting and developing skills associated with OHS workplace risk assessments, audits and accident investigations to minimise workplace injury.  Common selection criteria also apply.


Inquiries:                               Peter Fanning, (02) 9742 7479,


Information packages:         May Levy, (02) 9742 7455,


Applications to:                    HR and Administration Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, Locked Bag 13, Greenacre  NSW  2190, or online at  Electronic applications must be MS Word compatible.


Closing date:                        21 September 2007


Storage Systems Administrator, Clerk 7/8


Position No: 724050.  Clerk, Grade 7/8, Information Technology Directorate, Sydney, Permanent.  Total remuneration package valued to $84,855 pa including salary ($69,468 - $76,896), employer’s contribution to superannuation and annual leave loading.


Duties: The Storage Systems Administrator supports the NSW Fire Brigades by ensuring availability and performance of server hardware and storage solutions by providing technical support and expertise to plan, build, deploy and maintain storage area networks, virtual machines, infrastructure backup and recovery solutions and network printing systems.


Selection criteria: Experience in developing and implementing server virtualisation.  Experience in administering multi vendor storage architecture networks.  Experience in implementing and maintaining network operating systems for monitoring, reporting and alerting purposes.  Experience in the design of multifunctional network printing.  Working knowledge of operating systems such as Microsoft, Novell, Linux and OpenVMS.  Experience in the use of the Computer Associates Brightstore / Arcserve products.  Strong written and oral communication skills.  Ability to work independently and in a team environment.  Possession of a current NSW Drivers License.  Relevant tertiary qualifications and or equivalent experience.  Common selection criteria also apply.


Inquiries:                               Malcolm Thompson, (02) 9265 2856


Information packages:          Deanne Van Der Myle, (02) 9265 2644


Applications to:                    HR and Administration Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, Locked Bag 13, Greenacre  NSW  2190, or online at  Electronic applications must be MS Word compatible.


Closing date:                        28 September 2007


Building Access and Management Support Coordinator, Clerk 5/6


Position No: 905040.  Clerk Grade 5/6, Building Access and Management Support Coordinator, Property Services, Logistics Support, Greenacre.  Permanent fulltime.  Total remuneration package valued to $74,428 including salary ($61,128 - $67,448), employer’s contribution to superannuation and leave loading.


Duties: Manage the NSW Fire Brigades (NSWFB) state-wide Electronic Access and Security Master Key (hard key) Systems ensuring integrity and security of these systems.  Provide comprehensive, confidential, executive support and administrative services.


Selection Criteria: Knowledge and understanding of construction/building practice and terminology, with experience and ability to administer building access security systems for a large organisation.  Demonstrated experience in a Property related field together with proven ability assisting in the management of allocated projects, contributing to multi-disciplined teams.  Demonstrated ability to exercise sound judgement and exercise initiative, including well developed organisational skills delivering effective quality client services.  Demonstrated interpersonal and communication skills of an exemplary level, addressing matters with tact and diplomacy, liaising effectively across a decentralised organisation.  Creative analytical and problem solving skills, and a demonstrated ability to analyse complex issues and formulate and coordinate responses, utilising initiative and judgement.  Demonstrated experience undertaking detailed work with a high degree of accuracy, ensuring systems integrity and implementation of control measures.  Demonstrated experience providing administrative, research and executive level support service undertaking a broad range of administrative duties, requiring superior database management, spreadsheet and word processing skills.  Common selection criteria also apply.


Note:  A current NSW driving licence is essential to undertake NSWFB properties activities, as required.


Inquiries:                               John Gibbs, (02) 9742 7374


Information packages:         May Levy, (02) 9742 7455,


Applications to:                    HR and Administration Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, Locked Bag 13, Greenacre  NSW  2190, or online at  Electronic applications must be MS Word compatible.


Closing date:                        28 September 2007


Fleet Administration Officer Systems, Clerk 5/6


Position No: 932012. Clerk 5/6, Fleet Management Unit, Greenacre.  Permanent full-time.  Total remuneration package valued to $74,428 pa including salary ($61,128 - $67,448), employers’ contribution to superannuation and leave loading.


Duties: Develops, implements and maintains the Fleet Management computerised systems, data bases, recording systems and provides information technology support services within the Fleet Unit.


Selection criteria: Demonstrated computer literacy, including superior database and spreadsheet operations.  Demonstrated experience to manage, install and maintain databases.  Ability to research and analyse data, providing comprehensive reports to management.  Excellent interpersonal and communication skills together with a capacity to deliver presentations/training. Demonstrated analytical skills.  Demonstrated capacity to provide IT support to a multi-skilled group.  Demonstrated ability to write and implement procedures to ensure systems integrity.  Experience in a wide range of administrative support services.   Proven ability to self-manage and contribute in a team environment. Knowledge and experience in the application of policies, procedures and guidelines, including Government initiatives relating to Fleet.  Common selection criteria also apply.


Inquiries:                               Peter Fanning, (02) 9742 7479,


Information packages:         May Levy, (02) 9742 7455,


Applications to:                    HR and Administration Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, Locked Bag 13, Greenacre  NSW  2190, or online at  Electronic applications must be MS Word compatible.


Closing date:                        21 September 2007


Technical Editor/Writer, Technical Officer I/II, Engineering Services


Position No. T909012.  Technical Officer I/II, Engineering Services, Logistics Support, Greenacre.  Temporary full-time.  Total remuneration package valued to $64,379 including salary ($47,196 - $58,341) employer’s contribution to superannuation and leave loading.


Duties: Produces technical documentation, specifications and operating instructions for emergency service appliances and related equipment.


Selection criteria: Demonstrated experience in writing and developing technical documentation and specifications required for projects, in a time critical environment. Knowledge and or understanding of electrical or mechanical concepts, process and terminology.  Demonstrated advanced computer skills, together with experience in the applications of FrameMaker, Word and desktop publishing software.  Sound problem solving skills with the ability to provide practical as well as innovative solutions. High level communication and interpersonal skills.  Demonstrated ability to explain procedure in plain English for users.  Client focus, proven ability to exercise initiative and sound judgement, working both independently and as a team member in a high volume work environment.  Common selection criteria also apply.


Note:  This is a temporary appointment under Section 27 of the Public Sector Employment and Management Act for a period up to 6 months with a view to permanency subject to review of area.


Inquiries:                               Hue Pham, (02) 9742 7456,


Information packages:         May Levy, (02) 9742 7455,


Applications to:                    HR and Administration Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, Locked Bag 13, Greenacre  NSW  2190, or online at  Electronic applications must be MS Word compatible.


Closing date:                        21 September 2007





Recommended Officer

Commencement date

Configuration Management Coordinator, Clerk Grade 1/2, Greenacre

Tina Beers

7 May 2007

Zone Administration Officer, Clerk Grade 3/4, Bathurst

Diana Gordon

24 May 2007

Executive Officer to Commissioner, Clerk Grade 11/12, Sydney

Michelle McCabe

28 May 2007

Zone Administration Officer, Clerk Grade 3/4, Bathurst

Bernadette Northey

30 May 2007

Facilities Manager (Regional Training Centre),Clerk Grade 7/8, Deniliquin

Paul Maher

4 June 2007

IT Program Manager, Clerk Grade 11/12, Sydney

Sean Nairn

11 June 2007

Facilities Manager (Regional Training Centre), Clerk Grade 7/8, Wellington

Mark Moroney

18 June 2007

Senior Networks Administrator, Clerk Grade 9/10, Sydney

John Simonides

28 June 2007

Assistant Network Analyst, Clerk Grade 5/6, Sydney

Stuart Gray

29 June 2007

Manager Applications Development, Clerk Grade 11/12, Sydney

Michael Pitt

2 July 2007

IT Support and Training Manager, Clerk Grade 11/12, Sydney

Barry Larkins

9 July 2007

Manager Information Management, Clerk Grade 11/12, Sydney

Dawn Routledge

16 July 2007

Statistical Research Officer, Clerk Grade 7/8, Sydney

Ravi Hegde

26 July 2007

Zone Administration Officer, Clerk Grade 3/4, Wollongong

Sally Neubecker

1 August 2007

Recruitment Officer, Clerk Grade 3/4, Sydney

Jennifer Dunne

2 August 2007




Long service leave ballot applications 2008/09

1.        Call for applications


In accordance with In Orders 1998/19, Firefighters, Station Officers and Inspectors – Long service leave applications procedures – peak holiday periods, long service leave applications for periods that fall in peak holiday periods in 2008/09 are now called for from Inspectors, Station Officers and Firefighters.

2.        Dates of peak periods


The following dates for the year 2008/09 are classified as peak periods and are subject to the procedures described in In Orders 1998/19:


14 April 2008 – 25 April 2008                       Easter/Autumn School Vacation – Term 1

7 July 2008 – 18 July 2008                             Winter School Vacation – Term 2

29 September 2008 – 10 October 2008         Spring School Vacation – Term 3

22 December 2008 – 27 January 2009           Christmas/New Year and Summer Vacation – Term 4


Personnel who have already submitted applications for long service leave that include the above periods will be placed in the ballot as defined in In Orders.

3.        Exemptions from ballot


As stated in In Orders 1998/19:


The ballot system and the related six weeks application periods for peak periods will not apply to firefighters who are seeking ‘extended’ periods of long service leave.  For the purpose of this In Order, ‘extended’ means any period in excess of two consecutive months on full pay or four consecutive months on half pay.

4.        Closing date for applications


The closing date for applications is Friday 26 October 2007.  Send applications to:


Operational Personnel

Head Office

NSW Fire Brigades

PO Box A249



Contact Officer:                    Nanette Flores, Administrative Officer, (02) 9265 2878

File Reference:                      CHO/00378


Canine Handler, Fire Investigation and Research Unit


Applications are invited from operational personnel for the position of Canine Handler, Operational Support Level 2, attached to the Fire Investigation and Research Unit, Greenacre.


An information package should be obtained before submitting an application.  Applications must address all the selection criteria.


Note:   If necessary, training will be provided for the selected applicant to enhance skills for the position.  Prior canine handling experience is an advantage, but not necessary.  A kennel will be provided.


Inquiries:                                     Phil Etienne, Canine Team Leader, (02) 9742 7113


Information Packages:               May Levy, (02) 9742 7455,


Applications to:                          Manager Operational Personnel, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232


Closing date:                              26 October 2007


File reference:                            CHO/03712






The following appointments are subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980.  In some cases the maximum salary of the position may exceed the limit under which an appeal may be made to GREAT.  The 21 day period for appeal commences on the date of this In Order.














Date of Decision

Assistant Director Specialised Operations


J Denny

7 September 2007

Operations Research Planning and Support Officer, OS3


J Macpherson

29 August 2007

Canine Coordinator, Team Leader, OS3


P Etienne

6 September 2007

Supervisor, Katoomba Communication Centre B


K Doherty

2 September 2007




Superintendent to Chief Superintendent


5658      J Denny                                                                                                                                                7 September 2007


Firefighter Level 3 to Qualified Firefighter


8278      D Clarke                                                                                                                                              20 November 2006


Firefighter Level 2 to Qualified Firefighter


8721      G Allsop                                                                                                                                               9 July 2007

8731      A Sotiri                                                                                                                                               20 August 2007

8743      F Sako                                                                                                                                                 22 August 2007

8749      P Bailey                                                                                                                                              27 August 2007


Firefighter Level 1 to Firefighter Level 2


8895      A Agland                                                                                                                                           19 August 2007




8596      Firefighter                       P Dowling                                                                                                 17 August 2007




5678      Senior Firefighter          C Reilly                                                                                                      12 September 2007

6209      Station Officer               M Hehir                                                                                                     13 September 2007

4296      Senior Firefighter          R Marshall                                                                                                10 September 2007





New members appointed to Brigades


A Head                                       Taree                                       15 August 2007

A Grimmond                              Bathurst                                    1 September 2007

J Cruckshank                             Wee Waa                                  1 September 2007

B Nash                                       Jerilderie                                    1 September 2007

J Beavan                                    Camden                                     1 September 2007

N Evans                                     Kariong                                     1 September 2007

D Drury                                      Morisset                                   1 September 2007

J Rullis                                        Picton                                        1 September 2007

D Green                                      Telarah                                      1 September 2007

B Rourke                                    Toukley                                     1 September 2007

J Brighton                                  Unanderra                                 1 September 2007


Relinquishment of Rank


RetF W Rendall                        Young                                         Deputy Captain                        2 September 2007


Appointed to Ranks


DCapt M Edwards                    Hay                                              Captain                                      4 July 2007

RetF A Rodgers                        Merriwa                                       Deputy Captain                        1 September 2007

RetF D Vaughan                       Singleton                                    Deputy Captain                        1 September 2007


These appointments are subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980.  The 21 day period for appeal commences from the date of this In Order.


Appointed as Engine Keepers


RetF D Cooper                          Murrurundi                               1 September 2007

RetF C Pearson                         Byron Bay                                1 September 2007

RetF J Lowe                               Morisset                                   1 September 2007


These appointments are subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980.  The 21 day period for appeal commences from the date of this In Order.




RetF S Dawson                         Corrimal                  to                 Thirroul                                   15 August 2007

RetF D Wilson                          Walgett                                       Murwillumbah                        18 August 2007

RetF B Rowsell                         Kempsey                                     Raymond Terrace                    1 September 2007

RetF P Hogan                            Leura                                           Katoomba                                 1 September 2007

RetF B Kelly                              Walgett                                       New Lambton                           1 September 2007

RetF C Quinn                            Kempsey                                     Dubbo                                       1 September 2007




RetF D Garland                         Dungog                                     3 September 2007




RetF W Ireland                         Manilla                                      4 July 2007

RetF P Harris                             Cowra                                        5 July 2007

RetF T Godde                            Wagga Wagga                        1 August 2007

RetF A Payne                            Tweed Heads                           1 August 2007

RetF R Armstrong                    Mittagong                                7 August 2007

RetF J Stevens                          West Wallsend                      12 August  2007

RetF A Peterson                       Oberon                                    15 August 2007

RetF K Murrell                          Batlow                                     15 August 2007

RetF S Howells                         Wagga Wagga                      15 August 2007

RetF R Johnson                        Tea Gardens                           15 August 2007

RetF M Knudsen                      Dubbo                                     16 August 2007

RetF S Anderson                      Coledale                                  16 August 2007

RetF S Hynes                            Telarah                                    16 August 2007

RetF G Hicks                             Richmond                               30 August 2007

RetF B Crane                             Springwood                            31 August 2007

RetF S Sturges                          Springwood                            31 August 2007

RetF C Poole                             Bowral                                     31 August 2007

RetF S Brown                            Sawtell                                       1 September 2007

RetF R Elliot                              Rhodes                                      1 September 2007

RetF D Cooper                          Toukley                                     1 September 2007

RetF W Fullerton                      Toukley                                     1 September 2007

RetF A Lee                                Turvey Park                              3 September 2007




RetF M White                           Forbes                                     28 July 2007

RetF G Graham                          The Entrance                          20 August 2007


Transferred to Honorary List


RetF M White                           Forbes                                     29 July 2007

RetF T Godde                            Wagga Wagga                        2 August 2007







                                                                                                       Greg Mullins AFSM


                                                                                                       14 September 2007