17 March 2006                       2006/6


Current national security alert level: Medium


Unauthorised sale of NSWFB uniforms and equipment 4


Answering enquiries about smoke alarm legislation. 4

Risk assessments for fire appliances and fleet vehicles. 5


Family Provisions Case 2005. 7

Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005 - matrix
     amendments and additions. 12


Senior Firefighters Promotional Program results. 13


Relocation of Senior Instructor Country South 4. 13


Vacancies. 14

Assistant Director Health and Safety, Senior Officer 2, Human Resources. 14

Senior Policy and Project Officer, Clerk 9/10. 14

Finance Officer, Asset Control (Greenacre), Clerk 7/8. 16

Health and Fitness Officer, Clerk 5/6. 16


Vacancies. 17

Station Commander Camden. 17

Station Commander Griffith. 17

Station Commander Narellan. 17

Station Commander Nowra. 18

Operators, Wollongong Communication Centre. 18

Appointments. 20

Resignation. 20

Retirements. 20

Reappointment 20


New members appointed to Brigades. 21

Relinquishment of Engine Keeper’s position. 21

Appointed to Engine Keeper’s positions. 21

Transfers. 21

Resignations. 21

Retirements. 21

Transferred to Honorary List 22



Unauthorised sale of NSWFB uniforms and equipment

1.         Introduction


As notified in In Orders 2005/27, Use of uniforms and insignia and NSW Fire Brigades logos, under Section 63B of the State Emergency and Rescue Management Act 1989 it is an offence to sell NSWFB insignia or uniform without authority.


NSWFB uniforms and equipment must not be sold without the permission of the Commissioner.

2.         What constitutes NSWFB uniforms and equipment


For the purposes of this instruction, NSWFB uniforms and equipment means any uniforms, apparel, insignia, logos, plant or equipment, including such items which have been withdrawn from service, which carry NSWFB identification markings or which can be identified with the NSWFB.

3.         Disciplinary proceedings


Any NSWFB employee who sells NSWFB uniforms and equipment without authority will be referred to the Professional Standards and Conduct Officer (PSCO) and disciplinary proceedings may be initiated against them.  The PSCO may also refer the matter to NSW Police and the ICAC.

4.         Internet auction sites


The NSWFB monitors Internet auction sites such as eBay.  Any instances of NSWFB uniform or equipment appearing for sale on these types of sites will be referred to the PSCO who may refer to the matter to NSW Police and the ICAC.


Contact Officer:                Superintendent Peter Stathis, Professional Standards and Conduct Officer, (02) 9265 2826

File Reference:                  CHO/08595



Answering enquiries about smoke alarm legislation

1.         Introduction


On 1 May 2006 it will become mandatory under the Building Legislation Amendment (Smoke Alarms) Act 2005 for all NSW residents to have at least one working smoke alarm installed in their homes.


The exact details of the types of smoke alarms to be installed, where they should be installed and how they should be maintained are covered in the Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Smoke Alarms) Regulation 2006.

2.         Information about the smoke alarm legislation


We have put information about the legislation and the installation of appropriate smoke alarms on our Internet site.


All staff are encouraged to make themselves familiar with this information.  As the starting date for this legislation gets closer, we expect to get a lot of enquiries about it.

3.         What to do if you receive an enquiry


If you receive an enquiry from the public about the smoke alarms legislation, ask whether the enquirer has access to the Internet.


If they have access to the Internet refer them to our Internet site at where there is a link to the information on Smoke Alarms on the home page.


If they do not have access to the Internet, print the following pages from our Internet site and send them to the enquirer with a signed and dated copy of our standard smoke alarms letter which is available on Station Portal. The body of the letter is not to be altered.

4.         Further information


If the enquirer needs more information, transfer them to the Risk Management Division on extension 7400 or ask them to ring our smoke alarm hotline on 1800 151 614.


Contact Officer:                Chief Superintendent Jim Smith, Assistant Director Community and Corporate Risk Management, (02) 9742 7127

File Reference:                  DRM/POL/000077




Risk assessments for fire appliances and fleet vehicles

1.         Introduction


Since the introduction of the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001, a number of risk assessments have been carried out on fire appliances. To avoid duplication and ensure the process captures all information it is essential that the risk assessments be done centrally. Measures can then be put in place to ensure new designs are improved with reduced risk and programs put in place to minimise risk with existing appliances or vehicles.

2.         Procedure


If a risk assessment is required which concerns fire appliances or fleet vehicles the following procedure applies:


1.         The officer requesting the risk assessment must contact the Fleet Officer Operations or their Fleet Area Manager to discuss and clarify any issues. It may be that the issue can be addressed by training or following already identified procedures. If, after these discussions, it is determined that the issue will impact across a number of locations and appliances, the officer requesting the risk assessment must make a formal request to the Fleet Officer Operations or the Fleet Area Manager for a risk assessment to be undertaken.


2.         The Fleet Officer Operations or Fleet Area Manager will advise the Assistant Director Fleet once a report is provided.


3.         The Assistant Director Fleet will request the Manager Engineering Services to convene a Risk Assessment Working Group.  Representatives from Engineering Services Unit, Fleet Management Unit, the Health and Safety Branch and Operations will form this group and carry out the risk assessment.


4.         The results of the risk assessment and any necessary actions required will be advised to the report initiator, the Assistant Director Fleet and the Assistant Director Operational Logistics.


5.         The Assistant Director Fleet will if necessary organise maintenance or inspection programs to reduce the risk. If the risk treatment is procedural or training related the Assistant Director Operational Logistics will ensure processes are put in place to minimise the risk.


Contact Officer:                Hue Pham, Manager Engineering, (02) 9742 7456

File Reference:                  ENG/00234




Family Provisions Case 2005


As a result of the decision of the Industrial Relations Commission of New South Wales in the Family Provisions Case handed down on 19 December 2005, variations have been made to awards covering operational, administrative and trades staff of the New South Wales Fire Brigades.


Please note that the variations are operative from 19 December 2005.

Permanent Firefighters


The following variations have been made to the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005.


1.         Delete clause 21.6, Parents not to take Parental Leave at the same time, and replace with the following:


21.6     Simultaneous taking of Parental Leave


Subject to subclause, Parental Leave is to be available to only one parent at a time, in a single unbroken period, except that both parents may simultaneously take:


21.6.1  For maternity and paternity leave, an unbroken period of up to one week at the time of the birth of the child;


21.6.2  For adoption leave, an unbroken period of up to three weeks at the time of the placement of the child.


2.         Delete subclause 21.10.2 and replace with the following:


21.10.2   Subject to the provisions of subclause 21.20, an employee may extend the period of parental leave at any time with the agreement of the Commissioner. The period of leave can be extended by such an agreement beyond the maximum period of leave authorised by this clause.


3.         Insert in Clause 21, Parental Leave, the following additional provisions as follows:


21.20   Right to request


21.20.1            An employee entitled to parental leave may request the employer to allow the employee:         to extend the period of simultaneous parental leave up to a maximum of eight weeks;         to extend the period of unpaid parental leave for a further continuous period of leave not exceeding 12 months;


to assist the employee in reconciling work and parental responsibilities.


21.20.2            The employer shall consider the request having regard to the employee’s circumstances and, provided the request is genuinely based on the employee’s parental responsibilities, may only refuse the request on reasonable grounds related to the effect on the workplace or the employer’s business.


21.20.3            Employee’s request and the employer’s decision to be in writing:


The employee’s request and the employer’s decision made under and must be recorded in writing.


21.21   Communication during parental leave


21.21.1            Where an employee is on parental leave and a definite decision has been made to introduce significant change at the workplace, the employer shall take reasonable steps to:         make information available in relation to any significant effect the change will have on the status or responsibility level of the position the employee held before commencing parental leave; and         provide an opportunity for the employee to discuss any significant effect the change will have on the status or responsibility level of the position the employee held before commencing parental leave.


21.21.2            The employee shall take reasonable steps to inform the employer about any significant matter that will affect the employee’s decision regarding the duration of parental leave to be taken and whether the employee intends to return to work.


The employee shall also notify the employer of changes of address or other contact details which might affect the employer’s capacity to comply with paragraph 21.21.1.

Retained Firefighters


The following variations have been made to the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Retained Firefighting Staff) Award 2005.


1.         Delete clause 13.6, Parents not to take Parental Leave at the same time and replace with the following:


13.6     Simultaneous taking of Parental Leave


Subject to subclause, Parental Leave is to be available to only one parent at a time, in a single unbroken period, except that both parents may simultaneously take:


13.6.1  For maternity and paternity leave, an unbroken period of up to one week at the time of the birth of the child;


13.6.2  For adoption leave, an unbroken period of up to three weeks at the time of the placement of the child.


2.         Delete subclause 13.10.2 and replace with the following:


13.10.2            Subject to the provisions of subclause 13.20, an employee may extend the period of parental leave at any time with the agreement of the Commissioner. The period of leave can be extended by such an agreement beyond the maximum period of leave authorised by this clause.


3.         Delete Subclause 14.3.1 of Clause 14, Personal Carers Leave, and replace with the following:


14.3.1  An employee may elect, with the consent of the employer to take annual leave not exceeding ten days in single-day periods, or part thereof, in any calendar year at a time or times agreed by the parties.


4.         Insert new subclause 14.3 of Clause 14, Personal Carers Leave, as follows:


14.3.2  An employee may elect with the employer’s agreement to take annual leave at any time within a period of 24 months from the date at which it falls due.


5.         Insert in Clause 13, Parental Leave, the following additional provisions as follows:


13.20   Right to request


13.20.1            An employee entitled to parental leave may request the employer to allow the employee:         to extend the period of simultaneous parental leave up to a maximum of eight weeks;         to extend the period of unpaid parental leave for a further continuous period of leave not exceeding 12 months;


to assist the employee in reconciling work and parental responsibilities.


13.20.2            The employer shall consider the request having regard to the employee’s circumstances and, provided the request is genuinely based on the employee’s parental responsibilities, may only refuse the request on reasonable grounds related to the effect on the workplace or the employer’s business.


13.20.3            Employee’s request and the employer’s decision to be in writing:


                        The employee’s request and the employer’s decision made under and must be recorded in writing.


13.21   Communication during parental leave


13.21.1            Where an employee is on parental leave and a definite decision has been made to introduce significant change at the workplace, the employer shall take reasonable steps to:         make information available in relation to any significant effect the change will have on the status or responsibility level of the position the employee held before commencing parental leave; and         provide an opportunity for the employee to discuss any significant effect the change will have on the status or responsibility level of the position the employee held before commencing parental leave.


13.21.2            The employee shall take reasonable steps to inform the employer about any significant matter that will affect the employee’s decision regarding the duration of parental leave to be taken and whether the employee intends to return to work.


The employee shall also notify the employer of changes of address or other contact details which might affect the employer’s capacity to comply with paragraph 13.21.1.

Administrative Staff


Changes to the Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Reviewed Award 2006 may be viewed by reference to Premier’s Circular 2006-06, Crown Employees (Public Service Conditions of Employment) Reviewed Award 2006 and Review of the Personnel Handbook.



The following variations have been made to the Fire Brigade (Maintenance, Construction and Miscellaneous Staff) Award:


1.         Insert in Clause 22, Bereavement Leave:


(iii)       Bereavement entitlements for casual employees


(a)        Subject to the evidentiary and notice requirements in Clause 22 casual employees are entitled to not be available to attend work, or to leave work upon the death in Australia of a person prescribed in subclause 1.1.3 (ii) of Clause (31) Personal Carers Leave


(b)        The employer and the employee shall agree on the period for which the employee will be entitled to not be available to attend work. In the absence of agreement, the employee is entitled to not be available to attend work for up to 48 hours (i.e. two days) per occasion. The casual employee is not entitled to any payment for the period of non-attendance


(c)        An employer must not fail to re-engage a casual employee because the employee accessed the entitlements provided for in this clause. The rights of an employer to engage or not engage a casual employee are otherwise not affected.


2.         Delete Subclause 1.3.1 of Clause 31, Personal Carers Leave, and replace with the following:


1.3.1    An employee may elect, with the consent of the employer to take annual leave not exceeding ten days in single-day periods, or part thereof, in any calendar year at a time or times agreed by the parties.


3.         Insert new subclause 1.3.4 of Clause 31, Personal/Carers Leave, as follows:


1.3.4    An employee may elect with the employers agreement to take annual leave at any time within a period of 24 months from the date at which it falls due.


4.         Insert in Clause 31, Personal/ Carers Leave:


1.7       Personal Carers Entitlement for casual employees


1.7.1    Subject to the evidentiary and notice requirements in 1.1.2 and 1.1.4 casual employees are entitled to not be available to attend work, or to leave work if they need to care for a person prescribed in subclause 1.1.3(ii) of this clause who are sick and require care and support, or who require care due to an unexpected emergency, or the birth of a child.


1.7.2    The employer and the employee shall agree on the period for which the employee will be entitled to not be available to attend work. In the absence of agreement, the employee is entitled to not be available to attend work for up to 48 hours (i.e. two days) per occasion. The casual employee is not entitled to any payment for the period of non-attendance.


1.7.3    An employer must not fail to re-engage a casual employee because the employee accessed the entitlements provided for in this clause. The rights of an employer to engage or not to engage a casual employee are otherwise not affected.


5.         Insert new subclauses in Clause 33, Parental Leave, as follows:


(f)        Refer to the Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW). The following provisions shall also apply in addition to those set out in the Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW).


(g)        An employer must not fail to re-engage a regular casual employee (see section 53(2) of the Act) because:


(a)        the employee or employee’s spouse is pregnant; or


(b)        the employee is or has been immediately absent on parental leave.


The rights of an employer in relation to engagement and re-engagement of casual employees are not affected, other than in accordance with this clause.


(h)        Right to request


(a)        An employee entitled to parental leave may request the employer to allow the employee:


(i)         to extend the period of simultaneous unpaid parental leave use up to a maximum of eight weeks;


(ii)        to extend the period of unpaid parental leave for a further continuous period of leave not exceeding 12 months;


(iii)       to return from a period of parental leave on a part-time basis until the child reaches school age;


to assist the employee in reconciling work and parental responsibilities.


(b)        The employer shall consider the request having regard to the employee’s circumstances and, provided the request is genuinely based on the employee’s parental responsibilities, may only refuse the request on reasonable grounds related to the effect on the workplace or the employer’s business. Such grounds might include cost, lack of adequate replacement staff, loss of efficiency and the impact on customer service.


(c)        Employee’s request and the employer’s decision to be in writing


The employee’s request and the employer’s decision made under h(a)(ii) and h(a)(iii) must be recorded in writing.


(d)        Request to return to work part-time


Where an employee wishes to make a request under h(a)(iii), such a request must be made as soon as possible but no less than seven weeks prior to the date upon which the employee is due to return to work from parental leave.


(i)         Communication during parental leave


(a)        Where an employee is on parental leave and a definite decision has been made to introduce significant change at the workplace, the employer shall take reasonable steps to:


(i)         make information available in relation to any significant effect the change will have on the status or responsibility level of the position the employee held before commencing parental leave; and


(ii)        provide an opportunity for the employee to discuss any significant effect the change will have on the status or responsibility level of the position the employee held before commencing parental leave.


(b)        The employee shall take reasonable steps to inform the employer about any significant matter that will affect the employee’s decision regarding the duration of parental leave to be taken, whether the employee intends to return to work and whether the employee intends to request to return to work on a part-time basis.


(c)        The employee shall also notify the employer of changes of address or other contact details which might affect the employer’s capacity to comply with paragraph (a).


Contact Officer:                Stuart McMartin, Senior Industrial Relations Officer,

                                           (02) 9265 2954

File Reference:                  CHO/08596




Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005 - matrix amendments and additions


A number of amendments and additions have been made to the Relieving Matrices.

Matrix A


Changes and/or confirmation of Matrix A for the GSA distances and their dates of effect are as follows:




Matrix distance

New distance

Date of effect

94 Kellyville

19 Silverwater



15 October 2004

94 Kellyville

51 Forestville



5 November 2004

84 Macquarie Fields

93 Narellan



4 January 2005

88 Campbelltown

36 Crows Nest



Date of In Orders

92 St Andrews

36 Crows Nest



Date of In Orders

92 St Andrews

37 Gordon



Date of In Orders

50 Hornsby

92 St Andrews



Date of In Orders

50 Hornsby

88 Campbelltown



Date of In Orders

87 Rosemeadow

50 Hornsby



Date of In Orders

87 Rosemeadow

36 Crows Nest



Date of In Orders

Matrix C


Due to the station’s relocation, an updated matrix for No 500 Tingira Heights Fire Station has now been added to Matrix C.
























































































































Note:  all distances are return distances.


Retrospective claims may be made on Miscellaneous Vouchers and should show old kilometre distance, new kilometre distance, date travelled and difference between old and new kilometre distances. All claims should be signed by an Inspector and be submitted in line with existing procedures for payment.


An updated electronic version of the matrices is available on the Intranet under Human Resources > Awards and Agreements > Firefighters.


All copies of the Matrices should be adjusted accordingly. These corrections have the concurrence of the Fire Brigade Employees’ Union.


Contact Officer:                Barry Larkins, Acting/Industrial Officer, (02) 9265 2958

File Reference:                  CHO/01665v6



Senior Firefighters Promotional Program results


The following Firefighters have completed all the prerequisite modules and achieved competency in Level 2 Incident Control Systems and will be promoted to the rank of Senior Firefighter as follows:


Name                                                        Date of Promotion


7972        T McDermott                             14 November 2005

7621        S White                                      22 November 2005

7993        B Hojel                                        22 November 2005

7511        G Tester                                        1 December 2005

7291        M Verhoeven                            21 December 2005

7099        R Owens                                     21 December 2005

7682        S Wright                                     21 December 2005

7270        P O’Dea                                      21 December 2005

7946        S Agnew                                    21 December 2005

7474        S Townsend                              21 December 2005

7334        I Anderson                                21 December 2005

7820        G Pride                                        21 December 2005

8012        S McKeown                               21 December 2005

6191        A Cusbert                                  22 December 2005

8085        D Lambert                                  14 January 2006

6432        W Spek                                       17 January 2006

7466        A Parer                                       23 January 2006

7910        S Evans                                        7 February 2006

8102        H Strain                                      11 February 2006

8101        G Ryan                                        11 February 2006

8129        I Hamilton                                    9 February 2007

8139        P Farquharson                           23 March 2007

8175        B Peters                                      20 April 2007

8182        M Dickeson                                 1 June 2007

8186        B Griffiths                                     1 June 2007

8189        G Rood                                         1 June 2007

8204        G Fuller                                       13 July 2007

8268        C Wilde                                        2 November 2007


Contact Officers:               Senior Firefighter Bill Flegg and Larry Denyer, SFPP Coordinators, (02) 9318 4842 or (02) 9318 4852


Relocation of Senior Instructor Country South 4


The office of the Senior Instructor Country South 4 has moved from Zone South 4 Office at Wagga Wagga to Albury, a more central location for managing Zone South 4 training.


The new contact details for the Senior Instructor Country South 4 are:


Senior Instructor Country South 4

Albury Civic Fire Station

567 Kiewa Street

Albury NSW 2640


Phone:           (02) 6041 3925

Fax:               (02) 6041 4390

Mobile:          0419 994 153


Note:   Internal correspondence should be addressed to the above address.


Contact Officer:                Inspector Lindsay West, A/Manager Training South,

                                           (02) 9742 7307

File Reference:                  STH/00678





Assistant Director Health and Safety, Senior Officer 2, Human Resources Directorate


Position No 740002.  Head Office, Sydney. Permanent full-time. Total remuneration package valued up to $141,841 pa including salary ($120,070 - $128,537), employer’s contribution to superannuation and leave loading.


Duties:  Provide strategic leadership and direction in the implementation of the New South Wales Fire Brigades’ health and safety agenda across the state.


Selection criteria: Extensive record of achievement in the delivery of occupational health and safety and injury management services in a complex environment. Proven ability to lead a team of specialists in the research, development and application of health and safety policies and  procedures.  Excellent analytical and problem solving skills, with a proven capacity to meet challenges through initiative and innovation.  Demonstrated ability to effectively initiate and manage change within a complex organisation. Knowledge and management experience in public sector OHS and injury management practices and a sound understanding of the practical application of management systems and processes. Demonstrated high level experience in policy development and review.  Excellent communication, negotiation and team building skills.  Tertiary qualifications in a relevant discipline, preferably at the post-graduate level or equivalent experience.  Common selection criteria also apply.


Inquiries:                           Patrizia Anzellotti, (02) 9006 3541


Information packages:      Helen Johnson, (02) 9006 3412


Applications:                      To apply confidentially, please register at the website by responding to Opportunity Code GS21712


Closing date:                      31 March 2006



Senior Policy and Project Officer, Clerk 9/10


Position No: 737008.  Head Office, Sydney. Temporary full-time. Total remuneration package valued up to $89,994 pa including salary ($73,213 - $80,680), employer’s contribution to superannuation and leave loading.


Duties:  Develop policies and manage projects relating to a broad range of human resource issues.


Selection criteria:  Demonstrated competence in policy development and project management. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Excellent research and analytical skills.  Demonstrated competence in the preparation and presentation of complex reports. Understanding of HR issues within an emergency services organisation and sound knowledge of contemporary HR trends across the public sector.  Demonstrated ability to achieve results within strict budgets and time frames.  Relevant tertiary qualifications/and or high level relevant experience. Common selection criteria also apply.


Notes:    Temporary appointment under Section 27 or secondment under Section 86 of the Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 for a period up to 12 months.


Inquiries:                           Mary Grace, (02) 9265 2625


Information packages:      Vi Doncevski, (02) 9265 2625,


Applications to:                  Recruitment Officer, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232 or online at  Electronic applications must be MS Word compatible


Closing date:                      14 April 2006


Finance Officer, Asset Control (Greenacre), Clerk 7/8


Position No: 735002.Greenacre, SW Sydney, Permanent full-time. Total remuneration package valued to $78,452 pa including salary ($64,227-$71,094), employer’s contribution to superannuation and leave loading.


Duties:  The position is responsible to develop, implement and maintain the NSW Fire Brigades’ fixed asset register. Provide high quality assistance and support for the accounting and financial operations in the Greenacre complex.


Selection criteria:  Knowledge and highly developed experience of asset management systems.  Knowledge and experience in project costing, capital program reporting and financial management.  Highly developed problem solving abilities; high level numeracy and analytical skills.  Well developed written and verbal communication skills.  Experience and well developed skills in the use of computers and PC based applications.  Must possess appropriate accounting qualifications and membership or eligibility to join a recognised accounting body.  Common selection criteria will also apply.


Inquiries:                           George Ayoub, (02) 9265 2844,


Information packages:      Rebecca Goodwin, (02) 9265 2931, 


Applications to:                  Recruitment Officer, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232 or online at  Electronic applications must be MS Word compatible


Closing date:                     31 March 2006


Health and Fitness Officer, Clerk 5/6


Position No: 746211.  Head Office, Sydney. Permanent full-time. Total remuneration package valued up to $68,814 pa, including salary (range $56,516 - $62,360), employer’s contribution to superannuation and leave loading.


Duties:  Conduct exercise testing and prescription for NSW Fire Brigades’ personnel and assist in the development, design and implementation of fitness policies and procedures.


Selection criteria:  Demonstrated experience in the conduct of health risk appraisal, fitness testing and exercise prescription for general and special populations. Well developed communication and interpersonal skills including health and lifestyle counselling. Demonstrated ability to analyse and review scientific data and written material.  Ability to understand legislation and government policies relating to occupational health and fitness. Demonstrated experience in the use of computerised information systems.  Tertiary qualifications in Exercise and Sports Science or relevant professional experience.  Current driver’s licence. Common selection criteria also apply.


Inquiries:                           Alison Britton, (02) 9265 2800,


Information packages:      Ann Rogan, (02) 9265 2800,


Applications to:                  Recruitment Officer, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232 or online at  Electronic applications must be MS Word compatible


Closing date:                      6 April 2006





Station Commander Camden


Applications are invited from officers holding the rank of Station Officer for the position of Station Commander at 248 Station, Camden, Zone West 6, working the Special Roster.


An information package should be obtained before submitting an application.  Applications must address all the selection criteria.


Inquiries:                            Superintendent Peter Murgatroyd, Zone Commander West 6,

                                           (02) 9824 6256


Information packages:       Administrative Services Coordinator, West, (02) 9895 4630


Applications to:                  Regional Human Resources Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, Region West Office, PO Box H4, Harris Park NSW 2150


Closing date:                      28 April 2006


File reference:                    WES/00448


Station Commander Griffith


Applications are invited from officers holding the rank of Station Officer for the position of Station Commander at 311 Station, Griffith, Zone West 7, working the Special Roster.


An ‘Application for Officer Transfer to Country Service’ form and an information package should be obtained before submitting an application.  Applications must address all the selection criteria.


The successful applicant may apply for the conditions contained in Clause 29 of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005.  Contact the Manager Operational Personnel for inquiries on Award conditions and any entitlements.


Inquiries:                            Superintendent Gary Galwey, Zone Commander West 7,

                                           (02) 6953 6583


Information packages:       Administrative Services Coordinator West, (02) 9895 4630


Applications to:                  Regional Human Resources Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, Region West Office, PO Box H4, Harris Park NSW 2150


Closing date:                      28 April 2006


File reference:                    WES/00448


Station Commander Narellan


Applications are invited from officers holding the rank of Station Officer for the position of Station Commander at 93 Station, Narellan, Zone West 6, working the Special Roster.


An information package should be obtained before submitting an application.  Applications must address all the selection criteria.


Inquiries:                            Superintendent Peter Murgatroyd, Zone Commander West 6,

                                           (02) 9824 6256


Information packages:       Administrative Services Coordinator West, (02) 9895 4630


Applications to:                  Regional Human Resources Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, Region West Office, PO Box H4, Harris Park NSW 2150


Closing date:                      28 April 2006


File reference:                    WES/00448


Station Commander Nowra


Applications are invited from officers holding the rank of Station Officer for the position of Station Commander at 405 Station, Nowra, Zone South 5, working the back to back roster.


An ‘Application for Transfer to Country Service’ form and an information package should be obtained before submitting an application. Applications must address all the selection criteria.


The successful applicant may apply for the conditions in Clause 29 of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005. Contact the Manager Operational Personnel for enquiries on Award conditions and any entitlement.


Inquiries:                           Superintendent Wayne Roberts, Zone Commander South 5,
(02) 4472 3042.


Information packages:      Administrative Services Officer, Beth McGee (02) 9742 7327


Applications to:                 Regional Human Resources Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, Region South Office, Locked Bag13, Greenacre NSW 2190


Closing date:                     28 April 2006


File reference:                   STH/00560


Operators, Wollongong Communication Centre


In accordance with Clause Regional Communications and BA/Hazmat of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005, applications from Stage 2 are invited from staff holding the ranks of Qualified Firefighter or Senior Firefighter for Operator positions that are or may become available in the Wollongong Communication Centre.  Available Operator positions at Wollongong ComCen may be on either the 10/14 roster or E/F Platoon (back-to-back).


Note:     Stage 2 applicants are those who currently hold residential priority on the relevant Regional Transfer List.


The appointment will be for a minimum period of two years.  Appointment will involve an interview by a selection panel and successful completion of a training course by the selected applicant.  An information package must be obtained before submitting an application.  An application form is to be completed in full.


This position attracts an allowance of $258.72 per fortnight which is superable.


Inquiries:                           Response Coordinator A, B, C or D Platoon, (02) 9318 4354


Information packages:      Karen Collins, (02) 9318-4811


Applications to:                 Administration Officer, Operational Communications, NSW Fire Brigades, 189 Wyndham Street, Alexandria NSW 2015


Closing date:                     28 April 2006


File reference:                   CHO/01580






The following appointments are subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980.  In some cases the maximum salary of the position may exceed the limit under which an appeal may be made to GREAT.  The 21 day period for appeal commences on the date of this In Order.














Date of Decision

Instructor Recruit Training, OS2


N Andronicos






6468        Senior Firefighter          G Solway                                                                                             14 March 2006




3571        Senior Firefighter          D Atkins                                                                                               3 March 2006

3712        Station Officer               G Buchtmann                                                                                       4 March 2006

3482        Qualified Firefighter      I Shearer                                                                                                4 March 2006

5245        Station Officer               P Rhodes                                                                                              4 March 2006

6164        Station Officer               M Anderson                                                                                        8 March 2006

5323        Senior Firefighter          R Krippner                                                                                            5 March 2006

5494        Senior Firefighter          G Vincent                                                                                              4 March 2006

3786        Station Officer               J Cormack                                                                                           17 March 2006

4877        Inspector                        P Malek                                                                                               13 March 2006

5517        Superintendent              M Johnson                                                                                         16 March 2006

4566        Station Officer               K Mulley                                                                                             16 March 2006

5387        Inspector                        P Shapter                                                                                            16 March 2006

5170        Inspector                        I Anderson                                                                                         16 March 2006




8991 M Ovey (previously 8381) was reappointed to the NSW Fire Brigades at the rank of Firefighter Level 2 on 6 January 2006.






New members appointed to Brigades


A Jenkins                                    Taree                                         1 February 2006

L Harrison                                   Dungog                                   15 February 2006

W Martin                                    Dungog                                   15 February 2006

L Stevenson                               Dungog                                   15 February 2006

J Hartley                                      Muswellbrook                        15 February 2006

Z M McMahon                          Evans Head                              1 March 2006

C Tuller                                        Muswellbrook                          1 March 2006

L Rowles                                     Balgownie                                 1 March 2006

A Wills                                        Mittagong                                1 March 2006

R Job                                            Young                                       1 March 2006

H Sellers                                      Corrimal                                   15 March 2006

B A Rowsell                                Kempsey                                 15 March 2006


Relinquishment of Engine Keeper’s position


RETF C Casey                            Casino                                         20 January 2006


Appointed to Engine Keeper’s positions


RETF R Collison                        Scone                                          1 January 2006

RETF M Hancock                      Dungog                                       1 February 2006

RETF D Roese                            Casino                                         1 March 2006


These appointments are subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980.  The 21 day period for appeal commences from the date of this In Order.




RETF B Darvall                          Nelson Bay            to                 New Lambton                           1 March 2006

RETF T Fuller                             Gundagai                                    Lambton                                  15 March 2006

RETF A Phillips                         Coledale                                      Thirroul                                   15 March 2006




RETF D A G Barnard                 Taree                                       17 December 2005

DCAPT N Cox                            Dorrigo                                    30 December 2005

DCAPT G J Butler                      Singleton                                  2 January 2006

RETF N L Tarrant                      Toronto                                     5 January 2006

RETF P J Thompson                 Murwillumbah                        18 January 2006

RETF G P Donnelly                   New Lambton                         20 January 2006

RETF D V Tod                            Morisset                                 31 January 2006

RETF A O’Hora                         Finley                                      31 January 2006

RETF R J Fitzgerald                   Bangalow                                  1 February 2006

RETF P W Mitchenson            Branxton                                   2 February 2006

RETF M W Stewart                   Nelson Bay                               3 February 2006

RETF S J Burgess                      Taree                                       21 February 2006

RETF R Potter                            Toukley                                   28 February 2006

RETF C Johnston-Kelly            Thredbo                                    7 March 2006





RETF D B McNamara                Muswellbrook                        15 January 2006

RETF K Burley                           Gloucester                              31 January 2006

RETF B Muddle                         East Maitland                           1 February 2006

RETF M Pearce                          Coraki                                      15 March 2006


Transferred to Honorary List


RETF D A G Barnard                 Taree                                       18 December 2005

DCAPT N Cox                            Dorrigo                                    31 December 2005

RETF D B McNamara                Muswellbrook                        16 January 2006

RETF K Burley                           Gloucester                                1 February 2006

RETF D V Tod                            Morisset                                   1 February 2006

RETF B Muddle                         East Maitland                           2 February 2006

RETF S J Burgess                      Taree                                       22 February 2006

RETF R Potter                            Toukley                                     1 March 2006

RETF M Pearce                          Coraki                                      16 March 2006









                                                                                                        Greg Mullins AFSM


                                                                                                        17 March 2006