17 February 2006                  2006/4


Current national security alert level: Medium




Security alerts. 4

Awareness of cultural and religious protocols when visiting premises. 7


Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005 - award
     increase. 8

Employee Housing Manual 9


Senior Firefighters Promotional Program – results. 11


Clean Up Australia Day – NSWFB participation. 11


Appointment of Director 13


Vacancy. 13

Assistant Director Capability Development, Senior Officer 2, Human Resources Directorate. 13


Vacancies. 14

Supervisor, Wollongong Communication Centre. 14

Expression of Interest for Firefighters to transfer to Narellan Fire Station. 14

Appointments. 15

Promotions. 15

Resignations. 16


New members appointed to Brigades. 16

Reappointment 16

Appointed to ranks. 16

Appointed as Engine Keepers. 16

Transfers. 17

Termination. 17

Resignations. 17



Security alerts


This instruction rescinds In Orders 2003/7, Security alerts.

1.         Introduction


This instruction details specific security procedures necessary for the protection of NSWFB personnel and infrastructure and for the maintenance of NSWFB capability to respond to emergency incidents while supporting social and economic wellbeing, security and defence.


The Federal Attorney General’s Department, acting on intelligence obtained from Australian and overseas intelligence organisations, assigns levels of security alert.  In accordance with the National Counter-Terrorism Plan, the NSWFB must implement procedures for each level of alert.

2.         Security alert levels


There are four levels of security alert, as shown in Table 1.


Security alert level



Terrorist attack is not expected


Terrorist attack could occur


Terrorist attack is likely


Terrorist attack is imminent or has occurred

Table 1 Security alert levels


Note:   The NSWFB is always on low level security alert unless a higher level has been announced.

3.         Low Level Security Alert - terrorist attack is not expected


3.1              All NSWFB personnel, contractors, consultants and visitors must have identification with them at all times while in a NSWFB workplace. Failure to produce identification when requested will be considered to be a breach of security and may result in the person’s removal.


3.2              All NSWFB commanders and supervisors must oversee the general security of NSWFB fixed and mobile infrastructure and assets by monitoring access by staff, contractors, consultants and visitors.


3.3              All personnel must immediately report any security breaches, suspicious or unusual packages, activity or phone calls in or around NSWFB infrastructure or at incidents to their immediate commander, supervisor or the Professional Standards and Conduct Officer.  These officers or managers will contact NSW Police as appropriate.


3.4              Station Commanders must ensure that all staff under their supervision routinely review, and are familiar with, relevant Standard Operational Guidelines and Standing Orders.


3.5              The Assistant Director Operational Communications must undertake ongoing reviews of pre‑determined response protocols and notifications.


3.6              All Deputy Regional Commanders, Area, Zone and Operational Commanders and Country Inspectors must liaise with their relevant District Emergency Management Officers (DEMOs) and Local Emergency Management Officers (LEMOs) to ensure that contact details are up to date and that the NSWFB participates in multi-agency exercises run by the local and district Emergency Management Committees.


3.7              The Manager Operational Readiness must identify operational and liaison staff needed for Incident Management Teams (IMTs), the Major Incident Coordination Centre (MICC), the State Emergency Operations Centre (SEOC), the Police Operations Centre (POC), and the State Crisis Centre (SCC).

4.         Medium Level Security Alert - terrorist attack could occur


4.1              The Director State Operations must ensure that all on duty NSWFB personnel are immediately advised by a broadcast message on email, faxstream and pagers that the security alert has been upgraded to Medium.


4.2              Commanders and supervisors must ensure that the Medium Level Security Alert procedures for which they are responsible are activated, that Low Level Security Alert procedures are all in place or being implemented and that this information is exchanged and disseminated during routine change of shift procedures.


4.3              Zone, Operational and Station Commanders must ensure that all staff under their supervision review and are re-acquainted with:


SOG 1                             Incident control system

SOG 8.1                          Bombs

SOGs 8.7 - 8.12              Terrorism

SOG 10.8                        Biological hazards

SOG 10.9                        Radioactive substances

SOG 10.15                      CBR incidents

SOG 19.1                        Disaster planning and response

SOG 8.13                        Civil disturbances


4.4              Station Commanders must review pre-incident plans for critical infrastructure and major hazard facilities.


4.5              The Director State Operations will establish close liaison with the NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Support and the State Emergency Operations Controller.


4.6              Commanders and supervisors must identify, then escort or restrict the access of (as appropriate), staff, contractors, consultants and visitors to all NSWFB fixed and mobile infrastructure.


4.7              The Fleet Operations Officer must maintain spare appliances ready for deployment and advise the Assistant Director Specialised Operations of the status of spare appliances on a daily basis.


4.8              The Manager Recruit Training must ensure that State Training College appliances are ready for deployment as a Strike Team with two hours notice.


4.9              Specialised State Operations sections must maintain a register of staff availability for USAR and CBR response to ensure that these capabilities are not compromised by shortages of qualified staff.


4.10          The Manager Operational Readiness must maintain a register of IMT, MICC and SEOC, POC and SCC liaison staff availability.


4.11          The Director State Operations will facilitate a test of the NSWFB’s Business Continuity Plan by simulating the failure of a component of NSWFB critical infrastructure. Any test must be preceded by at least five days notice to affected personnel.

5.         High Level Security Alert - terrorist attack is likely


5.1              The Director State Operations must ensure that all on duty NSWFB personnel are immediately advised by a broadcast message on email, faxstream, and pagers that the security alert has been upgraded to High.


5.2              Commanders and supervisors must ensure that the High Level Security Alert procedures for which they are responsible are activated, that Medium Level Security Alert procedures are all in place or being implemented and that this information is exchanged and disseminated during routine change of shift procedures.


5.3              Access will be denied for non-essential visitors and non-essential vehicles to identified NSWFB critical infrastructure locations. This may require engagement of security personnel where physical barriers to access do not exist. At some locations, public parking adjacent to critical infrastructure may need to be restricted, in consultation with NSW Police and local government agencies.


5.4              The Manager Operational Readiness must establish a rostered NSWFB Liaison Officer at the POC.


5.5              The Manager Operational Readiness must place nominated MICC, SEOC, SCC staff and liaison officers on 24/7 availability with two hours notice to deploy.


5.6              The Assistant Director Specialised State Operations will place NSWFB USAR and CBR capability on 24/7 availability with two hours notice to deploy.


5.7              The Director State Operations will determine the standby status of the USAR Reconnaissance team.


5.8              Deputy Regional Commanders, Area and Zone Commanders must establish close liaison with relevant District Emergency Management Officers.


5.9              The Director State Operations, in consultation with Regional Commanders, must determine the status of drills, exercises and community education activities and ensure that any activities likely to lead to delayed response or security concerns are postponed.

6.         Extreme level security alert - terrorist attack is imminent or has occurred


6.1              The Director State Operations must ensure that all on duty NSWFB personnel are immediately advised by a broadcast message on email, faxstream, and pagers that the security alert has been upgraded to Extreme.


6.2              All Commanders and supervisors must ensure that the Extreme Level Security Alert procedures for which they are responsible are activated, that High Level Security Alert procedures are all in place or being implemented and that this information is exchanged and disseminated during routine change of shift procedures.


6.3              All drills, exercises, and community education activities must be cancelled. Fire appliances must remain at stations unless dispatched or released for authorised, essential NSWFB business. When an appliance is away from station, one person must remain with it at all times to ensure security.


6.4              On-site security guards must be placed at NSWFB critical infrastructure sites on a 24/7 basis unless passive security measures are deemed to be sufficient.


6.5              Access to NSWFB critical infrastructure sites must be strictly restricted to essential personnel only.


6.6              Parking must be restricted at Alexandria, Katoomba, Newcastle and Wollongong ComCens to identified, authorised vehicles (after submitting to searches), and public street parking adjacent to the centres will be prohibited, in consultation with NSW Police and local government authorities.


6.7              Fire station doors must be kept closed, watchrooms of permanent stations must be staffed whenever the primary appliance is at the station, and strict security enforced. Access is for essential, authorised NSWFB business only.


6.8              Station Commanders at permanently staffed fire stations must ensure that keys are removed from appliances in engine bays and carried by appliance drivers at all times.


6.9              The Manager Operational Readiness will activate the MICC on a 24/7 basis.


6.10          The Assistant Director Specialised Operations will recall essential USAR and CBR personnel on a 24/7 basis.


6.11          The State Coordinator in the MICC will arrange for the recall of staff to crew spare appliances.


6.12          The Manager Operational Readiness will establish SEOC liaison officers on a 24/7 basis.


6.13          The Director State Operations will liaise with the Commissioner concerning attendance at the SCC.


Contact Officer:                Steve Baker, A/Manager Counter Terrorism and Aviation,

                                           (02) 9318 4879

File Reference:                  CHO/07128




Awareness of cultural and religious protocols when visiting premises

1.         Introduction


The NSW community includes a diverse range of cultures and religions.  All cultures and religions have customs and protocols about people entering premises, eg whether headwear or footwear is removed or retained.  In places of worship, there are often rituals or observances that people are expected to follow.

2.         Policy


NSWFB staff should be aware of and sensitive to cultural and religious protocols when visiting premises.  Without compromising operations, staff should observe protocols normally observed by the occupants of the premises, in accordance with the following guidelines.

3.         Community activities


When carrying out community activities such as risk management programs, pre incident planning, education activities or similar exercises, cultural and religious protocols should be observed, provided that safety and the ability of crews to respond to incidents are not compromised.


If you are not sure what cultural or religious protocols may apply, ask the advice of a member of the community concerned, perhaps when making the appointment.


The NSWFB Cultural and Linguistic Diverse (CALD) Coordinator, David Weir, can also be consulted on 0408 228 740.

4.         When attending incidents


When attending incidents, crews should be aware of cultural and religious issues, however crews must not allow cultural or religious issues to prevent:


·               the investigation of the circumstances to which the NSWFB has been called

·               the protection of life, property or the environment

·               personnel wearing the correct personal protective equipment for the incident.


Contact Officer:                David Weir, CALD Coordinator, (02) 9742 7143 or 0408 228 740

File Reference:                  CRM/POL/000038





Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005 - award increase


In making the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005 (the Award), the New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission ratified wage and wage related allowance increases totalling 12% payable in three incremental steps over three years.


Therefore a further 4% increase will be applied to wages and applicable allowances from the first pay period on or after 24 February 2006.


Please note that reimbursement allowances have not been adjusted in line with the wage increases. These allowances are adjusted on receipt of circulars from the Public Employment Office as a result of cost of living adjustments.


For wage increases please see Tables 1.2 and 2.2 of the Award.  Table 3 - Allowances is replaced by the following:










Laundry expenses

$ per week



6.6.2, 9.7 & 12.7

Kilometre Allowance

$ per km





Major Aerial Allowance

$ per week




Minor Aerial Allowance

$ per week




BA/Hazmat Allowance

$ per week




Hazmat Support Allowance

$ per week




Communications Allowance, Firefighters

$ per week




Communications Allowance, Officers

$ per week




Communications Allowance, Senior Officers

$ per week




Country Allowance

$ per week




Remote Area Allowance

$ per week




Rescue Allowance

$ per week




Service Allowance

  • 5 years or more, but less than 10 years
  • 10 years or more, but less than 15 years
  • 15 years or more

$ per week







Meal Allowance

$ per meal



10.2.1 &

Refreshment Allowance

$ per meal




Relieving Allowance

$ per rostered shift



Court Attendance Stand By Rate

  • Periods of less than 24 hours
  • Periods of 24 hours






Accommodation contribution

$ per week



Contact Officer:                Barry Larkins, Acting Industrial Officer, (02) 9265 2958

File Reference:                  CHO/07887v6




Employee Housing Manual


The New South Wales Fire Brigades and the New South Wales Fire Brigade Employees’ Union have agreed to vary the New South Wales Fire Brigades Employee Housing Manual and Clauses 30 and 47 “Rental of Premises” of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005 in order to enhance the entitlements for employees and to make vacancies in country NSW more attractive.


Application to vary this Award and a full review of the Employee Housing Manual will be made in the near future. In the interim, the following provisions will apply on an administrative basis from the beginning of the first pay period to commence on or after 24 February 2006.

1.         Criteria for a standard leased property


The new criteria for a standard leased property are:


·               four bedrooms

·               lock up garage/carport/car space

·               low maintenance building and garden/ground

·               rental value assessed for the average house in the average area to which the employee is appointed.

2.         Assessing the average rental


The criteria in point (1) above will apply to a house in the town to which the employee is appointed.  The employee may make application to the Regional Commander for approval to reside at another location outside the town to which the employee is appointed. However, the rental average will still be assessed on the town to which the employee is appointed, and used for the purpose of determining what rental shall be charged.

3.         Reduction to the Weekly Employee Contribution as set out in the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005 as follows:




30.2  Except as provided for in subclauses 30.3, 30.4 and 30.5, where an employee is required to and does occupy accommodation, the Department shall deduct from the rate of pay of the employee concerned an amount per week equal to 4% of the employee’s total weekly rate per week as prescribed in Tables 1.1 to 1.3, Rates of Pay, or 50% of the market rental of the accommodation, whichever is the lesser.


and In Clause 47 – RENTAL OF PREMISES


47.2  Except as provided for in subclause 47.4, where an Executive Officer is required to and does occupy accommodation, the Department shall deduct from the rate of pay of the Executive Officer an amount per week equal to 4% of the weekly equivalent of the Executive Officer’s annual salary as prescribed in Tables 1.1 to 1.3 of Part D, or 50% of the market rental of the accommodation, whichever is the lesser.


The new employee contributions will apply to all current tenants effective from the beginning of the first pay period to commence on or after 24 February 2006.  If an employee voluntarily breaks any current leasing arrangements to relocate under these new entitlements, the employee will bear the costs of that relocation.


Contact Officer:                Superintendent Marcus Baker, Manager Operational Personnel, (02) 9265 2830

File Reference:                  CHO/04581





Senior Firefighters Promotional Program – results


The following Firefighters have completed all the prerequisite modules and achieved competency in Level 2 Incident Control Systems and will be promoted to the rank of Senior Firefighter as follows:


            Name                                    Date of promotion

7077        A Clark                                                 23 December 2004

8341        D Vatcher                                               1 July 2005

7041        A Johnson                                           19 September 2005

7986        A Jamieson                                          21 September 2005

8026        D Smith                                                13 October 2005

8045        C Van Aken                                         22 October 2005

7704        B Dixon                                                24 October 2005

6275        M Tucker                                             25 October 2005

7911        J Leo                                                     31 October 2005

7861        C Broers                                                 2 November 2005

7939        R Moulay                                               7 November 2005

8046        A Campton                                          19 November 2005

8072        G Sanders                                            17 December 2005

6287        R Murphy                                            21 December 2005

7995        R Staggs                                              21 December 2005

8055        D Perry                                                 21 December 2005

7493        P Jeffery                                               21 December 2005

7884        B Jones                                                21 December 2005

7472        M Baum                                               21 December 2005

6536        D Agland                                             21 December 2005

7343        R Hockey                                             21 December 2005

7173        C Langshaw                                        21 December 2005

7950        C Wade                                                21 December 2005

6702        J Shilton                                               21 December 2005

8020        W Devereaux                                      21 December 2005

7927        S Grover                                               21 December 2005

7854        B Wetherall                                         21 December 2005

7916        P Bouffler                                               5 January 2006

6322        S Ridgeway                                         19 January 2006

8124        M Fitzgerald                                          9 February 2007

8151        A Shurety                                              1 April 2007

8165        B Griffith                                              20 April 2007

8179        R Clague                                                1 June 2007

8195        W Wilson                                              1 June 2007

8192        M Williams                                            1 June 2007

8241        N Chubb                                              21 September 2007

8244        P Hay                                                    21 September 2007

8253        C Wallace                                            21 September 2007

8254        D Bennett                                              2 November 2007


Contact Officers:               Senior Firefighters Bill Flegg and Larry Denyer, Professional Development Unit, (02) 9318 4842  or  (02) 9318 4852




Clean Up Australia Day – NSWFB participation


Following the success of NSWFB participation in previous years, the Clean Up Australia (CUA) organisation has again asked for our assistance on Clean Up Australia Day on Sunday 5 March 2006.


The Commissioner has authorised NSWFB participation, on a voluntary basis, in community clean up activities on CUA Day.  All NSWFB staff (on- and off-duty) are encouraged to take part in this worthwhile community initiative.  It contributes to a safer, cleaner environment and demonstrates the NSWFB’s commitment to community and environmental protection.


Crews who will be on-duty during the day on Sunday 5 March (B Platoon) are encouraged to visit CUA at their website: to find an existing clean up site within their local (response) area or to register a new clean up site.  A list of clean up sites will also be emailed to Zone Commanders.  CUA can also be contacted on freecall 1800 CUA DAY (1800 282 329).  Internal enquiries should be directed to the Coordinator, Corporate Risk Management.


Stations may also be approached directly for specialist advice or help on the day because we have advised CUA that the NSWFB is again prepared to assist.


By staying within station response areas and remaining available at all times by radio, response coverage will be maintained.  Emergency response takes absolute priority over CUA activities, and appliances must be available at all times by radio.


In country areas, retained staff are encouraged to voluntarily participate in CUA under the auspices of the NSWFB.  Retained staff will be covered by workers compensation provided entries are made in the Occurrence Book listing those staff participating.  Permanent staff rostered on duty are covered by workers compensation.  Staff who are not rostered on duty that day but still wish to participate on a personal basis are covered by either workers compensation or CUA public liability insurance.


Names of all participating stations should be provided to the Operational Commander (Sydney, Newcastle, Wollongong) or Zone Commander (other areas), as certificates of participation will be issued.

Safety and protection


Staff should protect themselves from cuts, abrasions, infections, sunburn, etc, by wearing standard NSWFB protective clothing. It is also important to convey and maintain the NSWFB’s professional image.


Officers in charge must ensure that all staff are properly attired. As a minimum, personnel are required to wear:


·               NSWFB work shirt

·               Station drill pants

·               NSWFB boots

·               NSWFB baseball cap or hat

·               protective gloves

·               protective goggles (if required)

·               sunscreen

·               sunglasses (if required)

·               reflective vest or bushfire jacket (in areas where there is any risk from traffic).


Note:  Adequate water should be carried and drunk to prevent dehydration.


Particular care should be taken to avoid needlestick injuries.  Sharps containers and tongs will be available if required from CUA authorities at a local level. Stations using rescue equipment, winches, etc, should operate according to safe working practices.

Magnetic stickers


Magnetic stickers sent to stations in 2001 should be attached to appliances on the day advertising the NSWFB commitment to the environment. Please note that these stickers will not attach to some appliances with an aluminium or fibreglass chassis. In this case, the stickers may be fixed to appliances in areas where they will not damage paintwork, such as roller shutters.

CARS entry


Clean Up Australia Day is listed as a community engagement activity in CARS.  On-duty crews who take part in CUA activities are required to fill out a CARS entry.

Information and enquiries


Further information on the NSWFB’s involvement in CUA activities can be obtained from Anne Lear, Coordinator Corporate Risk Management (email:, mobile: 0408 693 579)


Chief Superintendent Jim Smith, Assistant Director Community and Corporate Risk, will be available on Sunday 5 March 2006 to deal with CUA Day-related issues.  He can be contacted by calling 0407 244 008.


Media enquiries should be directed to Cubby Fox, (02) 9265 2802.


Contact Officer:                Anne Lear, Coordinator, Corporate Risk Management,

                                           (02) 9742 7417 or 0408 693 579

File Reference:                  CHO/00920





Appointment of Director


Mr Richard Athol Host has been appointed Director Business Systems and Information Technology effective from 3 January 2006.


Contact Officer:                Superintendent Peter X Stathis, Professional Standards and Conduct Officer, (02) 9265 2826

File Reference:                  CHO/08540






Assistant Director Capability Development, Senior Officer 2, Human Resources Directorate


Position No 737003.  Head Office, Sydney.  Permanent full-time. Total remuneration package valued up to $141,841 including salary ($120,070 - $128,537) employer’s contribution to superannuation and leave loading.


Duties:  Lead, manage, design and implement strategic and operational workforce capability for NSW Fire Brigades.   


Selection criteria: Extensive record of achievement in developing and delivering workforce capability strategies.  Demonstrated ability to effectively initiate and manage change within a complex organisation.  Substantial management experience and a sound understanding of the practical application of management systems and processes in a large and complex organisation.  Demonstrated high level experience in policy development and review. Excellent analytical and problem solving skills, with a proven capacity to meet challenges through initiative and innovation.  Excellent communication, negotiation and team building skills.  Tertiary qualifications in a relevant discipline, preferably at the post-graduate level or equivalent experience.  Common selection criteria also apply.


Inquiries:                           Patrizia Anzellotti, (02) 9006 3541


Information packages:      Helen Johnson, (02) 9006 3412 or send a blank email to and type GS21710 in the email subject


Applications:                      To apply confidentially, please register at the website by responding to Opportunity Code GS21710


Closing date:                      3 March 2006




Supervisor, Wollongong Communication Centre


In accordance with Clause of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005  applications are invited from staff holding the rank of Station Officer for Supervisor positions that are or may become available in the Wollongong Communication Centre.


The appointment will be for a minimum period of two years.  Appointment will involve an interview by a selection panel and successful completion of a training course by the selected applicant.  An information package must be obtained before submitting an application.  An application form is to be completed in full.


This position attracts an allowance of $269.76 per fortnight which is superable.


Inquiries:                           Response Coordinator A, B, C or D, (02) 9318 4354


Information packages:      Karen Collins, Operational Communications Admin Officer,

                                           (02) 9318 4811


Applications to:                 Administration Officer, Operational Communications, NSW Fire Brigades, 189 Wyndham Street, ALEXANDRIA NSW 2015


Closing date:                     31 March 2005


File reference:                   CHO/01580


Expression of Interest for Firefighters to transfer to Narellan Fire Station


Expressions of Interest are invited from firefighters who wish to be considered for vacancies at Narellan Fire Station on the special roster system.



Hours of duty

Monday to Thursday

0800 hours to 1630 hours


0800 hours to 1600 hours


There are two permanent firefighter positions available and one temporary firefighter position up to 9 months available.


Applications should be in writing addressed to:


            Zone Administration Officer West 6

            NSW Fire Brigades

            PO Box 5447

            MINTO BC NSW 2566

Inquiries:                           Superintendent Peter Murgatroyd, Zone Commander West 6,

                                           (02) 9895 4612


Closing date:                     31 March 2006


File reference:                   WST/00093C




The following appointments are subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980.  In some cases the maximum salary of the position may exceed the limit under which an appeal may be made to GREAT.  The 21 day period for appeal commences on the date of this In Order.













Date of Decision

Country Inspector North 4


B Crotty


Zone Commander West 5


M Brown


Station Commander Dubbo


G Dover



Recruit Firefighters


The following Recruit Firefighters were appointed to the NSW Fire Brigades on 3 February 2006:


8992    P Doswell                                          9002        R Kohlhagen

8993    M Graves                                           9003        N Pepper

8994    B Zyp                                                 9004        T Nelson

8995    A Tye                                                 9005        G Spencer

8996    B Martin                                            9006        L Loseby

8997    C Miles                                              9007        S Carnegie

8998    C Dowsett                                         9008        S Houghton

8999    G Blake                                               9009        T Doherty

9000    S Brook                                              9010        J Zabielo

9001    R Williams                                         9011        M Stewart



Inspector to Superintendent


6671        M Brown                                                                                                                                      10 February 2006



Firefighter Level 4 to Qualified Firefighter

                                                                                     Anniversary date           Promotion date

8196        G Adams                                                                                   13 July 2005                             23 November 2005


Firefighter Level 3 to Firefighter Level 4                                   

                                                                                     Anniversary date           Promotion date

8436        I Davison                                                                                  24 January 2006                      24 January 2006

8438        D Armstrong                                                                            24 January 2006                      24 January 2006




The promotion of 8376 D Armour from Firefighter Level 3 to Firefighter Level 4 in In Orders 2006/3 should have read:


8376        D Armour                                                                                  20 September 2005                  24 October 2005



Firefighter Level 2 to Firefighter Level 3                                                                                     

                                                                                     Anniversary date           Promotion date

8672        G Brown                                                                                    28 November 2005                  28 November 2005



Firefighter Level 1 to Firefighter Level 2                                                                                     

                                                                                     Anniversary date           Promotion date

8779        J Mackintosh                                                                              7 January 2006                        7 January 2006





7256        Qualified Firefighter            K French                                                                                         9 February 2006

8915        Recruit Firefighter               D Copeland                                                                                  10 February 2006






New members appointed to Brigades


B Merton                                        Coraki                                     1 October 2005

S Withers                                       Yamba                                  15 November 2005

C Melgaard                                    Yamba                                  15 November 2005

B Donachie                                    Tweed River                        15 December 2005

P Henderson                                  Tweed River                        15 December 2005

J Mansfield                                    Tweed River                        15 December 2005

D Dickie                                          Mullumbimby                      15 January 2006

W Hutchinson                              Berry                                     15 January 2006

W Ryan                                          Jindabyne                              1 February 2006

S Wells                                           Goonellabah                          1 February 2006

R Grill                                              Coraki                                     1 February 2006

T Lowndes                                     Casino                                    1 February 2006

A Horder                                        Ballina                                    1 February 2006

B J Cornwell                                   Wallerawang                         1 February 2006

A F Field                                        Katoomba                              1 February 2006

R Thomas                                       Helensburgh                       15 February 2006

R Bailllie                                         Jindabyne                            15 February 2006




231023 D Stengord was reappointed to NSW Fire Brigades as a Retained Firefighter on 19 January 2006.


Appointed to ranks


RETF C Garner                              Wyoming                                 Deputy Captain                               15 January 2006

RETF B Moss                                Cardiff                                      Deputy Captain                                 1 February 2006

DCAPT T Lomas                          Captain                                     Bombala                                            15 February 2006


These appointments are subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980.  The 21 day period for appeal commences from the date of this In Order.


Appointed as Engine Keepers


RETF J Petterson                          Thredbo                                  15 December 2005

RETF B M Bignell                         Bathurst                                  15 February 2006


These appointments are subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980.  The 21 day period for appeal commences from the date of this In Order.




RETF M Johnson                         Lightning Ridge        to          Casino                                                 1 January 2006

RETF E J Redden                          Deniliquin                                Griffith                                               15 January 2006

RETF R D Allan                            Boolaroo                                  Bathurst                                              1 February 2006

RETF J Clark                                  Peak Hill                                   Parkes                                                 1 February 2006

RETF S Duffy                                Terrigal                                     Port Macquarie                                  1 February 2006




RETF L Duffy                                Coledale                                  15 November 2005




RETF N A Moore                         Hay                                          15 February 2003

RETF G Brown                              Queanbeyan                           27 November 2003

RETF D Obrovac                          Mortdale                                 29 December 2005

RETF S Southgate                        Moruya                                   31 January 2006

RETF M J Tait                               West Wyalong                        1 January 2006

RETF B W May                            Glenbrook                                 5 January 2006

RETF R Mealy                               Menai                                        3 February 2006






                                                                                                        Greg Mullins AFSM


                                                                                                        17 February 2006