9 June 2006                         2006/13


Current national security alert level: Medium



Long Service and Good Conduct Medals and Clasps. 3


Youth Justice Conferences - Memorandum of Understanding and Guidelines. 17

Overt video surveillance policy. 17

Policy and procedure for the use of video recordings collected at incidents. 21


Multi-agency risk assessment of white powder or suspicious package incidents. 25

Personal protective equipment entry control at incidents and training. 27

Collecting smoke alarm data. 28

Fuel and oil contract 29

Security cameras at the Hazmat Service Centre. 29


Vacancies. 30

Project Officer (Electrical), Clerk 7/8, Engineering Services Unit 30

Alarms Administrator, Clerk 5/6, Communications. 31

Communications Administrator, Network Services, Clerk Grade 5/6,
     Communications. 31


Vacancies. 32

Researcher/Investigator, Fire Investigation and Research Unit 32

Community Risk Management Officer, North. 32

Station Commander, Goonellabah. 32

Workplace Assessor, Region South. 33

Instructor Appliance Training. 34

Operators, Katoomba Communication Centre. 34

Operator/ICV Driver, Sydney Communication Centre. 35

Appointments. 36

Promotions. 36


New members appointed to Brigades. 36

Appointed to Ranks. 37

Transfers. 37

Termination. 37

Resignations. 37

Retirement 37

Transferred to Honorary List 37


Long Service and Good Conduct Medals and Clasps

Long Service and Good Conduct Medal


224017       Paul Abbott

7342           Stewart Alexander

7351           Derek Alford

264024       William Allan

7334           Ian Anderson

7312           Christopher Andrews

7301           John Angwin

257032       Christine Archer

7329           Allan Atkin

477026       Steven Avasalu

362024       Andrew Bailey

7431           Paul Baker

28033         Christine Bals

7405           Gary Barber

372024       Colin Barnard

497033       Paul Barrass

324017       James Bartels-Waller

7392           Lucas Bates

212019       Peter Bath

7432           Gregory Bathurst

94031         Grant Batiste

7382           Scott Baxter

464054       Graham Beames

279022       Michael Beaumont

7367           Paul Beaven

72079         Bradley Beddoes

7383           Scott Bennett

28017         Raymond Berger

7423           Deri Best

257027       Colin Bird

419022       Jason Bliss

235022       Bruce Boorer

7317           Adam Booth

305065       Keri-lea Borchard

7433           Matthew Bramall

512018       Michael Bretag

491034       John Brouff

202026       Bruce Brown

233028       Charles Brown

386020       Nigel Brown

305042       Tony Brown

270024       Wayne Browne

447031       Scott Bryant

7361           Ian Bucci

7302           Raymond Buchanan

7297           Gareth Buckley

7298           Matthew Bull

208033       Russell Burgin

514018       Brett Burns

460039       Dean Butcher

7362           Brett Butler

444028       Gregory Butler

494025       Corey Bysouth

7315           Paul Campbell

7411           David Castle

7321           Glenn Caward

28971         Richard Cerveny

392025       Glen Chapman

418033       Peter Chisholm

7352           Anthony Christian

29063         Edward Clarke

253020       Rohan Coe

206025       Malcolm Coleman

47702         Paul Collins

7415           Jason Collits

82022         Jeffery Conway

204020       John Cook

7320           Paul Cooper

7374           James Cordell

484037       Randy Corling

244037       Brett Corven

7418           Peter Cottle

331031       Jeffrey Cowley

467031       Michael Crampton

461025       Stephen Cummins

280038       Raymond Cusack

7390           Daniel Cuskelly

7429           Sean Davies

389022       Paul Davis

398030       Scott Dawson

230019       Robert Day

470025       Steven Dibben

7360           Gary Dick

219021       Ian Dickson

234032       Ronald Dodwell

359027       John Dooley

266031       Michael Dowell

7310           Scott Downing

7311           Bradley Dubos

7356           Richard Duduc

7355           Glen Duncombe

7424           Andrew Dunkin

399027       Carl Dunn

454023       Robert Dunning

429020       John Easey

7435           Peter Eastment

7292           Trevor Eastwood

7434           Phillip Eberle

7399           Mark Ecob

7419           Martin Eelman

7413           Michael Egan

234040       Stephen Emmerton

477024       John Evans

205035       Brian Everett

344043       Jeffrey Ferguson

213027       Michael Firth

272035       Barry Fisher

7354           David Fisher

7296           Bruce Fitzpatrick

220045       Shannon Flint

470035       Scott Ford

257029       Stephen Foster

7365           Andrew Fraser

215022       Johnnie Freeman

359028       Robert Furner

7299           David Gallagher

363034       Robert George

7436           Constantine Gerasimou

205034       Brent Gerdes

380028       Joshua Gersbach

7357           Brad Giersch

261022       Stephen Gilbert

463025       Dean Gillespie

399024       Brian Gleeson

93001         Robert Gleeson

372020       Mark Goldie

395045       Rene Golik

362021       Ivan Gosper

7385           Craig Gostelow

7393           Jordan Gover

240035       Alan Graham

7322           Michael Graham

457022       Edwin Gray

372027       Owen Gray

340010       Brian Green

441022       Geoffrey Green

7428           Stephen Gregory-Jones

206015       Michael Griffin

7341           Mark Guider

402027       David Guthrie

7384           Darren Hall

491035       Jeffrey Hall

338019       Ricky Hall

210027       Scott Hamilton

340018       James Hansen

7306           Matthew Hardman

468037       Mark Harrison

7340           Brian Hawkins

484033       Rodney Healey

207030       Brian Heapy

337024       David Hedlund

381036       Aaron Heffernan

94026         Ralf Heim

7288           Ian Henson

351031       Wayne Hill

7343           Rodney Hockey

7350           Jeffrey Hogan

7437           Belinda Hooker

7307           Daniel Humphrey

7293           Bruce Ingersole

7368           Brett Jackson

380029       Julie James

7399           Scott Jarvis

7412           Christopher Jay

311046       Adam Johnson

7375           Darren Johnson

211020       Ian Johnson

458046       Kevin Johnston

7407           John Johnstone

457025       Graham Jones

442027       Gary Jordan

7326           Michael Julian

508018       Paul Kay

28984         Gordon Keen

28966         Simon Keena

7414           Craig Keith

202028       Christopher Kennedy

7417           Darren Kenny

7439           Grant Kenny

7440           Michael Kerslake

211022       Bruce Key

7381           Bradley Kilduff

270026       Laurence King

220025       Mark King

402039       Steven Kirin

315017       Michael Kirk

460058       Jason Knauer

424035       William Krantzcke

7404           Julian La Rosa

7386           Ian Lamp

7410           Glenn Lander

7442           Rodney Lang

7430           Stephen Larkins

271033       Shane Laverty

7353           Trent Lawrence

7376           Jeffrey Lay

7332           Anthony Lenthall

7287           Ian Levitt

7389           Guy Lightfoot

7422           Ian Loveday

7370           Rodney Lynch

7333           Todd Maguire

28975         Merilyn Malcolm

505022       Wayne Mant

78034         Neil Martin

424036       Geoffrey Matthews

293021       John McBurnie

424034       David McCarren

7323           Andrew McCready

358030       Scott McDonald

7394           Brett McEvoy

83027         Michael McGrath

266033       John McGregor

229030       James McKechnie

7349           David McKenna

7425           Gary McLean

7369           Douglas McPherson

303019       Bradley McSwan

284022       Bernard McTiernan

7443           Simon Melmeth

218019       Anthony Menon

7444           Walter Meredith

398034       Bryan Merry

7309           Joel Middleton

365021       Terry Mildren

233027       John Milgate

447033       John Mitchell

226024       Bryan Moon

213029       David Morris

7314           Ian Mountain

496023       Wayne Moyer

306033       Peter Muney

367038       David Murray

7303           Steven Muscat

7300           David Myers

7328           Gary Nash

7408           Richard Nau

7445           Ryan Neich

303018       James Neilson

29060         Orita Newell

360023       David Newman

496022       Graeme Nicholls

350016       Geoffrey Nicholson

464040       Darrel Oakley

7420           Murray Oastler

7395           James O’Brien

358029       Stewart O’Brien

229031       Andrew O’Connell

432044       James O’Donnell

484042       Daniel Ogle

7446           Edward O’Hara

7294           Peter Oliver

506022       Richard Orman

7403           Phillip O’Sullivan

399023       Peter Palmer

7364           Shane Park

7372           John Parrish

7377           Jeffrey Parsons

205036       Greg Partridge

7402           Steven Perkins

411017       Steven Perry

455028       David Pilton

7406           Duncan Podmore

7400           John Poulos

474038       Gareth Quin

280051       Raylene Quin

512019       Gavin Raccanello

210029       Guy Rays

214022       Darren Reaper

7358           Wayne Reed

373038       Robert Reeve

513021       Wayne Rendall

79032         Louis Richards

259019       Peter Riley

7347           John Roach

7387           Alan Robertson
377001       Phillip Rodgers

7416           Scott Rouse

293022       Leslie Rowlands

7447           Troy Rugless

7335           Matthew Ruse

7401           Wayne Rush

7427           Ben Salter

507026       Bruce Sanders

7348           Marc Saunders

502020       Christopher Sawyer

7289           Mark Sawyer

7327           John Scott

449021       Robert Scott

7373           Timothy Seeney

7378           Dave Seifert

206019       Nigel Semmens

8441           Mitchell Sheather

471021       Athol Shelton

471019       Craig Shelton

453044       James Short

337025       Kevin Siemsen

204023       Jason Simpson

29055         Peter Skinner

498032       Francis Smith

487024       Gary Smith

337023       Jarrod Smith

313023       Phillip Smith

429021       Robert Smith

28972         Vicki Smith

7304           Chris Stathis

7448           Cheryl Steer

7363           Shane Stephens

514005       Benjamin Stevenson

391028       Christopher Stewart

7313           Robert Stewart

7325           Troy Stockwell

7359           Sasha Strugar

7366           Phillip Sturges

251022       David Sulis

7380           Paul Sullivan

7308           Adrian Sutherland

338020       Michael Swinney

7719           Rodney Tabone

499025       Richard Tait

305040       Paul Taylor

347027       Robert Taylor

29070         Guy Tesoriero

259021       Adam Thompson

7409           Timothy Thompson

397032       Garry Thornton

385019       Ian Thorpe

7379           Andrew Ticehurst

482029       Bruce Timmins

476020       Gregory Topple

323020       Michael Trounson

28974         Nghiem Truong

7388           Graeme Tull

360022       Paul Turner

7421           Luke Unsworth

360020       Andrew Valenta

7331           Nathan Van der Meulen

511026       Antonius Van Leeuwen

442026       Benjamin Van Loo

94029         Dirk Van Wely

444029       David Vaughan

81034         Martin Vedmore

7291           Mark Verhoeven

428052       Corey Wackett

29051         John Wademan

465024       David Wake

393023       Simon Walmsley

343029       Brett Walsh

28970         Elisa Walsh

7391           Richard Warry

313021       Richard Watling

445040       Robert Watson

7336           Stuart Wetherall

412042       Peter White

372023       Peter White

231040       Sheree White

7622           Glenn Whitehead

331032       Robert Wighton

483017       Peter Williams

349026       Colin Wilson

491032       Geoffrey Wilson

363033       Geoffrey Wilson

7396           Ross Wilton

471020       James Wisemantel

7371           Geoffrey Wood

7319           Robert Woods

7305           Edward Wooltorton

399021       Reginald Wright

7295           Phillip Yabsley

269026       Graham Yates

7450           Gregory Young


First Clasp


6201           Gregory Adams

6249           Peter Adams

6242           James Aisbett

6304           Robert Ambrose

6164           Michael Anderson

6161           Michael Arnold

266017       James Atkinson

234013       Edward Babula

6310           David Baigent

6203           Paul Bailey

6255           Steven Baker

6292           Steven Bamford

6253           Heather Barnes

232010       David Barton

429012       Graham Batho

6396           Mark Battams

6346           Mark Beare

6446           Wayne Bebington

6268           Charles Begley

6401           Anthony Bellew

253015       Colin Bennett

237014       Josef Bereza

6297           Andrew Blacklaw

6224           Christopher Blanchard

6372           Gregory Blanche

6889           Jay Bland

6447           Timothy Boissery

29236         Suzy Bosevska

502013       Leslie Bramble

295013       Noel Bratton

6205           James Bray

6430           Stephen Bray

6609           Terrance Brennan

6424           Glenn Brickwood

6257           Craig Brierley

458014       Gary Broadbent

394001       Robert Brooker

6291           Garry Brown

492014       Glen Brown

6160           Robert Brownlow

6425           Phillip Burgess

6256           Denise Butcher

342012       Leonard Café

392038       Michael Callinan

6475           Robert Callow

6122           Bruce Cameron

6218           Mark Castelli

6371           Mark Cavanough

205018       Malvern Chaffey

75011         Philip Challinor

6455           Michael Chant

6241           Peter Clark

6411           Thomas Clarkstone

223013       Graeme Clements

6338           Brett Close

6342           Mark Clout

457014       Christopher Coker

6439           John Considine

6449           Michael Cook

6175           Craig Cooper

6474           Dennis Cornell

6200           John Coughlan

282014       David Crane

6412           James Crookston

385014       Dean Cross

6152           Brett Crotty

29918         Patricia Crowe

6185           Michael Curtis

207014       Peter Daniel

412024       Gary Davidson

6198           Craig Davies

432013       David Davies

496012       Peter Davies

6240           John Davy

6295           Antonis De Simone

6318           Anthony Dennis

6463           Robert Dennis

6350           Matthew Dent

6390           Laurence Denyer

6168           Neil Diven

7704           Brett Dixon

6370           Mark Dixon

6381           Mark Dodge

212012       Wayne Donehue

6178           Scott Douglas

6271           Ian Doust

316013       Ian Drew

6465           John Duff

267013       Robert Duncan

6373           Brett Ebbeck

6413           Brent Edwards

75010         Graeme Edwards

7419           Martin Eelman

6226           Colin Eldridge

6429           Brian Ellicott

428025       Edward Erland

314016       Bernard Etheridge

342011       Glen Evans

477012       Stephen Farr

6470           David Felton

6283           Bernard Fenasse

284012       Robert Ferguson

6395           Peter Field

6132           David Finch

6433           Kenneth Finn

6361           Robert Finnie

6472           Ross Fitzpatrick

6145           David Fleming

6358           William Flodin

6480           Andrew Flowers

6207           Simon Flynn

6142           Wayne Foley

6392           Mark Forbes

398015       William Foster

6173           Peter Fotis

6239           Timothy Fox

6473           Carl Franklin

29615         Christopher Fraser

6243           Richard Fraser

6306           Christopher Frost

6437           Anthony Furner

6478           Maxwell Gale

6247           Peter Gale

6278           Wayne Garrard

472024       David Gill

6123           Geoffrey Green

6337           John Green

511018       Christopher Grieves

6329           Tony Gutteridge

6423           Grant Haar

345015       Anthony Hackenberg

29361         Allan Haddad

6276           John Hamling

6162           Frederick Hampton

468051       David Hardcastle

6188           Mark Hardie

6444           Craig Hare

6189           Robert Harley

6383           David Harris

355013       Neil Hart

6299           Jon Hartley

6155           Craig Harvey

6407           Peter Harwood

6426           Rodney Hawkins

6369           Terrence Hay

494016       Robert Hayes

6209           Michael Hehir

6445           Richard Heinrich

6415           Brett Henshaw

6476           Christopher Higgs

6258           Robert Hill

6336           Angus Holmes

6320           David Honan

6363           Gregory Hopcroft

6270           Paul Hord

6211           Bradley Howard

6387           Christopher Hudson

278017       Paul Hussey

6335           Ross Hyland

6406           Peter Jacobs

6477           Raymond James

6333           Robert Jansen

6147           Gregory Jeffery

6263           Quentin Johnson

6403           Russell Johnson

6367           Paul Johnstone

6459           John Karimanovic

6410           Neil Kearney

6461           Glenn Kimpton

6290           Robert Kinsela

337016       Graham Kirk

6404           Rory Kirkpatrick

6128           Terrence Kirkpatrick

6448           David Kitching

6428           John Kite

6179           John Krajcik

371012       Phillip Lane

295023       Paul Langley

6119           Graham Lawrie

405032       Craig Lenehan

6452           Brett Lennon

218014       Royce Lett

6399           Peter Levett

6436           Philip Lindsay

6181           Glenn Lockhart

6378           Gregory Lofthouse

6467           Glen Lord

6182           Neville Loveday

6280           Robert Maciejowski

6225           Vincent MacNamara

452016       Brian Maher

6321           Neil Maloney

6351           Peter Markham

6339           Wayne Martin

6360           Dawn Maynard

6251           Geoffrey McAllister

6389           Lance McCabe

6282           Gregory McCall

239015       Garry McConnell

6149           Leo McCrory

6479           Grant McDonald

449013       Leslie McDonald

6355           Paul McGuiggan

6438           Roger McIvor

302017       Gregory McLaren

6204           Robert McLintock

6340           James McMahon

6215           John McNamara

6427           Kel McNamara

6212           Antone McPherson

6196           Gary Meagher

6312           Jonathan Meakin

6327           Edward Melinz

6345           Maxwell Metzker

474017       Robert Michielin

206014       William Miller

6380           Chad Mitchell

6126           John Moat

6118           Stewart Moat

6288           Brett Moir

6248           Michael Molloy

84014         Robert Moody

6137           David Mooney

468023       Michael Mooney

6267           Glen Moran

507014       Raymond Moran-Webb

6183           Wayne Morris

460012       Stephen Moxon

491013       Stephen Muir

6115           Kenneth Murphy

6287           Robert Murphy

286014       Zlatko Nemec

401013       Norman Newman

6269           Peter Newton

6129           Mark Nickisson

6254           Dennis Nielsen

6416           John Nixon

424017       Donald O’Bree

441014       Douglas O’Connor

6135           Grant O’Regan

6391           Michael O’Sullivan

6208           Stephen O’Sullivan

6384           Gary Overall

6307           Alan Paine

6362           Stephen Parkins

6466           Neil Parsons

237017       Allan Partridge

6453           Steven Pearce

400016       John Pearson

6273           Donald Pescud

6221           Harmut Peters

6382           Mark Peterson

6440           Thomas Phee

6324           Robert Phillips

6228           Timothy Phillips

456022       Gregory Pickersgill

6356           Robert Pinnock

6349           David Polson

6319           Brian Potter

6414           Gary Power

6217           Robert Price

6266           Leslie Pritchard

6220           Mark Pritchard

6418           Steven Purcell

6388           Paul Randall

6163           Scott Randall

6352           Bruce Ransome

6127           David Rendall

6302           Peter Richards

6150           Brian Riddell

6322           Stephen Ridgeway

6199           Ivo Risti

6457           John Ritchie

6130           Gregory Roberts

6157           Francisco Rodriguez

6125           Glen Rossetto

6402           Mark Roxby

360014       Keith Russell

6136           David Ryan

6450           Paul Ryan

6434           Edward Salinas

6236           Jeffree Savage

282011       Peter Saxby

268018       Wayne Schulz

471021       Athol Shelton

6334           Michael Sherwin

6117           Stephen Shields

6246           Ricki Shires

454013       Rodney Short

6141           Scott Simmons

6398           Kim Simpson

322013       Peter Skeers

394012       Vincent Slattery

6259           William Sluyter

6286           Brian Smart

390015       Cameron Smith

6998           Colin Smith

492016       Graham Smith

6124           John Smith

6237           Kenneth Smith

450012       Leonard Smith

6469           Martin Smith

6139           Paul Smith

337018       Peter Smith

6471           Wayne Smith

6432           William Spek

6174           Lindsay Speldewinde

6143           Richard Spiteri

6170           Glen Stenner

237013       Ian Stevenson

268017       Darren Stewart

6849           Glenn Stewart

7313           Robert Stewart

6153           Peter Stirling

6405           Barry Stokeld

6148           David Strachan

331015       Garry Summers

417014       Bruce Symonds

379013       Gerard Tangey

6353           David Taylor

6464           Mitchell Telford

465013       Tony Terry

6462           Jeffrey Thomas

257023       Geoffrey Thompson

214012       Raymond Thompson

6309           Richard Thompson

6323           Peter Tickle

6393           Geoffrey Tolson

6231           James Towle

235013       Garry Townley

401014       Peter Treseder

6275           Mark Tucker

6311           David Turnbull

6397           Peter Turner

482012       Phillip Turner

6279           William Turner

6206           Frank Van Treeck

6421           Martin Vince

6435           David Wade

6244           Scott Wade

6364           Rodney Wakeford

6422           Brian Wallace

429013       Craig Wallace

6289           Craig Wallace

458031       Stuart Walsham

6219           David Watson

6121           Gregory Watson

6460           Gregory Watson

6394           John Watterson

6409           Daniel Weathers

6138           Thomas Webley

6443           Brian Webster

6376           Gary Weekley

6481           Craig Weir

6419           John Wells

6262           Grant West

6296           Kenneth West

6195           Lindsay West

6386           Murray West

6232           Gregory Wettengel

6230           Andrew Wheeler

6308           Keith White

308014       Keith White

6341           Ross White

6347           Phillip Whybro

466014       Gregory Widdison

6167           Ian Wilcox

6284           Bradley Williams

6281           Mark Williams

6193           Malcolm Willmott

6343           Christopher Wilson

6354           Dean Wilson

6456           Drew Wilson

6344           Mark Wilson

6144           Jason Wood

6316           Glenn Worthington

6197           Mark Wright

6442           Stephen Wright

383009       Peter Yates

263016       Andrew Young

Second Clasp


5011        Angus Alford

5170        Ian Anderson

5204        Russell Arlington

384008    Robert Arnold

5034        Robert Aspinall

5159        Ronald Baroni

5198        Laurence Beaudoire

5163        Robert Boon

5041        Kieran Britt

5216        James Brown

5131        John Brown

5051        Robert Brown

419005    Roy Bruce

5107        Albert Clifford

218004    Christopher Cooper

308007    Ronald Cotter

5141        Allan Cox

5093        Michael Craig

306012    Robert Creighton

277004    Raymond Curll

465006    Peter Dennis

321006    Robert Donohoe

316006    Dennis Drew

502005    Robert Ducat

5037        Brian Dudley

510005    Terence Durrington

5020        Bruce Dyson

29116      Stephen Edwards

325007    Ross Faterstrom

5036        David Farrar

513008    Arnold Fuller

5029        Christopher Gabriel

5108        Gary Galwey

5117        David Garratt

5206        Robert Gaul

5116        Stephen Gillett

5050        Colin Gleeson

5076        George Golds

5212        Anthony Grant

5091        David Gray

265005    Garrie Hall

461003    Ian Hamilton

405009    David Hanson

5214        Barry Harrington

314006    Paul Hartley

494005    Roy Harvey

5126        Martin Hofstadler

5181        Colin Holmes

384009    David Holmes

205006    Peter Hooper

325002    Donald Hope

432006    David Hughes

5110        Peter Ingleby

5158        Kent Jackson

498004    Patrick James

5176        Peter Jentsch

5215        Ian Johnson

5033        Norman Juniel

392010    Christopher Kane

5137        Allan Kelso

5199        Geoffrey Kennedy

5124        Keith King

457009    Jeffrey Koch

362027    Ian Lambert

351014    George Lewis

5031        Peter Llowarch

5144        Albert Lowry

5055        Gregory MacDonald

5140        Michael MacLaurin

5197        Gordon Maher

508019    Philip Maher

520002    Kenneth Mahoney

253008    Robert Manning

5162        Stuart Marriott

5019        Rudolph Mattheus

5083        Stephen McLennan

362009    Robert McNamara

5123        Ian Menteith

443008    Frederick Miller

5133        John Mills

255004    Patrick Moon

265001    Kent Morley

314009    David Moses

510006    Edward Muggleton

488003    Keith Murray

263007    Bede Nichols

483007    David Nunan

5211        Robert Packham

406004    Collin Pardy

267008    Mark Pearce

336008    Vernon Pearson

325003    James Powell

5089        Rafton Stephen

78002      Allan Rayner

441006    Keith Rhoades

233008    Kenneth Rice

466009    Desmond Richards

5195        John Roberts

5085        Wayne Robertson

5008        Gary Rolfe

5194        Mark Rose

82008      Phillip Salt

5147        Thomas Schmidt

302005    Earl Sharman

5079        Jan Sheehan

471021    Athol Shelton

5175        Mark Simmons

245004    Neil Simpson

5202        Michael Smith

5186        Robert Smith

513009    Donald Smyth

5169        Edward Sobiesiak

360005    Brian Stanmore

468012    George Sutherland

293007    Phillip Thompson

5042        Roderick Trueman

5188        Iain Turner

5200        John Warren

5017        Trevor Watkins

5145        Stephen Webb

5193        Alan Whelan

5208        Mark Williams

315007    Graham Williamson

373006    Alphonsus Willis

5025        Gordon Willson

510004    John Wilson

5061        Graeme Woodger

5023        Stephen Woodger


Third Clasp


23544         John Anderson

419005       Roy Bruce

3546           Roger Bucholtz

3290           Garry Burgess

3278           Peter Casey

3319           Allan Christensen

423006       George Coleman

491003       William Cusack

336005       William Ferris

357003       Barry Griffith

345004       Peter Hinchcliffe

3468           David Holden

63002         James Jeffriess

493003       Howard Lay

3372           Robert Lewthwaite

452003       James Lupton

3286           Kenneth McDonald

238004       Brian Pascoe

513005       Stanley Reimer

411003       Peter Ryan

223003       Garvin Schweicker

3418           Rex Wall

3540           Peter Warton

Fourth Clasp


307002       Kenneth Maughan


Contact Officer:          Maree James, Events Coordinator, (02) 9265 2905

File Reference:            CHO/08584



Youth Justice Conferences - Memorandum of Understanding and Guidelines

1.         Memorandum of Understanding


A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between the NSW Fire Brigades (NSWFB) and the Department of Juvenile Justice. 


Under the MOU the Department of Juvenile Justice will notify the NSWFB of Youth Justice Conferences for fire-related offences and the NSWFB will provide a representative to attend each such conference whenever possible.


A copy of the MOU is available on the Community Risk section of the Intranet.

2.         Attendance at Youth Justice Conferences


Attendance at Department of Juvenile Justice Youth Justice Conferences by NSWFB firefighters is voluntary.


Invitations to attend Youth Justice Conferences will be sent to the NSWFB Intervention and Fire Awareness Program (IFAP) Coordinator who will liaise with Zone Commanders and Operational Commanders to coordinate attendances.


Participation in the Conferences will be first offered to permanent firefighters who attended the incident.  If no permanent firefighters who attended the incident can participate, the offer will be extended to retained firefighters who attended the incident.  If no permanent or retained firefighters who attended the incident can participate, permanent firefighters attached to the station that attended the incident will be invited to participate. If they decline, retained firefighters attached to the station that attended the incident will be invited to participate.


If the Conference is held at a location remote from where the incident occurred, firefighters attached to stations in the immediate area will be invited to participate in accordance with the above protocol.


NSWFB firefighters receiving requests direct from the Department of Juvenile Justice to attend a Youth Justice Conference should forward the request to the IFAP Coordinator for action.

3.         Guidelines


A set of guidelines on Youth Justice Conferences has been produced to reflect the MOU and provide information to assist NSWFB firefighters.  They are available on the Intranet.


Contact Officer:                Station Officer Russell Airey, Intervention and Fire Awareness Program Coordinator, (02) 9742 7404 or 0409 129 647

File Reference:                  CHO/06698


Overt video surveillance policy


This instruction rescinds In Orders 2006/1, Overt video surveillance policy.

1.         Scope and application


This policy applies to the use of overt video surveillance by the NSWFB in NSWFB workplaces.


Overt video surveillance is the use of video surveillance in the workplace where:


·        employees have been notified in writing at a reasonable period of time before the cameras are used


·        the cameras, or camera casings or other equipment that would generally indicate the presence of a camera, are clearly visible to a person in the area which is under surveillance, and


·        there are signs which are visible to both employees and visitors which notify them that they may be under surveillance in an area.


Note:   Covert video surveillance is not covered by this policy.  Covert video surveillance is surveillance that does not meet the above conditions.  Under the Workplace Surveillance Act 2005, the NSWFB can only use covert video surveillance if:


·        it is only for the purpose of establishing whether or not the employee is involved in any unlawful activity while at work, and


·        it is authorised by a covert video surveillance authority issued by a magistrate.

2.         Consultation


The NSWFB will consult with employees and/or their representatives before installing overt video surveillance equipment.


This consultative process will give individual employees the opportunity to comment on:


·        the purposes for the installation of video surveillance equipment


·        the nature and capacities of the equipment being installed


·        the location of cameras


·        the hours in which cameras will be operated


·        the circumstances in which video recordings will be used


·        the mechanisms for ongoing consultation on the use of video surveillance equipment, and


·        how any disputes arising from the use of video surveillance will be settled.

3.         Notification


At least 14 days before the use of overt video surveillance, the NSWFB will:


·        display written notices and a copy of this policy on noticeboards in the affected workplaces, and


·        publish notification in In Orders.


The notification will include:


·        the area/s in which the surveillance will be conducted


·        the specific purpose of the surveillance, and


·        the position responsible for the conduct of the surveillance.

4.         Signs


On NSWFB premises where overt video surveillance equipment is installed, the NSWFB will display signs informing employees and members of the public that the area is under video surveillance.

5.         Ethical use of overt video surveillance


5.1       The NSWFB will not install overt video surveillance cameras in toilets, showers, change rooms or locker rooms in NSWFB workplaces.


5.2       Cameras will not be used to zoom in on individuals or pry on a person’s activities without cause.


5.3       Overt video surveillance will not be used to monitor work performance.


5.4       The NSWFB will not use overt video surveillance to monitor NSWFB employees for evidence of minor misdemeanours.


5.5       However, overt video surveillance recordings may be used as evidence in disciplinary or legal proceedings if:


·        the employee who is subject to the complaint has reviewed and given consent to the use of the recordings, or

·        an officer conducting a preliminary or formal inquiry under the Fire Brigades (General) Regulation 2003 or inquiry under the Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 requires a copy of the recording for the purposes of the inquiry, or

·        recordings are subpoenaed,

on the condition that a copy of the recording of the incident will be made available to the employee or their authorised representative within fourteen days of the warning, commencement of disciplinary proceedings or legal action.


5.6       In accordance with section 3 above, notifications of overt video surveillance will include the specific purpose of the surveillance.  Use for purposes other than the notified purpose or section 5.5 above is unauthorised use.


5.6       Action will be taken against anyone involved in unauthorised use of video surveillance equipment or recordings.  Complaints of unauthorised use of video surveillance equipment or recordings should be sent to the Professional Standards and Conduct Officer.

6.         Access to video recordings


Employees are entitled to access videos recordings of their actions in the workplace.  With the consent of the individual concerned and the approval of the Commissioner, recordings may also be provided to the individual’s representative or agent.


The following positions are authorised to access recordings:


·        the Commissioner


·        Deputy Commissioners


·        the Director or Regional Commander responsible for the area under surveillance, and


·        the Senior Legal Officer.


Other staff or external parties who need to access recordings may do so on request to one of these authorised positions, subject to the requirements of section 18 of the Workplace Surveillance Act 2005, which states that the recordings are not to be used or disclosed unless the use or disclosure is:


(a)        use or disclosure for a legitimate purpose related to the employment of employees of the employer or the legitimate business activities of functions of the employer, or


(b)        disclosure to a member or officer of a law enforcement agency for use in connection with the detection, investigation or prosecution of an offence, or


(c)        use or disclosure for a purpose that is directly or indirectly related to the taking of civil or criminal proceedings, or


(d)        use or disclosure that is reasonably believed to be necessary to avert an imminent threat of serious violence to persons or of substantial damage to property.


Internal requests for access to recordings should be submitted to the position responsible for the video surveillance concerned. External requests for access to recordings should be made in writing to the Senior Legal Officer.

7.         Security of recordings


Recordings are classified at a minimum as NSWFB-In-Confidence and may have a higher classification.  Recordings must be kept secure in accordance with In Orders 2003/26, Information security policy.


Before a recording is disclosed to a party external to the NSWFB, that party must give a written undertaking to maintain the security of the information.


Records must be kept of who has accessed recordings and the purpose of the access.

8.         Retention of recordings


Recordings will be kept for a period of time specified in the notification in In Orders on that type of surveillance.


After the specified period of time has expired, the recordings will be erased or securely destroyed, unless they have been identified as evidence relating to a disciplinary proceeding or legal action.

9.         Issues


Whenever possible, issues relating to overt video surveillance should be resolved directly with the position responsible for the video surveillance concerned or the chain of command above that position.


Staff who are concerned about privacy issues may contact the Privacy Contact Officer, Anne Pickles, on (02) 9265 2971 or for advice.  Privacy complaints should be sent to the Professional Standards and Conduct Officer.


Contact Officer:         Anne Pickles, Information Coordinator, (02) 9265 2971

File Reference:           CHO/05572



Policy and procedure for the use of video recordings collected at incidents


This instruction rescinds In Orders 2006/1, Operational use of video technology.

1.         Scope and application


In accordance with the Overt video surveillance policy, this instruction notifies employees of the operational use of NSWFB video technology at incidents.


This policy is to be read in conjunction with:


·        In Orders 2006/13, Overt video surveillance policy


·        In Orders 2003/26, Information security policy


·        In Orders 2002/18, Photographs and videos of dead or injured people


·        In Orders 2004/15, Operational Debriefs

2.         Purpose


The NSWFB can only use video surveillance and recordings made at incidents for the purposes of:


·        incident management;


·        risk management;


·        live monitoring of safety;


·        protecting buildings, vehicles and equipment;


·        supporting tactical operations, eg using thermal imaging or USAR search cameras;


·        gathering information for use in


·        operational debriefs;


·        training; and


·        post incident analysis by the Fire Investigation and Research Unit; and


·        discipline in accordance with the Overt video surveillance policy.

3.         Deployment


The NSWFB has the capability to deploy:


·        masthead cameras mounted on Incident Control Vehicles (ICVs)


·        portable cameras, and


·        specialised cameras, eg thermal imaging cameras and USAR search cameras.


Video images may be streamed to the ICV, the Major Incident Coordination Centre or other locations for the purpose of incident management.


Signs must be placed on the ICVs warning that video cameras may be in use.

4.         Responsibilities


The Incident Controller is responsible for initiating and directing the use of video/camera technology at an incident.


The Incident Controller is to notify all Sector Commanders that video recording is going to take place prior to video recording commencing.  Sector Commanders are to ensure that firefighters are notified of the same as soon as possible.


The ICV crew is responsible for adding the tag ‘VCAM’ to the FireCAD Incident Log to facilitate the retrieval of information related to the incident at which recording has occurred.


At the conclusion of the incident, the ICV Officer is responsible for:


·        securing a DVD copy of any recorded vision taken at an incident


·        labelling the DVD copy with the name, number and date of the incident


·        delivering the DVD under security to the Assistant Director Operational Communications, and


·        after confirming the quality of the copied DVD, deleting all recorded vision from surveillance equipment.

5.         Security of recordings


5.1       When a recording is forwarded to the Assistant Director Operational Communications for storage, the recording will be kept secure unless accessed in accordance with this policy.


5.2       All recordings are classified at a minimum of NSWFB-in-Confidence and must be kept secure in accordance with In Orders 2003/26, Information security policy.


5.3       Recordings that include images of dead or injured people must be managed in accordance with In Orders 2002/18, Photographs and videos of dead or injured people.


5.4       The Assistant Director Operational Communications is required to make the following entries on a central file that is kept with the DVD recordings:


·        date recording was taken

·        address of incident

·        FireCAD incident number

·        date access was authorised

·        date recording was returned

·        date recording was disposed of

·        Disposal Authority and Disposal Class authorising the destruction.


5.5       All operational video recordings will be securely stored with the Assistant Director Operational Communications for 28 days.  Recordings may be retained longer if they are accessed in accordance with this policy.


5.6       Following that 28 day period, all recordings will be transferred to secure off-site storage and retained and disposed of in accordance with the NSWFB’s Functional Retention and Disposal Authority (FRDA).


5.7       During the period of retention specified by the FRDA, the recordings may only be accessed where they are subject to legal proceedings.


5.8       In all cases, the FBEU will be notified when an application has been made to access the operational video recordings.

6.         Access to recordings


6.1       All requests for access to recorded vision must be in writing to the Director State Operations.


6.2       The Incident Controller may make application to access and review the footage collected at a particular incident and must do so by completing the form Application for access to operational video recordings which is available on Station Portal.


6.3       The application must be authorised by the Incident Controller’s Director or Regional Commander before being submitted to the Director State Operations for approval.


6.4       The application must state the intended use of the footage before the Director State Operations can approve it.


6.5       The applicant must agree not to copy or distribute the provided material.


6.6       Whenever a recording is released by the Director State Operations, a copy of this policy will also be provided to the recipient of the recording.


6.7       The Incident Controller may, in accordance with this policy, recommend that footage be kept for use at an operational debrief or for use in training material or post incident analysis.


6.8       Parties external to the NSWFB will not have access to video recordings unless it is required for the purpose of legal proceedings.

7.         Use of recordings in training material


Where the Incident Controller identifies that some of the footage contained on the recording would be useful for future training it may be retained by the Assistant Director Operational Communications subject to the following:


7.1       Only the portion that the Incident Controller deems useful will be retained and/or released for the purpose of future training.


7.2       The Director State Operations must give approval before the original copy is released to the relevant training section.


7.3       Use of a training material which contains video footage must be approved by the Training Review Committee prior to its use.


7.4       Where individual firefighters can be identified from the footage intended for use in training material, the agreement of those individuals is required prior to its use.

8.         Use of recordings for post incident analysis


Where the Incident Controller identifies that some of the footage contained on the recording would be useful for post incident analysis by the Fire Investigation and Research Unit it may be retained by the Assistant Director Operational Communications subject to the following:


8.1       Application must be made to the Director State Operations via the Application form for access to operational video recordings available on Station Portal.


8.2       On approval, the Director State Operations will specify a return date by which the recording will be returned to the Assistant Director Operational Communications for relocation to off site storage.


8.3       Where recordings are approved footage will only be viewed by the investigating officer/officers in the Fire Investigation and Research Unit.

9.         Use of recordings during operational debriefs


Where an Incident Controller has been given access to recordings the use of the recorded vision during an operational debrief it will be conditional on the following:


9.1       The Incident Controller must review all footage and must select those aspects of the footage that are intended for use at the Operational Debrief before showing it to anyone else.  Footage selected should be in relation to the following:


·        NSWFB operations

·        equipment

·        operational safety

·        building construction and performance, and

·        incident management.


9.2       Subject to 9.3, where individual firefighters can be identified from the footage, the Incident Controller will not use that footage at the operational debrief.


9.3       Where the Incident Controller wishes to use a piece of footage where a firefighter can be identified during an operational debrief, the identified firefighter will be asked if they consent to the footage being released.  If they do not consent then the use of that portion of the footage will not be permitted.


9.4       Recordings that contain footage of a sensitive nature will not be permitted for use at any operational debriefs, however may, where required, be used for post incident analysis in accordance with Clause 8 of this policy.


9.5       Recordings will not be used at Type 3 debriefs where other agencies are present.


9.6       Access to recordings will be authorised once only for use at an operational debrief and must be returned to the Assistant Director Operational Communications within 28 days of the date of recording.


9.7       Where an operational debrief has been conducted and the recording is no longer required it must be returned to the Assistant Director Operational Communications as soon as practicable.


Contact Officer:         Chief Superintendent Mark Whybro, Assistant Director Operational Communications, (02) 9318 4353

File Reference:           CHO/05572




Multi-agency risk assessment of white powder or suspicious package incidents

1.         Risk assessment form


A risk assessment form has been developed to assist fire, police and ambulance officers to determine the level of risk at a white powder or suspicious package incidents.


Accurate risk assessment allows agencies to respond appropriate resources and determine the appropriate level of decontamination for responders and members of the public.


The form was jointly developed by the NSW Fire Brigades, NSW Police and the Ambulance Service of NSW.  It is aligned to a national standard and is endorsed by the NSW State Chemical, Biological and Radiological Committee.

2.         When to use the form


The form is to be used by the NSWFB Incident Controller and the NSW Police Site Controller to carry out a joint risk assessment and determine an appropriate course of action.


The NSW Ambulance Service does not usually respond to these incidents unless required by the level of risk.


The form may also be used by hospital staff to assess the situation when people self present.

3.         Risk ratings


The NSW Police use a colour coding for risk ratings.  The NSWFB uses descriptive terms to ensure that the risk ratings are not confused with colour codes used in NSWFB alarm response protocols.  The two systems are shown below:


NSW Fire Brigades

NSW Police







4.         Supply


All stations will soon receive (by post) two A4 double-sided, laminated risk assessment forms. A copy is also available on the Intranet.


A form must be placed on the primary response appliance at the station.


Additional or replacement copies are available through ESCAT under Corporate Stationery, Miscellaneous Printed Matter, Poster, Printed, Cat No 06823 White Powder Procedure Poster.


Contact Officer:         A/Chief Superintendent Rob McNeil, A/Assistant Director Specialised Operations, (02) 9318 4872

File Reference:           CHO/06086




Personal protective equipment entry control at incidents and training

1.         Duty of care


The Incident Controller at an incident or training exercise has a duty of care under occupational health and safety legislation to ensure that everyone who enters the incident site wears the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).


When control of an incident is vested in the NSWFB, this duty of care extends to personnel from other agencies and members of the public.  In Orders 2001/19, Use of non-operational personnel at emergency incidents, In Orders 2002/13, Arrival of non-operational personnel at emergency incidents, and In Orders 2001/20, Guidelines for administrative and technical support staff attending incidents give guidelines for ensuring safety in this situation.

2.         PPE entry control sign


At an incident or training exercise, the Incident Controller or Operations Officer will normally determine the appropriate level of PPE depending on the conditions at the site.  To ensure that everyone who enters the incident site is aware of the PPE requirements, a PPE entry control sign is now available for use. Personnel tasked with entry control can simply tick the appropriate PPE required on the sign by using a china-graph pencil.


The sign must be prominently displayed at the entry control point at incidents and training exercises where entry control has been established.


Note:   Wherever possible, clearly defined entry point/s should established be to minimise the risk of unsafe or unauthorised access to an incident site.

3.         Supply


All stations will shortly receive (by post) two A3 single-sided, laminated signs.


The signs must be placed on the primary response appliance at the station.


Additional or replacement copies are available through ESCAT under Corporate Stationery, Miscellaneous Printed Matter, Poster, Printed, Cat No 06822 Warning Sign Poster.


Contact Officer:         A/Superintendent Steve Baker, A/Manager Counter-Terrorism and Aviation, (02) 9318 4879

File Reference:           CHO/08664




Collecting smoke alarm data

1.         Introduction


This instruction assists firefighters with collecting smoke alarm data that is used to assess the effectiveness of smoke alarm programs and legislation.


Smoke alarm information is recorded in the Structure Fires II section of the AIRS report.  To fill this in accurately, you need to check and record the following:

2.         Was a smoke alarm present?



Smoke Alarms/Detectors


Fire not within designed range of smoke alarm


Fire within designed range of smoke alarm


No smoke alarm present


Record a smoke alarm as present even if it was melted or destroyed by the fire.  Record the damage to the smoke alarm in the Description of Incident Section of the AIRS report.


3.         Is the smoke alarm hard wired or battery powered?


Smoke alarms in Department of Housing residences are hard wired, but they may look like battery powered models.  There is a photograph showing typical Department of Housing hard wired smoke alarms on the Photo Gallery section of the Intranet.

4.         Did the smoke alarm operate?



Smoke Alarms/Detectors


Fire too small to operate


Failed to operate




Operation of smoke alarm not applicable


Record your opinion of how the smoke alarm operated in the fire.  For example, if the fire was very small and was extinguished by the occupants before the smoke alarm could operate, the correct record is Code 1.

5.         Was the smoke alarm effective?



Smoke Alarms/Detectors


Alerted occupants


Occupants failed to respond


There were no occupants


Failed to alert occupants


Effectiveness of smoke alarm not applicable


Other not classified above


Record your opinion of the effectiveness of the smoke alarm.

6.         If the smoke alarm failed, why did it fail?


Was the smoke alarm disconnected?  Was the battery removed?  Was the fire outside its range?

7.         Was there anything else interesting?


If there is any information about the smoke alarm or its operation that you think should be recorded but there isn’t a code for it, put the additional information in the Description of Incident section of the AIRS report. At present there is no code to record whether a smoke alarm was a photoelectric or ionisation type detector. If it is known what type of detector was at the incident please record this in the Description of Incident section. If it is not known what type of detector it was please record the brand and model type if possible.


Note:   Most ionisation detectors can be identified by the radioactive symbol on the unit.

8.         AIRS Help


Section 15 of the AIRS Reference Manual gives detailed instructions for entering smoke alarm information in the AIRS report.


You can also ring the AIRS Help Desk on (02) 9265 2964 for additional assistance.


Contact Officer:         Chief Superintendent Jim Smith, Assistant Director Community and Corporate Risk Management, (02) 9742 7127

File Reference:           CHO/02598



Fuel and oil contract


This instruction rescinds In Orders 2001/19, Fuel and oil contract.


A new government fuel and oil contract will be introduced on 1 July 2006.  Mobil and Caltex are the only companies on the new NSW Government Fuel and Oil Contract.


Where possible, in accordance with the contract and to minimise costs, all stations/sections are to purchase fuel from the contracted suppliers: Caltex or Mobil.


However, as there are locations where Caltex and Mobil do not have depots, Shell and BP cards may still be used. After 30 June 2006, when using BP or Shell cards, fuel purchases will be charged at the displayed bowser price.


Under government contract arrangements, when fuel is purchased from a contracted fuel company the price shown on the docket is not the price invoiced.  The subsequent invoice to the NSWFB is revised to reflect the current contract price. This usually results in a saving of approximately 5% per litre.


Stations that do not require Shell or BP cards are to return these to the Fleet Management Unit for cancellation. Stations requiring Mobil or Caltex cards are to contact the Fleet Management Unit.


Contact Officer:         Pat Crowe, Fleet Administration Manager, (02) 9742 7411

File reference:            CHO/02520 and FLT/00128


Security cameras at the Hazmat Service Centre

1.         Introduction


In accordance with the Overt video surveillance policy, employees are notified that external CCTV security cameras have been installed at the NSWFB Hazmat Service Centre at 26 Anzac Street, Greenacre.

2.         Purpose


The Hazmat Service Centre requires higher levels of security than most NSWFB sites to ensure business continuity and operational readiness.


Security cameras have been installed at this site:


·        to enhance the physical security of employees and visitors at the sites


·        to protect the buildings, vehicles and equipment


·        to allow review of incidents where the security of the site has been compromised, and


·        to allow the investigation of incidents that may have breached laws, regulations or policies.

3.         Location and operation


As part of the new DSX Security System at the Hazmat Service Centre, four external CCTV cameras have been installed and mounted high on the external façade of the building.


Recorded external CCTV will be monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by security personnel located at the Amarina Avenue, Greenacre, facility.  The Assistant Director Property Services is the officer responsible for the operation of overt video surveillance at the Hazmat Service Centre.

4.         Access to recordings


Requests for access to recordings should be made in accordance with section 6 of the Overt video surveillance policy.


Contact Officer:         John Gibbs, Assistant Director Property Services, (02) 9742 7374

File Reference:           CHO/05572



Project Officer (Electrical), Clerk 7/8, Engineering Services Unit


Position No: 909016.  Clerk Grade 7/8, Logistics Support Directorate, Greenacre, Permanent full-time.  Total remuneration package valued to: $78,452 pa including salary ($64,227 - $71,094), employer’s contribution to superannuation and leave loading.


Duties:  Develops and manages projects within the Engineering Services Unit which encompasses electrical/electronic and mechanical engineering areas, also providing specialist advice and staff supervision.


Selection criteria:  Demonstrated project management skills including experience in controlling budgets in a project environment.  Design experience in electrical/electronic systems, including PLC/microprocessor programming.  Experience in providing technical advice, preparation and review of technical specifications and testing of plant and equipment, including compliance with relevant legislation/standards.  Ability to develop preventative and general maintenance programs and experience with quality assurance systems.  Well developed communication skills with an ability to deal tactfully and effectively at all levels including consultation and negotiation skills.  Demonstrated experience in supervision or leadership of a multi skilled team, including conflict resolution skills.  Ability to exercise initiative and develop solutions, providing comprehensive reports to management.  Computer literacy including MS Office applications.  Common selection criteria also apply.


Inquiries:                           Hue Pham, (02) 9742 7456,


Information packages:      Megan Green, (02) 9742 7499,


Applications to:                 Human Resources and Administration Officer, NSW Fire Brigades, Locked Bag 13, Greenacre NSW 2190 or online at Electronic applications must be MS Word compatible


Closing date:                      16 June 2006


Alarms Administrator, Clerk 5/6, Communications


Position No: 926014. Business Systems and Information Technology, Communications, Greenacre.  Clerk Grade 5/6, Permanent full-time.  Total remuneration package valued to $68,814 pa including salary ($56,516 – $62,360), employers’ contribution to superannuation and leave loading.


Duties: Monitors the provision of automatic fire alarm services by commercially based service providers across NSW, in addition to all associated administrative and accounting tasks.


Selection criteria:  Highly developed communication skills including experience in negotiation and consultation with service providers.  Extensive experience in account reconciliation.  Proven record of database management including experience resolving inaccuracies and inconsistencies with data.  Proven organisational and project management skills in prioritising workloads and meeting deadlines.  Demonstrated experience to research and analyse data, providing comprehensive reports.  High level competency in Office applications together with experience in the provision of administrative support services.  Ability to work independently and in a team environment and have skills in prioritising workloads to meet competing deadlines.  Common selection criteria also apply.


Inquiries:                           John Williams, (02) 9742 7467,


Information packages:      May Levy, (02) 9742 7455,


Applications to:                 Human Resources and Administration Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, Locked bag 13, Greenacre NSW 2190, or online at  Electronic applications must be MS Word compatible.


Closing date:                     16 June 2006


Communications Administrator, Network Services, Clerk Grade 5/6, Communications


Position No: 926013. Business Systems and Information Technology, Communications, Greenacre.  Clerk Grade 5/6, Temporary full-time up to 12 months.  Total remuneration package valued to $68,814 pa including salary ($56,516 – $62,360), employers’ contribution to superannuation and leave loading.


Duties: Manages the administration of telecommunication network services comprising of voice, data and facsimile services for the NSW Fire Brigades. 


Selection criteria:  Thorough knowledge and understanding of communication network systems and equipment related to the provision and servicing of voice, data and facsimile lines.  Superior customer service, interpersonal and communication skills.  Knowledge of telecommunications service providers’ ordering and billing/accounting processes.  Experience with computerised systems and preparation of statistical reports.  Proven record of resolving inaccuracies and inconsistencies within databases.  Broad administrative support experience with the ability to manage a high volume work load and set priorities.  Common selection criteria also apply.


Note:  This is a temporary full time appointment/employment opportunity under the section 27 or 86 of the Public Sector Employment and Management Act 2002 for a period of up to 12 months.


Inquiries:                           John Williams, (02) 9742 7467,


Information packages:       May Levy, (02) 9742 7455,


Applications to:                 Human Resources and Administration Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, Locked bag 13, Greenacre NSW 2190, or online at  Electronic applications must be MS Word compatible.


Closing date:                     16 June 2006




Researcher/Investigator, Fire Investigation and Research Unit


Applications are invited from operational personnel for the position of Researcher/Investigator, Risk Management Directorate, Operational Support Level 3, at Greenacre.


An information package should be obtained before submitting an application. Applications must address all selection criteria.


Inquiries:                           Superintendent Chris Lewis, Manager Fire Investigation and Research, (02) 9742 7395, chris.lewis@fire.nsw,


Information packages:      Megan Green,  (02) 9742 7499,


Applications to:                 Human Resources and Administration Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, Locked Bag 13, Greenacre NSW 2190, or


Closing date:                     21 July 2006


File reference:                   OPS/00347


Community Risk Management Officer, North


Applications are invited from operational personnel for the position of Regional Community Risk Management Officer, Operational Support Level 3, Region North, at Artarmon.


An information package should be obtained before submitting an application.  Applications must address all selection criteria.


Inquiries:                                Chief Superintendent Roger Bucholtz, (02) 9901 2404


Information packages:          Regional Administrative Service Coordinator, (02) 9901 2400


Applications to:                     Human Resources Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, Region North Office, 55-57 Dickson Avenue, Artarmon NSW 2064


Closing date:                         21 July 2006


File reference:                       NTH/00091A


Station Commander, Goonellabah


Applications are invited from officers holding the rank of Station Officer for the position of Station Commander at 316 Station Goonellabah, North 6, working the Special Roster.


The successful applicant may apply for the conditions contained in Clause 29 of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005.  Contact the Manager Operational Personnel for inquiries on Award conditions and any entitlements.


Inquiries:                            A/Superintendent Chris Fabri, Zone Commander N6,
(02) 6624 5384


Information packages:       Regional Administrative Services Coordinator, (02) 9901 2400


Applications to:                  Human Resources Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, Region North Office, 55-57 Dickson Avenue, Artarmon NSW 2064


Closing date:                      21 July 2006


File reference:                    NTH/00091A



Workplace Assessor, Region South


Applications are invited from operational personnel for the position of Workplace Assessor (Region South), Operational Support Level 2, at Alexandria. 


An information package should be obtained before submitting an application.  Applications must address all the selection criteria.


Inquiries:                           Inspector Lindsay West, Manager Training Region South,
(02) 9742 7307


Information packages:      Ms Julie O’Grady, (02) 9318 4306


Applications to:                 Human Resources Manager, Alexandria, NSW Fire Brigades, State Training College, PO Box 559, Alexandria NSW 1435


Closing date:                     21 July 2006


File Reference:                  CHO/05790


Instructor Appliance Training


Applications are invited from operational personnel for position of Instructor Appliance Training, Operational Support Level 2, at Alexandria.


An information package should be obtained before submitting an application.  Applications must address all the selection criteria.


Inquiries:                           Inspector Gray Parkes, Manager Appliance Training,
(02) 9318 4356


Information packages:      Julie O’Grady, (02) 9318 4306


Applications to:                 Human Resources Manager Alexandria, NSW Fire Brigades, 189 Wyndham Street, Alexandria NSW 2015


Closing date:                     21 July 2006


File reference:                   CHO/07324


Operators, Katoomba Communication Centre


In accordance with Clauses 28A.6.1.1 and 28A.6.1.2 of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005, applications are invited from Firefighters holding the ranks of Qualified Firefighter or Senior Firefighter for Operator positions that are or may become available in the Katoomba Communication Centre.


(Staff applying under Clause 28A.6.1.1 will be afforded priority over staff applying under Clause 28A.6.1.2).


The appointment will be for a minimum of two years.


Operators are responsible to the Supervisor for carrying out duties and tasks required to maintain a high standard of service in call taking, dispatching and notification of incidents.


The position attracts an allowance of $248.76 per fortnight which is superable.


Appointment will involve an interview by a selection panel, and successful completion of a training course by the selected applicant.  An information package must be obtained before submitting an application.  The application form included in the information pack is to be completed in full.


An eligibility list will be created for a period of six months for vacancies which may occur during this period.


Inquiries:                           Response Coordinator A, B, C or D, (02) 9318 4354


Information packages:      Roz Cedres, (02) 9318 4351


Applications to:                 Administration Officer, Operational Communications, NSW Fire Brigades, 189 Wyndham Street, Alexandria NSW 2015


Closing date:                     21 July 2006


File reference:                   CHO/01558


Operator/ICV Driver, Sydney Communication Centre


Applications are invited from Firefighters holding the minimum rank of Qualified Firefighter for Operator/ICV positions that may become available in the Sydney Communication Centre.


The appointment will be for a minimum of two years.


Operators are responsible to the Supervisor for carrying out duties and tasks required to maintain a high standard of service in call taking, dispatching and notification of incidents.


This position attracts an allowance of $248.76 per fortnight which is superable.


An eligibility list will be created for a period of six months for vacancies, which may occur during this period.


Appointment will involve an interview by a selection panel and successful completion of a training course by the selected applicant/s. An information package must be obtained before submitting an application.  The application form included in the information pack is to be completed in full.


Inquiries:                           Response Coordinator A, B, C or D, (02) 9318 4354


Information packages:      Roz Cedres, (02) 9318 4811


Applications to:                 Administration Officer, Operational Communications, NSW Fire Brigades, 189 Wyndham Street, Alexandria NSW 2015


Closing date:                     21 July 2006


File reference:                   CHO/01862





The following appointments are subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980.  In some cases the maximum salary of the position may exceed the limit under which an appeal may be made to GREAT.  The 21 day period for appeal commences on the date of this In Order.














Date of Decision

Operator, Sydney Communication Centre


B O’Donnell


Operator, Sydney Communication Centre


T Broadhurst


Senior Instructor, Fire Suppression Section, OS2


J Collits


Senior Instructor, Fire Suppression Section, OS2


G Bathurst



Recruit Firefighters


The following Recruit Firefighters were appointed to the NSW Fire Brigades on 9 June 2006:


9053        T Haseley

9054        B McTiernan

9055        G Quin

9056        A Pearce

9057        K Pade

9058        K Graham

9059        M Long

9060        D Carroll

9061        D Burke

9062        A Buchan

9063        M Young

9064        P Weir

9065        B Handcock

9066        M Forester

9067        H Procter

9068        C McManus

9069        D Campbell

9070        P Burden

9071        J Matthews

9072        P Agius



Firefighter Level 3 to Qualified Firefighter


8396        S Peterson                              21 May 2006

8417        R Timeus                                 24 May 2006





New members appointed to Brigades


G McCann                                   Kiama                                      30 May 2006

J Palau                                         Goulburn                                   1 June 2006

J Pipino                                        Unanderra                                 1 June 2006

A Fulton                                      Budgewoi                                 1 June 2006

P J B Goulder                              Kempsey                                   1 June 2006

J Cockburn                                  Kurri Kurri                                1 June 2006

C Teh                                           Terrigal                                      1 June 2006


Appointed to Ranks


RETF P Ingmire                          Bundanoon                                Captain                                      1 June 2006

RETF S Shanks                          Bundanoon                                Deputy Captain                        1 June 2006


These appointments are subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980.  The 21 day period for appeal commences from the date of this In Order.




RETF M Bugden                        Lambton              to                    Wauchope                                1 June 2006

RETF M Sinclair                         The Entrance                              Woolgoolga                             1 June 2006




The transfer of RETF J Beales in In Orders 2006/11 should have read:


RETF J Beales                            West Wallsend     to                 Cardiff                                        1 June 2006




RETF B Clewer                           Queanbeyan                             1 May 2006




RETF D Tamlyn                         Jerilderie                                  14 March 2006

RETF M Burke                           Balgownie                               22 March 2006

RETF K Organ                            Thirroul                                   31 March 2006

RETF M Hukkinen                     Moruya                                     4 April 2006

RETF E Bryant                           Batemans Bay                          6 April 2006

RETF C Fatches                         Telarah                                    17 April 2006

RETF D Croman                         Coledale                                  23 April 2006

RETF S Day                                Rhodes                                    27 April 2006

RETF J P McEwan                     Goonellabah                           30 April 2006

RETF B W Evans                       Aberdeen                                  2 May 2006

RETF B J Johnston                    Aberdeen                                  2 May 2006

RETF D A Morris                      Bangalow                                12 May 2006

RETF R Hamson                        Muswellbrook                        15 May 2006

RETF D R O’Neill                       Bellbird                                    17 May 2006

RETF M G Everingham             Raymond Terrace                  31 May 2006

RETF D Hughes                         Raymond Terrace                    1 June 2006





RETF S Hagney                         Laurieton                                15 April 2006



Transferred to Honorary List


RETF D Tamlyn                         Jerilderie                                  15 March 2006

RETF B W Evans                       Aberdeen                                  3 May 2006

RETF D Hughes                         Raymond Terrace                    2 June 2006










                                                                                               Greg Mullins AFSM


                                                                                               9 June 2006