8 December 2006                2006/27


Current national security alert level: Medium



Relief arrangements for Operational Support positions. 3

Permanent firefighters converting annual leave to consolidated leave. 5

Flexible annual leave for Operational Support Levels 1 to 3. 6

Part Time roster 10

Loss of motor vehicle driver’s licence. 10

Correspondence. 12

Policy on giving personal references. 17


Procedure for permanent firefighter secondments. 18


New letterhead. 18


Hamlyn Terrace Fire Station. 20

Kariong Fire Station change of address. 20


Appointments. 21


Vacancies. 21

Zone Commander Regional South 2. 21

Zone Commander Regional West 1. 21

Zone Commander Regional North 2. 22

Zone Commander Metropolitan North 3. 22

Relieving Officer Lismore. 23

Appointments. 23

Promotions. 25

Retirement 26

Resignations. 26


New members appointed to Brigades. 26

Appointed to Ranks. 26

Transfers. 26

Resignations. 27

Retirements. 27

Transferred to Honorary List 27


Relief arrangements for Operational Support positions


All Operational Support positions have been allocated a priority category for being filled when the position is temporarily vacant.


Operational Support positions are those that fall under Clause 14, Operational support positions, of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005.


The categories for filling temporary vacancies are:





Temporary vacancies are filled at all times. They are replaced from within the section in the first instance, or otherwise as considered appropriate by the manager.


Temporary vacancies are filled if the vacancy is for more than one week, but not for periods of less than a week except at the Director’s discretion.


Temporary vacancies are not usually filled.  This is subject to review if the position remains vacant for more than four weeks, or earlier at the Director’s discretion.


The list of Relieving categories for Operational Support positions is posted in the Human Resources section of the Intranet.


Contact Officer:         Acting Chief Superintendent Marcus Baker, Acting Assistant Director Operational Personnel, (02) 9265 2869

File Reference:           CHO/07002




Permanent firefighters converting annual leave to consolidated leave

1.         Introduction


1.1       Under the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005, permanent firefighters have set rosters for working hours and annual leave.  While this system efficiently supports 24 hour service delivery and capability, the Commissioner, in agreement with the NSW Fire Brigade Employees’ Union (FBEU), recognises the impact that shift work can have on an individual’s family and social life.


1.2       To address this, the Commissioner and the FBEU have agreed to trial allowing certain categories of permanent firefighters to convert some of their annual leave to consolidated leave in accordance with the conditions below.

2.         Application


2.1       This instruction applies to:


·        permanent firefighters and officers working the Standard, Back to Back or Special rosters who are not in Operational Support positions, and


·        permanent firefighters in Level 1 to 3 Operational Support positions classified as Category A (see Relieving categories for Operational Support positions posted in the Human Resources section of the Intranet).


2.2       It does not apply to executive officers, firefighters in Level 4 or 5 Operational Support positions, or firefighters in Level 1 to 3 Operational Support positions classified as Category B or C.

3.         General conditions


3.1       The conversion of any annual leave is voluntary.


3.2       Any period of annual leave must be continuous.


3.3       Consolidated leave will be granted on a 1 for 1 basis (ie 1 hour of foregone annual leave = 1 hour of consolidated leave granted).


3.4       Consolidated leave will only be granted for time on duty.


3.5       Consolidated leave will only be granted for the rostered working hours of annual leave foregone.


3.6       Firefighters on mutual change of annual leave may elect to convert annual leave to consolidated leave provided that a maximum of 48 hours is converted in 64 weeks.

4.         Standard roster


4.1       Firefighters on the Standard roster can convert that part of their annual leave not part of a full set of shifts to consolidated leave to a maximum of 48 hours per 64 week cycle.


4.2       If the last rostered shift before commencing annual leave is a Thursday, the firefighter can report for duty on the following Friday and Saturday night shifts in lieu of commencing annual leave.


4.3       If the first rostered shift when returning from annual leave is a Friday night, the firefighter can report for duty on the preceding Wednesday and Thursday day shifts in lieu of continuing on annual leave.

5.         Back to Back roster


5.1       Firefighters on the Back to Back roster can convert that part of their annual leave not part of a full set of shifts to consolidated leave to a maximum of 48 hours per 64 week cycle.


5.2       If the last rostered shift before commencing annual leave is a Thursday, the firefighter can report for duty on the following Friday and Saturday in lieu of commencing annual leave.


5.3       If the first rostered shift when returning from annual leave is a Friday, the firefighter can report for duty on the preceding Wednesday and Thursday in lieu of continuing on annual leave.

6.         Special roster


6.1       Firefighters on the Special Roster can covert the first three days of their annual leave to consolidated leave to a maximum of 50 hours per 64 week cycle.


6.2       Firefighters can report for duty for the first three rostered shifts of annual leave (ie Friday, Monday and Tuesday) in lieu of commencing annual leave.

7.         Procedure


7.1       If you wish to convert part of your annual leave to consolidated leave you must give your supervisor at least two calendar weeks notice by written report.


7.2       After completing the shifts in lieu of annual leave, complete a Conversion of annual leave to consolidated leave form (available on Station Portal) and submit it with your timesheet.


7.3       Your Station Commander/supervisor and Duty Commander/Manager will verify your attendance for the shifts claimed as consolidated leave and forward the form with the timesheet.


7.4       The consolidated leave will be credited to your balance in the Human Resources system when the data from the timesheet is entered.


Note:   Information on your annual and consolidated leave balances appears on your payslip and on the Electronic Self Service system on the Intranet.

8.         Trial period


8.1       The trial will begin on 1 January 2007 and continue for the full 64 week cycle of the annual leave roster.  It will be reviewed after 12 months of operation.


8.2       The B3-D3 annual leave group starting on 5 January 2007 will be the first group to have access to the trial arrangement.


Contact Officer:         Acting Chief Superintendent Marcus Baker, Acting Assistant Director Operational Personnel, (02) 9265 2869

File Reference:           CHO/09317




Flexible annual leave for Operational Support Levels 1 to 3

1.         Introduction


The Commissioner and the NSW Fire Brigade Employee’s Union have agreed to trial making flexible annual leave available to employees in Operational Support Level 1, 2 or 3 positions classified as Category B or C (see Relieving categories for Operational Support positions posted in the Human Resources section of the Intranet).


The aim of the trial is to give these employees more flexible access to their annual leave entitlement to enhance their quality of life and the smooth running of the sections to which they are attached.

2.         Eligibility


Any employee in an Operational Support Level 1, 2 or 3 position classified as Category B or C may elect to participate in the trial.

3.         Trial period


The trial period will start on 1 January 2007 and continue for 64 calendar weeks.  It will be reviewed after 12 months of operation.

4.         Conditions


Employees who have elected to participate in the trial can take annual leave at any time of the year, in any amount, subject to the following conditions:


4.1       You must take at least two continuous weeks annual leave every 12 months, except by agreement with the Commissioner in special circumstances.


4.2       Annual leave will not be granted for any period of less than one hour and for periods of 30 minutes thereafter.


4.3       Annual leave can be taken at any time, subject to approval by your manager (see Section 6, Delegations, below).  To submit an application, use the Application for annual leave Operational Support Levels 1-3 form available on Station Portal.


4.4       An unsuccessful application for annual leave can be reviewed using the grievance procedures.


4.5       If you are on full pay, your annual leave will accrue at the rate of 273.78 hours a year.  You can accrue up to 410 hours of annual leave.


4.6       After taking your wishes into account, the Commissioner may direct you to take annual leave at a time convenient to the NSWFB.  In this case, the Commissioner must give you one month’s notice.

5.         Managing flexible annual leave


Managers need to maintain an annual leave roster for Operational Support staff in their area of responsibility.  Employees who elect to participate in this trial will no longer be allocated to an annual leave group.


Operational Personnel will send managers a quarterly report on trial participants’ annual leave balances.


Managers must report annual leave arrangements to Operational Personnel biannually.  The report must include leave taken in the past six months and projected leave for the next six months for all participants under their supervision.


The policy on Relief arrangements for Operational Support positions on page 3 should be considered before approving leave.


Managers must make every practicable effort to approve leave to the extent that the operational requirements of the NSWFB permit.

6.         Delegations


The following delegation for approving flexible annual leave has been added to the Delegations Manual:

to approve annual leave in accordance with In Orders 2006/8, Flexible annual leave for Operational Support Levels 1-3

Assistant Director Fleet

Coordinator Corporate Risk Management

Duty Commanders

Equipment Development Officer

Manager Breathing Apparatus and Hazardous Materials Response Unit

Manager Capability Training

Manager Community Risk Management

Manager ComSafe

Manager Counter-Terrorism and Aviation

Manager Fire Investigation and Research Unit

Manager Fire Safety

Manager Operational Communication Centres

Manager Operational Information Service

Manager Operational Personnel

Manager Operational Policy and Procedures

Manager Operational Readiness

Manager Operations Research

Manager Professional Development Unit

Manager Recruit Training

Managers Training

State Operations Liaison Officer


Contact Officer:         Acting Chief Superintendent Marcus Baker, Acting Assistant Director Operational Personnel, (02) 9265 2869

File Reference:           CHO/09318




Part Time roster


The NSWFB and FBEU have agreed to trial a Part Time Roster for permanent firefighters in the gSa who have bona fide carers’ responsibilities. These firefighters will operate as Relieving Firefighters in line with Clause 12 of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005.


The Part Time Roster will work on a two week basis (two separate platoons, K and L) whereby participants with carers’ responsibilities will work as follows:


K Platoon


Week 1              Saturday               0800 -1800 hrs

                          Sunday                 0800 -1800 hrs


Week 2              Friday                   1800 – 0800 hrs

                          Saturday               1800 – 0800 hrs


L Platoon


Week 1              Friday                   1800 – 0800 hrs

                          Saturday               1800 – 0800 hrs


Week 2              Saturday               0800 -1800 hrs

                          Sunday                 0800 -1800 hrs


There will be eight positions initially offered on a trial basis to those participants eligible for consideration as a person with carers’ responsibilities, as defined in Clause 22.1.3. of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005. In the event that there are more than eight bona fide applicants, then the participants will be selected by ballot.


Leave for participants will be accrued on a pro rata basis. Any participant working this Part Time roster may elect to return to their previous full time roster during this trial, so long as they provide 28 days notice.


This Part Time roster will commence in January 2007.


Firefighters interested in obtaining more information should register their interest with Operational Personnel on (02) 9265 2875 to attend an information seminar to be scheduled in the near future.


Expressions of Interest, by way of Brigade report, with supporting documentation, should be forwarded to Manager Operational Personnel, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232.  Applications close on 19 January 2007.


Contact Officer:         Acting Chief Superintendent Marcus Baker, Acting Assistant Director Operational Personnel, (02) 9265 2869

File Reference:           CHO/08596


Loss of motor vehicle driver’s licence


This instruction rescinds In Order 2006/1 headed Loss of motor vehicle driver’s licence.

1.         Application


This policy applies to any NSWFB employee who is disqualified from driving by order of a Court or whose motor vehicle driver’s licence:


·        expires for any reason; or


·        is suspended or cancelled by the Roads and Traffic Authority; or


·        is suspended by the Police.

2.         What to do if you lose your licence


If you are an operational firefighter or other NSWFB employee who requires a licence to perform your duties and you lose your licence, you must immediately submit a report to the Commissioner through the chain of command detailing:


·        the circumstances of becoming unlicensed, suspended, cancelled or disqualified and


·        the period of loss of licence.


If you lost your licence due to a conviction for having the prescribed blood alcohol content or an excessive loss of points, providing it is a first offence and there are no other complications, disciplinary proceedings will not be initiated against you.

3.         Drivers of NSWFB vehicles must be licensed


You must not drive any NSWFB vehicle or vehicle hired or leased by the NSWFB if you do not have a licence or if your licence has been suspended or cancelled or if you have been disqualified from driving.


Note:   Driving without a licence is a criminal offence.


If the NSWFB becomes aware that a NSWFB employee is driving without a licence, the matter will be referred to the Professional Standards and Conduct Officer who will report the matter to the Police.


Driving without a licence will be regarded as an offence against discipline and may result in disciplinary proceedings.

4.         Loss of licence for more than six months


If you are an operational firefighter or other NSWFB employee who requires a licence to perform your duties and you have been unlicensed or your licence is suspended, cancelled or disqualified for a period of six months or more, you must satisfactorily complete a driving skills assessment by the NSWFB Appliance Training Unit before you will be permitted to drive NSWFB vehicles again.


Operational firefighters who fail to satisfactorily complete a driving skills assessment may be required to undertake a refresher course at the NSWFB Appliance Training Unit.

5.         Regaining permission to drive


When you regain your licence you must:


·        advise the Commissioner in writing within seven days, and


·        show your licence to your supervisor.


Your supervisor will arrange for the Appliance Training Unit to give you a driving skills assessment if required.


Contact Officer:         Superintendent Peter X Stathis, Professional Standards and Conduct Officer, (02) 9265 2826

File Reference:           CHO/02286





This instruction rescinds In Orders 2000/10, Correspondence, and In Orders 2004/2, Signing letters.

1.         General requirements

1.1       Responsibility for correspondence


If you sign a letter, memorandum or any other form of correspondence, you must be prepared to take responsibility for the contents. Your correspondence may be subject to public scrutiny. Write only what you are prepared to be called to account for by your supervisor or the courts.


If you are not sure whether you ought to write something, or whether you should be signing a letter, consult your supervisor.

1.2       Templates


The Information Technology Training Section has developed Word templates for letters, memorandums, Brigade reports, facsimiles and other standard documents.  The templates automatically insert the headings, page numbers, logos and other formats appropriate for each form of correspondence.


Using the templates ensures that all correspondence in the NSWFB presents the same image and uses the same styles.  All staff must use these templates for the preparation of correspondence.


For assistance with using the templates, contact the Information Technology Training Section on (02) 9265 2813 or

1.3       Fonts and colours


Times Roman 12 point is the approved font for the body text of all correspondence.  To keep a consistent image for the NSWFB, do not alter the fonts and headings of the templates.


Colour is unnecessary in ordinary correspondence.  It might be justified for communicating financial or statistical information.

1.4       Dates


The date must be included in all correspondence.  The style for writing dates is day month year, eg 21 July 2006.

1.5       Spelling


Spelling and grammatical errors are unprofessional.  Run a spell check before printing the correspondence, and read it through as well to pick up errors the spell check will miss.  The Macquarie Dictionary is the authority for spelling.

1.6       Recordkeeping


The file number must appear on all correspondence and a copy of the correspondence must be placed on the appropriate file.  The file copy of letters should be on yellow paper, so it will stand out on the file.


For assistance with identifying relevant files, or with other aspects of records management, contact the Records Section on (02) 9265 2893.

2.         Letters

2.1       Professional image


Letters are used for correspondence with individuals and organisations outside the NSWFB.  To preserve the professional image of the NSWFB, all letters must demonstrate the highest standards of quality and courtesy.


Before sending out a letter, always check it to be sure it is clear, concise and free of spelling or grammatical errors.  It is always a good idea to have someone else read your letter before you send it.

2.2       Letterhead


The first page of all letters must be printed on NSWFB letterhead. Second and subsequent pages are printed on plain paper.


From 1 January 2007 there will be one standard NSWFB printed letterhead for use throughout the NSWFB.  Sections, areas, zones and stations are not permitted to design their own letterhead.  For supply information, see the instruction on New letterhead below.


The letterhead should be used in conjunction with the letterhead templates in Word which add the contact details for each section/area/zone.  Staff in fire stations should use the Word letterhead template customised for their station.

2.3       Contact officer


Letters must give the name and telephone number of a person whom the recipient can contact for further inquiries.

2.4       Who can sign letters?


Members of staff may sign letters that relate to their area of responsibility. If the letter relates to a special or important matter it should be referred up the chain of command to the appropriate level.


Note:   It is not longer a requirement that all letters be addressed to or signed of as being from the Commissioner.  Only correspondence that the Commissioner has actually signed should have ‘Commissioner’ in the sign off.


Generally, letters should be exchanged between people of more-or-less equal status.  For example, if a Station Commander needs to get information from an Assistant Commissioner in the Police Service, the request should be sent under the signature of the Station Commander’s Director.


Some letters can only be signed by people in positions with appropriate delegations or authority, eg fire safety correspondence, statements of earnings.  Check with the appropriate manager if you are not sure if you have the required authority.


In some sections of the NSWFB there are protocols for signing particular forms of correspondence.  These protocols must be followed by staff in the section.


Directors and Regional Commanders can sign letters to trade unions on routine matters which fall within their area of responsibility.  Letters to trade unions relating to awards, or to contentious or important matters, must be signed by the Commissioner.

2.5       Guidelines for writing letters


Letters should be written in accordance with the Recommended practice for writing letters which is available on Station Portal.  This recommended practice explains the NSWFB’s standards for style and layout of letters including:


·        authority and responsibility

·        letters and email

·        using the templates

·        reference numbers

·        contact officers

·        opening and closing letters

·        signing off

·        page layout

·        planning your letter

·        replying to correspondence

·        spelling, grammar, etc

·        security

·        recordkeeping

·        sample letters.

3.         Memorandums and Brigade reports


Memorandums and Brigade reports are used for communications between staff in the NSWFB.  They are ‘for the record’ and should be placed on the appropriate file.


A memorandum or Brigade report should contain enough information to identify:


·        the recipient or recipients

·        the sender

·        the subject of the memorandum or report

·        the date, and

·        the file reference


Memorandums and Brigade reports should:


·        focus on one idea or subject

·        get to the point immediately

·        not include irrelevant material

·        stick to the facts


Cover sheets are necessary for Brigade reports only where there is no room for the supervisor to record their comment or approval on the report itself.


Reports and memorandums concerning operational personnel should include the Brigades numbers of the staff concerned.


Reports and memorandums should be addressed to the person responsible for actioning the issue.  Only address reports or memorandums to the Commissioner if the Commissioner must action the issue.

4.         Facsimiles


All facsimiles must contain enough information for the recipient to identify:


·        the sender of the facsimile

·        the sender’s address, facsimile and telephone numbers

·        the number of pages sent

·        the subject of the facsimile

·        who else has been sent the facsimile, and

·        a confidentiality disclaimer


The facsimile template gives all these details.  It can either be used like a memorandum, or as a cover sheet.


Wherever possible, information should be distributed by email or the Intranet rather than facsimile.  For more information see In Orders 2004/21, Information distribution policy.

5.         Electronic mail


The same standards apply to electronic mail as apply to other internal and external correspondence.


For information on the use of electronic mail, see In Orders 1997/25, Electronic mail and messaging policy and Recommended practice for the use of electronic mail, also available in the Information Management chapter of Standing Orders.

6.         Ministerial correspondence


There are special standards and conventions for drafting correspondence for the Minister.  Contact the Manager Corporate Administration and Executive Support on (02) 9265 2945 for assistance with ministerials.


Contact Officer:         Anne Pickles, Information Coordinator, (02) 9265 2971

File Reference:           CHO/01097




Policy on giving personal references

1.         Background


NSWFB employees are often asked to provide personal references for other employees or for people with whom they are associated.


Employers usually ask people to provide the names and contact details of referees in job applications.  People may also want a character reference if they are going to court or for other purposes.


A NSWFB employee may agree to act as someone’s referee in accordance with the following policy.

2.         Verbal references


You may give someone a verbal reference in your capacity as a representative of the NSWFB.  In this capacity, the information you provide must always be factual and related to your dealings with the person in the course of your NSWFB duties.

3.         Written references


You may not give a written reference as a representative of the NSWFB.  You may give a written reference as a private individual.


In other words, you may not give a written reference on NSWFB letterhead, signed off as an employee of the NSWFB.


If you personally wish to do so, you may give someone a written personal reference, in your capacity as a private individual.  You must not use NSWFB letterhead for this purpose.


Note:   the NSWFB does not require written references from applicants for NSWFB jobs.  Applicants are only asked to provide the names and contact details of referees.  Reference checks are normally conducted by telephone.

4.         Statement of employment


If someone needs a document proving that they are working or have worked for the NSWFB, they may obtain a Statement of employment from their Human Resources Manager.


Contact Officer:         Michelle Carlon, Manager Recruitment, (02) 9265 2940

File Reference:           CHO/09373





Procedure for permanent firefighter secondments

1.         Scope and application


This procedure applies to the secondment (temporary transfer) of permanent firefighters and officers to:


·        fill temporary vacancies in Operational Support positions


·        take up a temporary appointment to a non-established position, eg a project officer, or


·        take up a temporary appointment with another organisation or agency.

2.         Procedure


2.1       For temporary vacancies in Operational Support positions, managers must check the Relieving categories for Operational Support positions list in the Human Resources section of the Intranet to see if a replacement is required.


2.2       The manager with the temporary vacancy must contact Operational Personnel to determine staff availability.


Note:  This procedure does not override Clause 7, Higher duties, of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005.


2.3       Operational Personnel will liaise with the manager of the area in which the person works to arrange and confirm availability.


2.4       Operational Personnel will obtain approval from the person’s Area Commander/Assistant Director for their secondment.


2.5       Operational Personnel will arrange and notify the person of their secondment dates and standoffs. This will include the completion date of the secondment.


2.6       The Roster Officer will register the start and finish of the secondment in the Secondment Register.


Contact Officer:         Acting Chief Superintendent Marcus Baker, Acting Assistant Director Operational Personnel, (02) 9265 2869

File Reference:           CHO/07119, CHO/00972 and CHO/00305



New letterhead

1.         Introduction


In response to the renaming of Directorates and Zone Offices, and the introduction of Area Offices, CEG has approved the introduction of a standard letterhead for use throughout the NSWFB from 1 January 2007.

2.         Policy


The new letterhead is for use by all areas of the NSWFB.  Sections, areas, zones and stations are not permitted to design their own letterhead.


The letterhead must be used in conjunction with the letterhead template in Word which fills in the appropriate address and contact details.


Letterhead must be used in accordance with the policy on Correspondence on page 12 and the Recommended practice for writing letters which is available on Station Portal.

3.         Supply


The new letterhead supply details will be available in ESCAT from 1 January 2007.  The catalogue number is 04230 and the price is $45 per ream.


If you need to order letterhead before 1 January 2007, contact Karyn King in Supply Services on (02) 9742 7442.

4.         Templates


The new templates will be available in Word from 1 January 2007.  If you need to use them before 1 January 2007, contact Gerard Adrien in IT Training on (02) 9265 2664.


Contact Officer:         Anne Pickles, Information Coordinator, (02) 9265 2971

File Reference:           CHO/01097




Hamlyn Terrace Fire Station


No 434 Station Hamlyn Terrace, Zone Metropolitan North 2, became operational at 0800 hours on Thursday 30 November 2006.  The staffing complement is Station Officer and three firefighters on each shift working the Standard roster.


Address:                     48 Minnesota Road

                                    HAMLYN TERRACE  NSW  2259


Telephone:                 (02) 4394 0328


Facsimile:                   (02) 4394 0148


Contact Officer:         Superintendent Keith King, Zone Commander Metropolitan North 2, (02) 4353 2351

File Reference:           NTH/00142






Kariong Fire Station change of address


The address for No 341 Station Kariong, Zone Metropolitan North 2, has changed. The station remains in the same location but the highway name has changed.


New Address:            1 Central Coast Highway

                                    KARIONG  NSW  2250


Telephone:                 (02) 4340 0291


Facsimile:                   (02) 4340 0294


Contact Officer:         Superintendent Keith King, Zone Commander Metropolitan North 2, (02) 4353 2351

File Reference:           PRS/00636








Commencement date

Manager Recruitment, Clerk Grade 9/10, Sydney, Human Resources

Annabel Eileen Daley


Assistant Director Public Affairs, SO1, Sydney

Kate Dennis


Building Services Manager, Clerk Grade 7/8, Greenacre

Ranjith Premachandra






Zone Commander Regional South 2


Applications are invited from officers holding the rank of Superintendent or Inspector for the position of Zone Commander Regional South 2, Southern Highlands.


An information package should be obtained before submitting an application. Applications must address all the selection criteria. 


The successful applicant may apply for the conditions contained in Clause 29 of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005.  Contact the Manager Operational Personnel for inquiries on Award conditions and any entitlements.


Inquiries:                            Chief Superintendent Michael Ryan, Area Commander Regional South, (02) 4472 3042


Information packages:       Karen Bode, Human Resources Manager, 0419 438 745,


Applications to:                  Karen Bode, Human Resources Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232


Closing date:                      19 January 2007


File reference:                    CHO/09074


Zone Commander Regional West 1


Applications are invited from officers holding the rank of Superintendent or Inspector for the position of Zone Commander Regional West 1, Western Slopes.


An information package should be obtained before submitting an application.  Applications must address all the selection criteria.


The successful applicant may apply for the conditions contained in Clause 29 of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005.  Contact the Manager Operational Personnel for inquiries on Award conditions and any entitlements.


Inquiries:                            Chief Superintendent Neil Harris, Area Commander Regional West, (02) 6882 9689


Information packages:       Karen Bode, Human Resources Manager, 0419 438 745,


Applications to:                  Karen Bode, Human Resources Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232


Closing date:                      19 January 2007


File reference:                    CHO/09074

Zone Commander Regional North 2


Applications are invited from officers holding the rank of Superintendent or Inspector for the position of Zone Commander Regional North 2, Northern Rivers.


An information package should be obtained before submitting an application.  Applications must address all the selection criteria. 


The successful applicant may apply for the conditions contained in Clause 29 of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005.  Contact the Assistant Director Operational Personnel for inquiries on Award conditions and any entitlements.


Inquiries:                            Chief Superintendent Rob Lindsay, Area Commander Regional North, 0407 957 857


Information packages:       Karen Bode, Human Resources Manager, 0419 438 745,


Applications to:                  Karen Bode, Human Resources Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232


Closing date:                      19 January 2007


File reference:                    CHO/09132

Zone Commander Metropolitan North 3


Applications are invited from officers holding the rank of Superintendent or Inspector for the position of Zone Commander Metropolitan North 3, Lower Hunter.


An information package should be obtained before submitting an application.  Applications must address all the selection criteria. 


The successful applicant may apply for the conditions contained in Clause 29 of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005.  Contact the Assistant Director Operational Personnel for inquiries on Award conditions and any entitlements.


Inquiries:                            Chief Superintendent Jim Smith, Area Commander Metropolitan North, (02) 4927 2500


Information packages:       Karen Bode, Human Resources Manager, 0419 438 745,


Applications to:                  Karen Bode, Human Resources Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232


Closing date:                      19 January 2007


File reference:                    CHO/09149

Relieving Officer Lismore


Applications are invited from officers holding the rank of Station Officer for the position of Relieving Officer based at 362 Station, Lismore, Regional North 2.  This position will provide relief for various Station Commander positions in Regional North 2 on the back to back, special and 10/14 rosters.


An information package should be obtained before submitting an application.  Applications must address all the selection criteria.


The successful applicant may apply for the conditions contained in Clause 29 of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005.  Contact the Manager Operational Personnel for inquiries on Award conditions and any entitlements.


Inquiries:                            A/Superintendent Chris Fabri, A/Zone Commander Regional North 2, (02) 6624 5384


Information packages:       Karen Bode, Human Resources Manager, 0419 438 745,


Applications to:                  Karen Bode, Human Resources Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, PO Box A249, Sydney South NSW 1232


Closing date:                      19 January 2007


File reference:                    CHO/09381



The following appointments are subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980.  In some cases the maximum salary of the position may exceed the limit under which an appeal may be made to GREAT.  The 21 day period for appeal commences on the date of this In Order.















Date of Decision



Manager Counter Terrorism and Aviation, OS4


S Baker

4 December 2006



Zone Commander Metropolitan North 1


S Davis

5 December 2006



Zone Commander Metropolitan South 1


G Meers

5 December 2006



Fire Safety Officer, OS2


S Muscat

5 December 2006



Senior Instructor Country, Regional West 2, OS2


L Davidson

4 October 2006



Station Commander Tamworth E


R Luck

4 December 2006





Recruit Firefighters


The following Recruit Firefighters were appointed to the NSW Fire Brigades on 8 December 2006:


9155            C Beattie

9156            D Smith

9157            G Bishop

9158            J Howe

9159            W Price

9160            R Wellington

9161            G Kemp

9162            M Chaffer

9163            D Williamson

9164            M Kearns

9165            M Newby

9166            T Petroni

9167            B Smede

9168            M Gates

9169            J Cassel

9170            D Blades

9171            A Errington

9172            R Hansen

9173            E Quennell






Inspector to Superintendent                                                                                                        


6255        S Baker                                      4 December 2006


Firefighter Level 3 to Qualified Firefighter                                                                                  


8406        R Janzen                                  24 September 2006

8550        C Scott                                     16 November 2006

8523        J Slade                                     17 November 2006

8562        M Ettridge                               17 November 2006

8520        B Tyack                                   28 November 2006


Firefighter Level 2 to Qualified Firefighter


8629        B Hogan                                  29 September 2006

8615        S Scott                                     17 October 2006

8595        P Burke                                    31 October 2006

8646        B Edwards                               31 October 2006

8592        J Ridley                                      3 November 2006

8644        N Dale                                      17 November 2006

8649        S Kennedy                              28 November 2006

8651        C James                                   28 November 2006

8653        D Turner                                  28 November 2006

8655        M Curr                                     28 November 2006

8656        M Lynch                                 28 November 2006

8658        R Strauch                                28 November 2006

8659        A McIntosh                            28 November 2006

8660        D Wicks                                  28 November 2006

8661        R Murray                                 28 November 2006

8662        A Shannon                             28 November 2006

8663        J Zaouk                                    28 November 2006

8665        A Petelevitch                          28 November 2006

8666        L Ferrier                                   28 November 2006

8668        R Warnock                              28 November 2006

8673        T Boswell                                28 November 2006

8674        A Johnston                             28 November 2006

8675        N Medianik                             28 November 2006

8676        N Buchanan                            28 November 2006

8677        M Wright                                28 November 2006

8679        P Scrace                                   28 November 2006

8681        R Wilson                                 28 November 2006

8683        K Ross                                     28 November 2006

8684        L Catty                                     28 November 2006

8686        B Miller                                    28 November 2006

8687        R Ayoub                                 28 November 2006


Firefighter Level 1 to Level 2


8751        S O’Dell                                   12 November 2006

8753        L Rosemeyer                           12 November 2006

8767        N Cummins                             12 November 2006

8768        B Kemble                                 12 November 2006


Recruit Firefighter to Firefighter Level 1                                                           8 December 2006


9035        T McMillan

9096        J Morgan

9097        R Vesper

9098        P Wilson

9099        M Lynch

9100        S Wise

9101        T Conn

9102        C Cooke

9103        D Bower

9104        B Bassett

9105        P Collins

9106        J Hardy 

9107        S Gibbs 

9108        G Macdonald

9109        D Jordan

9110        N McDonough

9111        A Cormick

9112        W McClatchie

9113        R Barclay

9114        S Ercan  




6324        Senior Firefighter          R Phillips                                                                                                   23 November 2006




5453        Superintendent              G Sheedy                                                                                                   26 November 2006

8586        Firefighter Level 2         J Lennon                                                                                                   24 November 2006





New members appointed to Brigades


G Gray                                          Tweed River                           15 November 2006

J Stoddart                                    Tweed River                           15 November 2006

P Martin                                      Wyoming                                  1 December 2006

J L Krah                                       West Wallsend                        1 December 2006

S P Canavan                               West Wallsend                        1 December 2006

C Towill                                       Bega                                          1 December 2006

L Hayes                                       Holbrook                                   1 December 2006

C Burton                                      Jindabyne                                 1 December 2006

O Tate                                          Mortdale                                   1 December 2006


Appointed to Ranks


RETF L Hay                                Terrigal                                        Deputy Captain                        1 November 2006

RETF C Powell                           Telerah                                        Deputy Captain                      15 November 2006

RETF A Hill                                Bangalow                                    Deputy Captain                      15 November 2006

RETF P Barrass                          Weston                                       Deputy Captain                        1 December 2006


These appointments are subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980.  The 21 day period for appeal commences from the date of this In Order.




RETF R Lowe                             Tamworth             to                   The Entrance                          15 November 2006

RETF M Turner                          Byron Bay                                  Bangalow                                15 November 2006




RETF A Menon                         Batlow                                       1 October 2006

DCAPT C Fough                       Wagga Wagga                      16 October 2006

RETF R Rendell                          Albury Civic                           31 October 2006

RETF C L Steele                         Wyong                                      9 November 2006

RETF D Morris                           Unanderra                                 1 December 2006




RETF G W Scott                        Woolgoolga                           20 October 2006

DCAPT M C Trivett                  Brunswick Heads                  31 October 2006


Transferred to Honorary List


RETF G W Scott                        Woolgoolga                           21 October 2006

DCAPT C Fough                       Wagga Wagga                      17 October 2006

DCAPT M C Trivett                  Brunswick Heads                    1 November 2006








                                                                                                        John Benson AFSM

                                                                                                        Acting Commissioner

                                                                                                        8 December 2006