31 March 2006                       2006/7


Current national security alert level: Medium



National Medals and Clasps. 4


Parking private vehicles on NSWFB premises. 11


Incident Crew Management System - Stage 2 implementation. 12

Inspection and testing of fire appliances. 18

Fringe Benefits Tax reporting for minor fleet vehicles. 21


End of daylight saving. 21

ANZAC Day 2006. 21


Vacancies. 22

Deputy Manager Professional Development Unit 22

Professional Development Unit Trainer 22

Appointments. 23

Promotions (under previous Award Provisions) 23

Promotions (under new Award Provisions) 24

Re-Classifications. 25



New members appointed to Brigades. 33

Relinquishment of rank. 33

Appointed to ranks. 33

Relinquishment of Engine Keeper’s position. 33

Transfers. 33

Resignations. 33

Retirements. 33

Transferred to Honorary List 34




National Medals and Clasps

National Medal


7022        Nicholas Anasson

7089        David Attard

6987        Terrence Barber

464006    Bruce Barkley

7093        Thomas Barnett

343023    Stephen Barratt

7624        Noel Barrington

240022    Errol Bartz

491022    Scott Bennett

7581        Christopher Bishop

7050        David Blanche

7062        Warren Blundell

7087        Michael Bofinger

7048        Jeffery Bottle

257026    Denis Bowen

7053        Peter Brady

340024    Colin Briggs

397019    Michael Brooke

7043        Alan Bruce

6989        Robert Brusilowicz

7006        Gregory Buchanan

7078        Terrence Caban

381027    Ellen Callan

455031    George Caplick

7073        Peter Carney

7045        Jeffrey Chalker

363029    Robert Champion

78024      Glenn Chapman

7004        Scott Chatterton

7033        Philip Chie

7077        Adam Clark

250016    Raymond Clements

360019    Trevor Clowes

7492        Adam Coleman

259017    Craig Coleman

280032    Graeme Combridge

7009        Andrew Connell

7471        Morgan Cook

506017    Bruce Cowan

227016    David Cowan

205027    Edward Cox

7627        Steven Cox

8463        Gregory Craft

7038        David Cross

336015    Maxwell Crutch

7017        Lyle Davidson

7090        Rodney Davis

7607        Rodney Dever

8138        Ronald Dobson

7030        Peter Doesburg

239020    Neville Doubtfire

347033    Christopher Duce

482022    Bruce Dunstan

7609        Terry Eastmen

6996        Mitchell Ebb

7151        Darren Ellen

313019    George Elliott

7002        Phillip Etienne

208031    Bruce Evans

471015    James Evans

83024      Scott Ewers

294010    John Fagan

423018    Barry Fardell

7029        Andrew Faunce

506018    John Fogarty

6993        Graham Forbes

220034    Colin Fowler

488015    Bruce Gaddes

214019    Andrew Gardner

240021    Bruce Garrard

441018    Allen Gatenby

7056        Roger Ghiggioli

405031    Garry Gilbert

7035        Donald Giles

302024    Robert Grange

347042    Brett Gray

281015    Matthew Guan

93016      Richard Halcomb

7631        Michael Hall

7969        David Hansen

254028    Gregory Hansen

7084        Richard Harman

7426        Steven Hayes

7064        Paul Heath

7079        Stephen Hitchcock

6997        Allan Hoad

229019    Geoffrey Hobden

7042        Rodney Holdsworth

511023    Aymon Hollingsworth

238044    Rodney Honson

7346        Simon Huggett

497022    Colin Hungerford

508024    Brett Hunt

509045    Robert Ingham

7070        Matthew Jackson

7059        Michael Jay

7041        Andrew Johnson

402018    Vincent Johnson

7001        Michael Johnstone

7014        Michael Jusufovic

7044        William Kachel

6995        Gary Kain

7539        Joseph Kaposi

264017    Michael Kelly

7219        Rodney Kinder

514004    John King

453036    Owen Kirkman

269020    John Lamb

402021    Wesley Lassam

7055        Neil Lawler

8081        Kevin Leadbeatter

7065        Stephen Lewis

7057        Mark Lutherborrow

7934        Darren Lydom

7086        Scott Lynch

7074        Ian Macauley

245017    Dennis MacDonald

7005        Murray Mackne

377002    Barry Magor

7016        Matthew Malone

349034    Ralph Manning

456026    Michael Mannion

7612        John Martin

477017    Scott Martin

487020    Christopher McCudden

7032        Rodney McDonald

7072        Anthony McDonagh

7011        Jamie McFarlane

236016    Phillip McGrath

7026        Graham McMillan

8772        Peter Meier

7015        Daren Mellor

253018    Gregory Miller

7069        John Milligan

7082        George Misios

412033    Gregory Mitchell

346015    Russell Mitchell

7013        Stuart Mitchell

7020        Peter Moller

8039        Brendan Mooney

88030      Stephen Moore

7034        Daniel Mori

7636        Thomas Morris

452021    Donald Murphy

498019    Michael Muscat

7081        Grant Myers

400020    Stephen O’Brien

216030    David O’Leary

7007        Michael Ollerenshaw

7638        Stephen Ormand

400019    Roger Orr

7052        Warren Page

417030    Robert Patterson

7012        Geoffrey Peacock

7008        Wayne Phillips

455025    Michael Pilton

7075        James Plater

7039        George Pokrajac

336016    Geoffrey Portbury

213019    Gary Potter

7049        Martin Quigg

379019    Trevor Robinson

7040        Paul Roussis

497023    David Rumbel

482019    Graham Ruttley

306041    Garry Reardon

455034    Janet Robertson

7000        Jeffrey Ryan

7037        Keith Sanchez

7599        Darren Saunders

7061        Martin Savage

8679        Paul Scarce

206015    Andrew Schneider

450026    Trevor Scott

8445        Jayson Sharman

468053    David Shields

7027        Rodney Slavik

6990        Cole Smith

7025        Bradley Smith

487018    David Smith

271026    Rodney Smith

315015    Steven Sole

7619        Brett Staines

7058        James Stephen

6991        Craig Stevenson

77017      Craig Stockton

6992        Gary Strong

7088        Darin Sullivan

7091        Benjamin Sullivan

384023    Wayne Swan

7019        Douglas Swilks

7735        Paul Symington

231034    Gary Tait

7036        David Teagle

331022    Michael Thomas

7071        Grant Tomkins

489021    Peter Tonkin

284019    Duncan Towart

390021    Craig Tuckwell

7021        Andrew Turner

509031    Douglas Turner

8708        Michael Van Den Bout

419017    Stephen Ward

7023        Michael Waterlow

270018    Evan Watson

443020    Allan Watts

7776        Dean Webb

343024    Keith Weise

7085        Darren West

7621        Stephen White

7622        Stephen Whitehead

7758        Glen Whittorn

419016    Rodney Wright


First Clasp


5702        Leslie Allen

5730        Wayne Ansell

322008    Robert Armstrong

5696        Jeffrey Arnold

406020    Robert Avard

5728        Leo Ayoub

6292        Steven Bamford

232009    John Barton

5752        Glen Batty

5760        Phillip Bedford

5694        William Berry

510008    Allen Brooks

5716        Kenneth Brown

5742        George Brown

371027    Francis Brownhill

5746        Gary Burton

5712        Greg Carroll

5774        Michael Coolahan

279011    Nevyl Cox

5706        Phillip Cox

5976        David Coyte

387009    Russell Croake

5768        Brett Davies

5797        Stephen Davis

77004      Robert Dunn

5740        Wayne Eadie

300011    William Edgar

5704        Peter Edwards

5788        Guy Ellis

454017    Bruce Engert

337019    Raymond Evers

5775        Christian Fabri

510009    Ross Fleming

5750        Rodney Gersbach

5709        Alan Gregory

452025    Anthony Hall

5754        James Hamilton

488009    Kevin Hapgood

5707        Craig Harris

5798        Gregory Harris

226013    John Hatswell

444010    Bruce Hayes

5739        Kenneth Hayes

211006    Dennis Henry

5713        Garry Hills

5690        Ross Hinton

5685        Robert Hodge

5802        Manfred Hogrefe

508016    Brian Howard

452013    Brian Hoy

8145        Bradley Ives

5745        Ross Jacobsen

387008    Robert Joseph

5736        Murray Kear

5738        Scott Kelly

5720        Alexander Koot

5729        Allen Lavender

513012    Stuart Lavender

5727        Christopher Lewis

365011    Barry Love

278013    Daniel Maher

5793        Ronald Mandell

264010    Phillip Mangan

5701        Ian Maples

5737        Robert McGowan

376009    Paul McGuire

5800        Wayne McMahon

338002    Adrian Mechielsen

5687        Gary Meers

461008    Jeffrey Mercer

445012    David Moalem

5721        Kevin Moffat

397008    Ross Monro

456008    Lindsay Myers

226014    Gregory Nankervis

5766        Trevor Neal

206011    Raymond Nicholls

278012    Russell Oddy

5744        Craig Osborne

405035    Stephen Peacock

5794        Steven Peters

5781        Neal Petty

350012    Barry Reeves

263013    Colin Roberson

5722        David Ross

7618        Trevor Ross

294014    Andrew Rousell

5795        William Sayer

5764        John Schubert

5786        Alexander Scott

223007    Stephen Senini

8130        Gerald Seville

5711        Stephen Sharp

412043    David Shearing

5697        Kevin Sinclair

5708        James Smith

5733        Frank Smith

5718        Darryl Snow

5689        Peter Speirs

5710        Mark Stringellow

5691        Duncan Taylor

221011    Andre Van Hoeck

5770        Barry Wallace

5687        Glenn Warden

5762        Graham Watson

6419        John Wells

5776        Graeme Weston

322007    Kevin Wettern

5741        Robert Whiddon

5757        Duncan White

5715        John White

211005    Robert Whitehead

340001    Vincent Wiegold

5719        Peter Willard

494009    Graham Williams

5747        Mark Wilmott

5748        Michael Wilson

233012    Graham Wood

5761        David Woods

5801        Alan Woods

5769        Craig Wright


Second Clasp


4288        Peter Bartolotta

4301        Johannes Bootsma

5265        William Bow

4317        Ross Brogan

412003    Barry Calder

4316        Robert Capple

4307        Alan Davies

506005    Robert Downey

337001    Robert Duncan

503007    Brian Foy

4395        John Garner

4342        Stephen Godden

452006    Dennis Gross

4972        Ian Hine

4275        Michael Hurley

4324        Peter Jezzard

226008    John Kearney

4371        John Kelly

4406        Raymond Kelly

322001    Robert Kilo

4298        Aart Kop

4423        Gregory Lewis

4278        Paul Luxton

443004    Donald Manning

4296        Raymond Marshall

4377        Leslie McCullough

4422        Sidney McDonald

306009    Gregory McLennan

4590        William Meek

316001    Kevin Muldoon

362007    Ian Murphy

294005    Barry Neilsen

4407        Reginald Orrell

392007    Kenneth Perrett

513006    Clarence Roberts

255009    Gordon Robertson

4341        James Rockett

471021    Athol Shelton

4331        Dennis Shepherd

500003    Owen Smith

500001    Donald Spence

67005      Leonard Spillane

269005    Malcolm Stanley

4313        Victor Sydenham

322003    Colin Thiele

4339        Leonard Warwick

4284        Stephen Woods

4340        Geoffrey Zipper


Contact Officer:          Maree James, Events Coordinator, (02) 9265 2905

File Reference:            CHO/08233





Parking private vehicles on NSWFB premises


This instruction rescinds In Orders 2000/1, Parking of private vehicles or cycles on station premises.

1.         Policy


Private vehicles may not be parked on NSWFB premises without proper authority.


Private vehicle means any motor vehicle, motor cycle or trailer which is not owned or leased by the NSWFB.


The Station Commander or site manager is responsible for the supervision of parking on their station or site.

2.         Staff parking


A NSWFB employee who wishes to park a private vehicle on NSWFB premises while on duty must submit a Permission to park form (available on Station Portal) to the Station Commander or site manager.


For Officers and Firefighters attached to the relieving corps, the Permission to park form must be lodged at their base station/location.


Employees visiting NSWFB premises for work related purposes, or performing temporary relieving duties, out duties or overtime at a location to which they are not permanently attached do not have to submit a Permission to park form provided that they obtain permission from the Station Commander or site manager before bringing a private vehicle onto NSWFB premises.


Permission to park will not be granted for employees driving trucks or any vehicle used for commercial purposes, except for Retained Firefighters who respond to a fire station in a commercial vehicle connected to their primary employment.

3.         Visitor parking


Visitor parking, including parking by off-duty staff, is at the discretion of the Station Commander or site manager.


Note:   In Orders 2006/4, Security alerts, sets conditions for visitor parking at different alert levels.

4.         Liability


The NSWFB, its officers or agents, will not be held responsible or liable for any damage to or theft of any private vehicle or its contents while the private vehicle is parked on NSWFB premises.


The owner and/or driver of a private vehicle accepts full responsibility for any damage caused to NSWFB property and/or services by their private vehicle.

5.         Conditions


The following conditions apply to any private vehicle on NSWFB premises:


5.1       Drivers/owners of private vehicles must obey any instructions from the Station Commander or site manager.


5.2       The Station Commander or site manager may require private vehicles to be removed from NSWFB premises if required for security or the efficient operation of the NSWFB.


5.3       NSWFB vehicles always have priority over private vehicles.


5.4       The number of private vehicles parked on NSWFB premises must not exceed the number of parking spaces designated for private vehicles.


5.5       Private vehicles must not obstruct appliance bays or impede the movement of NSWFB vehicles.


5.6       Private vehicles must not be parked in appliance bays.


5.7       Employees must not leave private vehicles on NSWFB premises when they are off duty.


5.8       Cleaning of and/or mechanical attention to private vehicles on NSWFB premises is prohibited, with the exception of residents of quarters on NSWFB premises who may clean their private vehicle so long as this does not interfere with the efficient functioning of the NSWFB and complies with In Orders 1997/18, Washing appliances, and any water restrictions.

6.         Revocation of permission to park


NSWFB employees who fail to comply with these instructions may have their permission to park on NSWFB premises withdrawn.


Contact Officer:         Superintendent Peter X Stathis, Professional Standards and Conduct Officer, (02) 9265 2826

File Reference:           CHO/00867



Incident Crew Management System - Stage 2 implementation


This instruction should be read in conjunction with  Sections 1 – 6 of In Orders 2004/22  Incident Crew Management System, and In Orders 2005/23 Operational Guide to the ICMS.  It rescinds Section 7, Supply information, of In Orders 2004/22, Incident Crew Management System.

1.         Introduction


Training in the use of ICMS at incidents and training exercises is currently being finalised in the following zones:


West 1                Parramatta

West 2                Huntingwood

West 3                Katoomba

West 6                St Andrews

South 1               City of Sydney

South 2               Kogarah

South 3               Wollongong

South 6               Ashfield

North 1 and 2      Crows Nest

North 3               Newcastle

North 4               Maitland

North 7               Wyong


At the conclusion of ICMS training in the above zones, Stage 2 ICMS must be implemented at incidents and training exercises in accordance with the Operational Guide to the ICMS. 

2.         ICMS training in remaining Zones


The remaining zones listed below will now receive the training and associated equipment required to implement the ICMS:


North5                Port Macquarie

North 6               Lismore

South 4               Wagga Wagga

South 5               Batemans Bay

South 7               Goulburn

West 4                Dubbo

West 5                Tamworth

West 7                Leeton


Equipment to be delivered to Zone offices for placement on each Country Inspector’s and Zone Commander’s response vehicle will include the following items:


·        ICMS board complete with canvas cover, and


·        ICMS kit containing five temporary issue, external agency and NSWFB support passports.


To facilitate the implementation of ICMS training in these zones, Zone and Country Inspectors should ensure that all personnel order a copy of the Operational Guide to ICMS from the NSWFB Supply Catalogue.


The Operational Guide to the ICMS has been included in the Corporate Stationary Contract with the printers SALMAT. All stations are to make note of the details listed below and include the information in their Supply Catalogue. The Electronic Supply Catalogue (ESCAT) will be updated accordingly. An electronic version is also available on the Intranet under State Operations.


Manual, Technical



Charge Against:                   3005 – Stationery Other

Order Method:                    Local Purchase Order to Supplier

Order Instructions:              Use Supplier Part Number

Order Authorisation:            Station Commander and Above



In Orders                            2005/10 Corporate Stationery – SALMAT

2004/22 Incident Crew Management System




S/Part No


Cat No

Incident Crew Management System










SAL      SALMAT Document Management Solutions Pty Limited

3.         Retained Firefighters


Station Commanders involved in the recruitment of Retained Firefighters are responsible for ordering and issuing ICMS passports and manuals when issuing initial uniform supply.

4.        ICMS Passports


Personnel who have not been previously photographed by the NSWFB or issued with an ICMS passport must ask their Station Commander to complete and return an ICMS Return Information Template. This template is available on the Intranet under State Operations.  Wherever possible, the template should be completed on a station rather than an individual basis.


Print the template and fax the completed copy to (02) 9609 4174.

5.         Supply details


The following information details information for the re-ordering of ICMS items as a result of loss or damage. All items will be added to the Electronic Supply Catalogue (ESCAT).

ICMS Board


Note:   Initial issue will be automatically provided to Zone Commanders’, Operational Commanders’ and Country Inspectors’ vehicles.



Charge Against:                  2501 Inventory - Firefighting

Order method:                    Local Purchase Order to Supplier

Order Authorisation:           Inspector and above




S/Part No


Cat No

ICMS Board


ICMS Board




J&G Simpson & Son, 31 -37 Salisbury Rd, Asquith. NSW, Phone/Facsimile 9476 4129


Bag, Textile


Note:   Initial issue will be automatically provided to Zone Commanders’, Operational Commanders’ and Country Inspectors’ vehicles.



Charge Against:                  2501 Inventory Firefighting

Order method:                    Local Purchase Order to Supplier

Order Instruction:               Use Supplier Part Number

Order Authorisation:           Inspector and above




S/Part No


Cat No

ICMS Board Cover


ID Board Cover




E H Brett & Sons, 1 River St, Silverwater NSW, Phone 9648 5622, Facsimile 9648 5699


Vest, High Visibility, ICMS


Note:   Initial issue will be automatically provided to Zone Commanders’, Operational Commanders’ and Country Inspectors’ vehicles.



Charge Against:                  2501 ­ Inventory Firefighting

Order method:                    Local Purchase Order to Supplier

Order Instruction:               Inscription to read:  ICMS MANAGER

Order Authorisation:           Inspector and above




S/Part No


Cat No

Special - Single Sided






Form, Printed, Brigades



Charge Against:                  2502 – Inventory - Other

Order method:                    Local Purchase Order to Supplier

Order Instruction:               Use Supplier Part Number

Order Authorisation:           Station Commander and Above




S/Part No


Cat No

ICMS Log Sheet






SAL    SALMAT Document Management Solutions Pty Limited


Holder, Key



Fit:                                     ICMS Passports

Form:                                 It must have hooks and/or rings and may be a case tray or strip

Function:                            An item specifically designed to organize and store keys, and allow for quick storage and removal



Charge Against:                  2503  Consumable Stores

Order Method:                   ESCAT

Order Instructions:              Use Supplier Part Number

Order Authorisation:           Station Commander and above





S/Part No


Cat No


Split Ring






AEB        Baker AE & Co


Snap, Hook



Fit:                                     ICMS Passports

Form:                                 A metal fastening device one or both ends of which are hook shaped with a closing device.

Function:                            Designed to retain items at one end and enable rapid attachment/detachment at the other.



Charge Against:                  2503 Consumable Stores

Order Method:                   ESCAT

Order Instructions:              Use Supplier Part Number

Order Authorisation:           Station Commander and above





S/Part No


Cat No


Round Eye Swivel






AEB         Baker AE & Co


Tag, Identification, Vehicle



Fit:                                     ICMS Passport

Form:                                 It may or may not be inscribed. It has a hole or other means of attaching to the vehicle

Function:                            An item used for the purpose of vehicle identification



Charge Against:                  2501 - Inventory Firefighting

Order Method:                   Local Purchase Order to supplier

Order Instructions:              Information to be included: Station No and Appliance Type

Order Authorisation:           Station Commander and above





S/Part No


Cat No




Ideal Engravers





IDEAL ENGRAVERS.   16/14 Harp St, Belmore. NSW   (Phone 9718 8066   Facsimile 9718 8778)


Tag Identification, Personnel



Fit:                                     ICMS Passport

Form:                                 It may or may not be inscribed. It has a hole or other means of attaching to the vehicle

Function:                            An item used for the purpose of personnel identification



Charge Against:                  2503 – Inventory Firefighting

Order Method:                   Local Purchase Order to supplier

Order Instructions:              Use Supplier Part Number

Order Authorisation:           Station Commander and above





S/Part No


Cat No

Blank Tag


Ideal Engravers





Ideal Engravers.   16/14 Harp St, Belmore. NSW   ( Phone 9718 8066   Facsimile 9718 8778)


Contact Officer:                Inspector Steve Baker, A/Manager Counter Terrorism and Aviation, (02) 9318 4879 or 0439 728 634

File Reference:                  CHO/06363



Inspection and testing of fire appliances


The following instructions rescind In Orders 2003/20, Inspection and testing of fire appliances. 


It is the responsibility of the rostered drivers at permanent and retained stations under the supervision of the Station Commander to inspect and test their vehicles in accordance with the following procedures. The operators’ manuals for individual appliances also must be checked for additional inspection items pertinent to those vehicles.

1.         Timetable for inspections



Rostered drivers

Engine Keepers

Vehicle cleanliness

Change of shift



Change of shift


Engine oil

Change of shift


Cooling system coolant level

Change of shift


Water level in first aid tank

Change of shift


Lights and gauges

Change of shift


Damage to bodywork

Change of shift


Battery electrolyte level and condition of terminals and clamps

Change of shift


Correct operation of battery charger

Change of shift


Foam levels

Change of shift


Seat belts

Change of shift


Appliance inventory

Change of shift


Tyre pressure tested by pressure gauge

0800 hours shift


General tyre condition

0800 hours shift


A visual and hand check of the tightness of wheel nuts on all appliances is to be carried out

0800 hours shift


Brake fluid levels in vehicles fitted with hydraulic or air over hydraulic brakes

0800 hours shift


Hydraulic pump test

0800 hours shift



Change of shift




These tests must also be made whenever a new appliance is installed at a station or an appliance is returned from servicing or repairs.

2.         Reporting defects


Rostered drivers and Engine Keepers must report any defects or faults to the Station Commander immediately, who will take action as follows.


In all cases a contact number and name must be supplied to the Fleet Management Unit representative nominated in the sections below, to enable sourcing of additional information.


2.1       Within the GSA


If the appliance fault is not a safety issue, or one that will prevent the appliance from remaining fully operational, it should be reported to the appropriate section within the Fleet unit during normal hours of business which are 0715 hrs to 1545 hrs weekdays.  These sections are divided into the following:


Mechanical, Electrical and Pump              (02) 9742 7353

Aerial Technicians                                    (02) 9742 7351

Vehicle Builders                                       (02) 9742 7352


If an appliance is taken out of service, on the advice of an authorised appliance repairer or for an obvious safety issue, the Station Commander must immediately inform:


·               the Communication Centre

·               the Operational Commander, and

·               the Fleet Officer Operations.


The Fleet Officer Operations’ hours of business are 0630 to 1830 hours, telephone (02) 9742 7359.


Outside normal working hours, the Fleet Officer Operations should be contacted by pager through the Sydney Communication Centre.


2.2       Outside the GSA


If the fault can be rectified locally, the Station Commander is to take the necessary action, according to current arrangements with their Fleet Area Manager.


If the fault cannot be rectified locally, and the appliance has to be taken out of service until repairs are made, the Station Commander should ring their Fleet Area Manager:


Fleet Area Manager              Wagga Wagga                 0428 260 458

Fleet Area Manager              Port Macquarie                0408 025 672

Fleet Area Manager              Greenacre                        0418 644 155


If a fault is not urgent and cannot be rectified locally, the Station Commander is to contact their Fleet Area Manager during normal business hours.


If an appliance is taken out of service, on the advice of an authorised appliance repairer or for an obvious safety issue, the Station Commander must immediately inform:


·               the Communication Centre,

·               the Zone Commander (Country) or the Area Commander (S3 or N3), and

·               the Fleet Area Manager.


3.         Reporting missing or damaged equipment


The rostered driver or Engine Keeper must report any missing or damaged equipment to the Station Commander immediately the equipment is found to be missing or damaged.

4.         Occurrence book entries


A record must be kept in the occurrence book of:


·               any defects or problems,

·               any missing or damaged equipment,

·               any action taken,

·               the name of the person who was contacted in the Fleet Management Unit, and

·               the name and contact number of the person reporting the defect.

5.         Contact numbers


During business hours, 0715 to 1545 Monday to Friday:


Fleet Management Switch        (02) 9742 7117 or direct to section

Fleet Area Manager                 as notified


Outside business hours:


Fleet Officer Operations           Sydney Communication Centre by Pager

Fax:                                         (02) 9742 7485

Telephone:                               (02) 9742 7359


Contact Officer:                Station Officer Bill Ewing, Fleet Officer Operations,
(02) 9742 7359

File Reference:                  CHO/01518 and FLT/00062



Fringe Benefits Tax reporting for minor fleet vehicles


In order to comply with Australian Taxation Office requirements for Fringe Benefits Tax reporting, the speedometer reading for all minor fleet vehicles is to be recorded as at 31 March each year.


If a vehicle is not used on 31 March 2006, the speedometer reading at the conclusion of the last journey prior to 31 March 2006 is to be recorded.


It is essential that all minor fleet vehicles’ running sheets for the week including 31 March are submitted promptly to regional offices to ensure that the kilometres readings are entered onto the relevant database as a matter of priority.


This instruction does not apply to the drivers of SES or packaged vehicles who provide this information separately.



Contact Officer:         Pat Crowe, Fleet Administration Manager, (02) 9742 7411

File Reference:           CHO/06956




End of daylight saving


Daylight saving will end at 0300 hours on Sunday, 2 April 2006.  All clocks are to be set back one hour (ie from 0300 to 0200 hours) and an entry made in the Occurrence Book.


Contact Officer:          Anne Pickles, Information Coordinator, (02) 9265 2971
File Reference:            CHO/01040




ANZAC Day 2006                     


Tuesday 25 April 2006 is ANZAC Day.


The Commissioner has approved special leave for all ex-service personnel who are rostered for duty on ANZAC Day and who march with the NSWFB contingent in the Sydney ANZAC Day March.


This leave will not be deducted from personal leave credits. It is approved on the following basis:




To assist Operational Commanders in maintaining station staffing, eligible personnel who are rostered for duty as above and who desire to march with the NSWFB contingent must submit leave applications, through the chain of command, to the Manager Operational Personnel by 20 April 2006.


Attending on duty personnel must also complete an ANZAC Day Leave Form which will be issued by the Anzac Day March Coordinator, Superintendent Peter Stathis, prior to the commencement of the NSWFB ANZAC Day ceremony at No 1 Station.


The obligation to obtain and return completed ANZAC Day Leave Form to the Anzac Day March Coordinator rests with the individual.  On duty personnel who fail to complete an ANZAC Day Leave Form will not be granted special leave with pay.


Dress: Full Dress Uniform - Ceremonial


ANZAC Day Ceremony


Off duty personnel and families are welcome to attend the NSWFB ANZAC Day ceremony at the City of Sydney Fire Station which commences at 0800 hours.


Contact Officer:           Superintendent Peter X Stathis, Professional Standards and Conduct Officer, (02) 9265 2826

File reference:              CHO/00763





Deputy Manager Professional Development Unit


Applications are invited from operational personnel for the position of Deputy Manager Professional Development Unit, Operational Support Level 3, Alexandria.


An information package should be obtained before submitting an application.  Applications must address all the selection criteria.


Inquiries:                           Superintendent Rick Griffiths, Manager Professional Development Unit, (02) 9318 4331


Information packages:      Mrs Julie Gray, (02) 9318 4306


Applications to:                 Manager Professional Development Unit, NSW Fire Brigades, State Training College, PO Box 559 Alexandria NSW 1435


Closing date:                     12 May 2006


File reference:                   CHO/02272


Professional Development Unit Trainer


Applications are invited from operational personnel for the position of Professional Development Unit Trainer (various positions), Operational Support Level 2, Alexandria. 


An information package should be obtained before submitting an application.  Applications must address all the selection criteria.


Inquiries:                                Superintendent Rick Griffiths, Manager Professional Development Unit, (02) 9318 4331


Information packages:           Jane Teagle, (02) 9318 4302


Applications to:                      Administration Manager, NSW Fire Brigades, State Training College, PO Box 559, Alexandria NSW 1435


Closing date:                          12 May 2006


File reference:                        CHO/02272





The following appointments are subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980.  In some cases the maximum salary of the position may exceed the limit under which an appeal may be made to GREAT.  The 21 day period for appeal commences on the date of this In Order.














Date of Decision





Instructor, Professional Development Unit


N Anasson


Aviation Officer


S Dodson


Senior Training Officer, ComSafe


A White


Senior Training Officer, ComSafe


R Gaul


Station Commander Turvey Park


J Welfare


Deputy Manager, Hazmat Technical/Servicing


S Alexander






Promotions (under previous Award Provisions)

Firefighter Level 4 to Qualified Firefighter                                                                                  


8260        T Gordon                                                                                                                               23 January 2006

8058        P Vella                                                                                                                                    15 December 2005


Firefighter Level 3 to Firefighter Level 4                                                                                     


8434        T Rochford                                                                                                                              1 February 2006

8430        A Rowatt                                                                                                                               24 January 2006

8404        M Dobson                                                                                                                             13 December 2005

8374        B Gittoes                                                                                                                                20 September 2005

8422        D Baban                                                                                                                                 13 December 2005

8425        S Hogan                                                                                                                                 21 January 2006


Firefighter Level 2 to Firefighter Level 3                                                                                     


8686        B Miller                                                                                                                                    9 December 2005

8589        C Antonievich                                                                                                                      29 November 2005

8667        A Long                                                                                                                                  28 November 2005


Firefighter Level 1 to Firefighter Level 2                                                                                     


8785        R Slade                                                                                                                                   24 January 2006

8784        D Dunnacliff                                                                                                                           7 January 2006


Recruit Firefighter to Firefighter Level 1                                                                                     


8931        L Taylor                            17 February 2006

8932        J Naughton                      17 February 2006

8933        B Cogle                             17 February 2006

8934        P Westwood                    17 February 2006

8935        M Smith                            17 February 2006

8936        R Smith                             17 February 2006

8937        S O’Brien                          17 February 2006

8938        D West                             17 February 2006

8939        S Newton                          17 February 2006

8940        S Bayliss                           17 February 2006

8941        S Breda                             17 February 2006

8942        C Thompson                    17 February 2006

8943        D Norman                         17 February 2006

8944        C Thompson                    17 February 2006

8945        D Meacham                      17 February 2006

8946        E Boggiss                         17 February 2006

8947        C Becus                            17 February 2006

8949        D Holman                         17 February 2006

8950        M Calabretta                    17 February 2006

8951        B Wood                            16 March 2006

8952        J Kane-Maguire               16 March 2006

8953        K Walker                          16 March 2006

8954        J McGarvey                      16 March 2006

8955        G McAndrew                   16 March 2006

8956        M Gregory                        16 March 2006

8957        J Blayney                          16 March 2006

8958        J Smith                              16 March 2006

8959        J McBain                          16 March 2006

8960        B Cleary                            16 March 2006

8961        N Chellew                         16 March 2006

8962        B Thornton                      16 March 2006

8963        D Hollander                      16 March 2006

8964        T Angus                           16 March 2006

8965        M Apps                            16 March 2006

8966        N Goodwin                       16 March 2006

8967        L McCulloch                    16 March 2006

8968        R Susnjara                        16 March 2006

8969        R Glamuzina                     16 March 2006

8970        W Crocker                        16 March 2006




Promotions (under new Award Provisions)


The following promotions and reclassifications are made under the changes to Clause 13 of the Crown Employees (NSW Fire Brigades Firefighting Staff) Award 2005, which were detailed in In Orders 2005/17, Changes to training and assessment program for Recruit to Qualified Firefighters.


Firefighter Level 4 to Qualified Firefighter                                                                                  


8275        S Gordon                          25 January 2006

8276        L McIntyre                       25 January 2006

8277        N Pascoe                          25 January 2006

8279        R Beck                               25 January 2006

8284        S McIntosh                      25 January 2006

8286        D Hammond                     25 January 2006

8295        R Beer                               25 January 2006

8296        I Sanderson                      25 January 2006

8300        D Ball                                  3 March 2006

8302        G Harper                             3 March 2006

8303        D Price                                3 March 2006

8305        D Clunne                            3 March 2006

8310        M Robertson                     3 March 2006

8312        T Ingle                                3 March 2006

8313        M Rebane                           3 March 2006

8316        A Massey                          3 March 2006

8319        C Pye                                   3 March 2006

8320        P McIvor                            3 March 2006

8321        B Pittman                            3 March 2006

8324        T Oswald-Sealy                 3 March 2006

8325        J Ballard                              3 March 2006

8327        P Hughes                            3 March 2006

8328        B Hurley                             3 March 2006

8329        D Brus                                 3 March 2006

8331        D Adam                              3 March 2006

8333        B Ziekenheiner                  3 March 2006

8334        A Borland                           3 March 2006

8336        M Paddon                          3 March 2006

8344        J Niall                                  3 March 2006

8348        H Wiles                               3 March 2006

8352        G Baldock                           3 March 2006

8353        H Langdon                         3 March 2006

8361        W Haynes                          3 March 2006

8364        B Monico                           3 March 2006

8365        R Schemb                           3 March 2006

8368        G Sprod                               3 March 2006

8369        B Robins                             3 March 2006

8378        T Hassiotis                         3 March 2006

8379        K Vallentine                       3 March 2006

8382        A Hodges                           3 March 2006

8383        C Kennis                             3 March 2006

8388        P Giles                                 3 March 2006

8394        A Verus                              3 March 2006

8404        M Dobson                          3 March 2006

8413        B Daly                                 3 March 2006

8419        G Lehman                           3 March 2006






Firefighter Level 4 to Level 3 - Transitional Rank Classification


The following Firefighters who were classified as Firefighter Level 4 under the previous award conditions are reclassified as Firefighter Level 3 under the new award provisions from 3 March 2006:


8271        A Hawthorne

8274        G Ostara

8278        D Clarke

8298        G Evans

8299        S Gategood

8301        V Osburg

8304        R Neville

8306        S Thomas

8307        R Ingram

8308        G Hardy

8309        K Haigh

8311        B Martin

8314        M Rainey

8315        D Graham

8317        S Jack

8322        P Innis

8323        S Townsend

8326        D Russell

8332        G Shirdon

8335        N Coney

8337        R Goodall

8342        B Slavin

8343        K Quinlivan

8345        B Mackintosh

8346        K Melville

8347        M Vanem

8349        S Doohan

8350        V McKellar

8351        D Hatton

8354        T Jackson

8355        K McGregor

8356        P Cook

8357        M Raison

8358        M Stansfield

8359        M Toms

8360        K Shield

8362        C Lark

8363        J Smith

8367        P Watson

8370        P Hennessy

8371        R Heyhoe

8372        D Coyne

8374        B Gittoes

8375        S Gallaghan

8376        D Armour

8377        P Russell

8380        A Townsend

8384        K Jones

8385        M Hopcroft

8387        J Hunton

8389        P Biela

8390        J McKinnon

8392        G Nagle

8395        J Sanderson

8396        S Peterson

8397        M Packham

8398        J Elliott

8399        M Swane

8400        A Grogan

8401        L Sutton

8402        K Barclay

8403        M Mildwater

8405        D Tchappat

8406        R Janzen

8407        A Madden

8409        N Henness

8410        S Squadrito

8411        R Sweeney

8412        A Grimmond

8414        S Bourke

8415        G Smede

8416        E Thomson

8417        R Timeus

8418        D Stratton

8420        M Vaughan

8421        M McPherson

8422        D Baban

8423        M McDonald

8424        M Clarke

8425        S Hogan

8426        S Noakes

8427        P Mexham

8428        M Feledy

8429        D O’Brian

8430        A Rowatt

8431        J Kirkegard

8432        M Lawson

8433        J Anthony

8434        T Rochford

8435        M Turner

8436        I Davison

8437        J Tout

8438        D Armstrong

8439        I Russell

8440        J Allan

8441        M Sheather

8442        T Wiggins


Firefighter Level 3 to Firefighter Level 2 – Reclassification


The following Firefighters who were classified as Firefighter Level 3 under the previous award provisions are reclassified as Firefighter Level 2 under the new award provisions from 3 March 2006:


8443        M Fugle

8445        J Sharman

8446        P Jaschke

8447        P Wann

8448        G Cornish

8449        J Parkes

8450        P Hocking

8452        D Keierleber

8454        J Latta

8455        M Carroll

8456        P Davidson

8457        B Heidtham

8458        W Curran

8459        M England

8460        C Rogers

8461        J Robinson

8462        C Marselos

8463        G Craft

8464        R Baard

8465        D Fisk

8466        E Sullivan

8467        P Hicks

8468        A Phillips

8469        R Jackson

8470        C Wilson

8471        J Pike

8472        M Havercroft

8474        T Oyston

8475        S Letherbarrow

8476        M May

8477        P Lopez Gonzales

8479        A Lauder

8480        G Salway

8481        M McLellan

8482        T Morgan

8484        J Wolfe

8485        Y Atty

8486        A Batterham

8488        L McNally

8489        J Pope

8490        M Diegutis

8491        D Wills

8492        J Mackay

8493        W Pearce

8494        G Olsen

8495        T Grose

8496        S Griyner

8497        D Wildmann

8498        D Hanrahan

8499        D Shields

8501        J Leslie

8502        L Arnold

8503        R Carriage

8505        M Grant

8506        D Katon

8508        M Stracic

8509        C McAleer

8510        P Verheyen

8511        J Federer

8512        B Wood

8514        J Taylor

8515        T Maynard

8516        E Garland

8517        A Richardson

8518        M Cooper

8519        R Morris

8520        B Tyack

8521        J Barr

8522        J Reid

8523        J Slade

8525        J Yeo

8528        B Rea

8529        G Howitt

8530        D O’Dea

8531        C Brown

8532        S McAndrew

8533        E Jennison

8534        B Hedley

8535        P Midavaine

8536        J Kotz

8537        L Dare

8538        M Lewis

8539        D Joseph

8540        D Ridding

8541        C Gilhooly

8542        B Hallett

8543        R Keane

8544        C Raymond

8546        S Bosnall

8547        D Scifleet

8548        J Dodd

8549        J Tesoriero

8550        C Scott

8551        M Nairn

8552        D Gibson

8553        D Morgan

8554        J Stewart

8555        L Schembri

8556        E Achman

8557        J Morse

8558        J Ford

8559        G Fleming

8560        L Burden

8561        P Cooper

8562        M Ettridge

8563        T Jones

8564        J Hausoul

8566        A Jarratt

8567        J Dries

8568        S Kukor

8569        J Buist

8570        S Deverall

8571        M Duggan

8572        P Huntley

8573        W Reid

8574        J Amputch

8575        A Duncan

8576        P Brewin

8577        S Reid

8578        C Dascolias

8579        L Moyes

8580        M McHugh

8581        N Evans

8582        W Smith

8583        S Porter

8584        S Parkin

8585        A Mills

8586        J Lennon

8587        N Leigh

8588        S Dallimore

8589        C Antonievich

8590        N Begley

8592        J Ridley

8593        G Lisk

8594        C Edward

8595        P Burke

8596        P Dowling

8597        W Cuell

8598        C Strath

8600        C Davies

8601        T Amos

8602        M Breen

8603        P Hinze

8604        J Boughton

8605        R Smith

8606        N Cocksedge

8607        J Lee

8608        A Abrams

8609        K Manuao

8610        M Linsley

8611        R Tolhurst

8612        D Hyde

8613        J Tierney

8614        D Nicholson

8615        S Scott

8616        J Whitfield

8617        A Weeks

8618        K Moore

8619        K McNamara

8620        J Allport

8621        J Caraballo

8622        W McNeill

8623        D Gillespie

8624        D Searle

8625        A Checker

8626        W Horrigan

8627        D Jenkins

8628        T Poole

8629        B Hogan

8630        D Favelle

8631        M Anderson

8632        M Prince

8633        M Bird

8634        L Miles

8635        M Laird

8636        P Frankham

8637        R Pauling

8638        S Hanley

8640        A Picone

8641        M Davies

8642        A Coble

8643        P Novotny

8644        N Dale

8645        S Edwards

8646        B Edwards

8647        J Sullivan

8648        R Stephenson

8649        S Kennedy

8651        C James

8653        D Turner

8655        M Curr

8656        M Lynch

8657        P Kwong

8658        R Strauch

8659        A McIntosh

8660        D Wicks

8661        R Murray

8662        A Shannon

8663        J Zaouk

8664        J Sanday

8665        A Petelevitch

8666        L Ferrier

8667        A Long

8668        R Warnock

8669        M Edis

8670        J Brown

8671        T Pauling

8672        G Brown

8673        A Boswell

8674        A Johnston

8675        A Medianik

8676        N Buchanan

8677        M Wright

8678        J Townsend

8679        P Scrace

8681        R Wilson

8683        K Ross

8684        L Catty

8686        B Miller

8687        R Ayoub


Firefighter Level 2 to Level 3 - Transitional Rank Classification


The following Firefighters who were reclassified (above) as Firefighter Level 2 on 3 March 2006 are reclassified as Firefighter Level 3 from 7 March 2006:


8443        M Fugle

8445        J Sharman

8446        P Jaschke

8447        P Wann

8448        G Cornish

8449        J Parkes

8450        P Hocking

8451        M Wasley

8452        D Keierleber

8453        A Walker

8454        J Latta

8455        M Carroll

8456        P Davidson

8457        B Heidtham

8458        W Curran

8459        M England

8460        C Rogers

8461        J Robinson

8462        C Marselos


Firefighter Level 2 to Firefighter Level 1 – Reclassification


The following Firefighters who were classified as Firefighter Level 2 under the previous award provisions are reclassified as Firefighter Level 1 under the new award provisions from 3 March 2006:


8487        S Warner

8654        B Abbott

8680        R Lucas

8682        A Coe

8688        T Jennings

8689        A Forsythe

8690        S James

8691        J Gibbs

8692        A Chalmers

8693        J Sim

8694        D Lollback

8695        G Stevenson

8696        K Lay

8697        J Walton               

8698        A Balding

8699        M Franklin

8700        R Bailey

8701        B Dermody

8702        A Clarke

8703        S Finnerty

8704        S Roberts

8705        J Hackney

8706        A Sutton

8707        T Ryan

8709        T Archer

8710        L Harris

8711        N Trute

8712        S Pearson

8713        F O’Brien

8714        D Simonian

8715        B Kruger

8717        T Kelleher

8719        C Ellis

8720        G Thompson

8721        G Allsop

8722        A Whitton

8723        T Cherry

8724        S Simmonds

8725        S Lambert

8726        B Rossiter

8727        T McRae

8728        A Batt

8729        C Giitsidis

8730        D Bennell

8731        A Sotiri

8732        J Beer

8733        A Honey

8734        R Groenenoyk

8735        A Gormley

8736        T Goddard

8737        T Horder

8738        D Alexander

8739        M Sigmund

8740        J O’Carroll

8741        B Dews

8742        R Fors

8744        J Dannenberg

8745        C Lane

8746        K Young

8747        N Hughes

8748        J McKay

8749        P Bailey

8750        M Miller

8752        B Ebejer

8753        L Rosemeyer

8754        D Vidler

8755        A Collins

8756        A Cromarty

8757        A Crowe

8758        P Davis

8759        P Roberts

8760        R Pearce

8761        C Barber

8762        J Jones

8763        A Llewellyn

8764        D Noronha

8765        D Smith

8766        B Squires

8767        N Cummins

8768        B Kemble

8769        D Mulroy

8771        B Williams

8772        P Meier

8773        T Sullivan

8774        G Langford

8775        M Grunske

8776        A Devos

8777        S Kimberley

8778        J Calabretta

8779        J Mackintosh

8780        A Harris

8781        M Penning

8782        M Moore

8783        B McIntyre

8784        D Dunnacliff

8785        L Slade

8786        C Matuschka

8787        J Markou

8788        A Riepma

8789        N Wigley

8790        C Diversi

8991        M Ovey





New members appointed to Brigades


M R Cooper                                Griffith                                     15 February 2006

J Orr                                             Picton                                        1 March 2006

B J Large                                     Gulgong                                    1 March 2006

S J O’Neill                                   Brewarrina                                1 March 2006

S D Lister                                    Walgett                                     1 March 2006

M G Collins                                 Kandos                                     1 March 2006

J E Loxley                                    Cobar                                       15 March 2006

M J Quinn                                   Merrylands                             15 March 2006

N J Miller                                     Cobar                                       15 March 2006

M A Bugden                              Lambton                                  15 March 2006

G Neale                                        Morisset                                 15 March 2006

O Carter                                       Berry                                        15 March 2006

R Terry                                        Young                                     15 March 2006

Relinquishment of rank


RETF M Sinclair                         Kariong                                    Captain                                       15 March 2006


Appointed to ranks


RETF R Dawson                        Deputy Captain                         Bega                                           1 March 2006

DCAPT J Neilson                      Gloucester                                  Captain                                      1 March 2006

RETF M Beaumont                    Dorrigo                                        Deputy Captain                      15 March 2006


These appointments are subject to the provisions of the Government and Related Employees Appeal Tribunal Act 1980.  The 21 day period for appeal commences from the date of this In Order.


Relinquishment of Engine Keeper’s position


RETF D L Smith                         Warialda                                 15 March 2006

RETF D J Withers                      Bingara                                    15 March 2006




RETF M H Jackson                   Coonabarabran        to              Delroy                                        9 December 2005

RETF J Lowe                              Gilgandra                                    Lismore                                      1 March 2006

RETF J Wilson                           Murwillumbah                            Tweed River                             1 March 2006

RETF R Snelgrove                     Gunnedah                                   Singleton                                 15 March 2006

RETF A Palermo                        Albury Civic                               Queanbeyan                           15 March 2006

RETF T K Goodlet                     Leura                                           Lawson                                    16 March 2006



RETF A J Purkiss                       Macksville                              15 February 2006

RETF J T Mitchell                      Swansea                                  19 February 2006

RETF R J Thompson                 Wentworth                             19 February 2006

RETF C A McHenry                  Brewarrina                              22 February 2006

RETF D A Mason                      Tamworth                               23 February 2006

RETF R A Boyd                         Walcha                                    28 February 2006

RETF C R Knight                       Wauchope                              28 February 2006

RETF G J Hodges                      Hillston                                     1 March 2006




RETF T J Herbert                       Coffs Harbour                        17 January 2006

Transferred to Honorary List


RETF T J Herbert                       Coffs Harbour                        18 January 2006

RETF A J Purkiss                       Macksville                              16 February 2006

RETF R A Boyd                         Walcha                                      1 March 2006











                                                                                                        Greg Mullins AFSM


                                                                                                        31 March 2006