Wednesday 6 October 2010. Number 499          The Rumour Mill No (02) 9265 2627


Recruitment campaign for permanent firefighters

Our latest permanent firefighter recruitment campaign commenced on Friday 1 October and aims to employ 40 recruit firefighters in early 2011. We are trying to encourage applications from more women and people from Indigenous and culturally diverse backgrounds than we have received in the past. This campaign will be open for a period of up to two weeks, but may close earlier if we receive a significant number of applications. Applications are to be lodged online.

Because firefighting is still regarded as a ‘non traditional occupation’ by many women, an information session for women on careers in firefighting is being held this evening at the Wesley Conference Centre in Sydney . This session will provide an opportunity to promote career opportunities in the NSWFB. Current firefighters will share their experiences with women who are interested in learning more about a career in firefighting. Market research shows that the vast majority of applicants in the past have been men, and that they usually have a good knowledge of what is involved. This is often not the case with women.

Launch of NSWFB Women’s Employment and Development Action Plan

On Wednesday 20 October, the NSWFB will launch its Women’s Employment and Development Action Plan to highlight our strategy for improving women’s recruitment, development and retention within our workforce. Information about the Action Plan and the event launch will be made available on our intranet. The plan is not just about women, but about making NSWFB workplaces better for everybody, regardless of gender or background.

Start to the bushfire season

The 2010/11 bushfire season outlook anticipates a varied season, with high fuel loads and temperatures, but also good rainfall. Bushfire danger periods were brought forward to 1 September in 17 Local Government Areas, with the rest of the State starting their bushfire danger period on 1 October.

With fuel loads heavy to extreme in grass and forested areas across the State, and fuel reduction activities limited due to continual rainfall and high moisture content, we are expecting a steady flow of localised bushfires and an above-average season of grassfires, particularly in the west of the State, after Christmas. Weather indicators show that we are now in a ‘La Nina’ event, bringing an increase in rain (and therefore fuel loads) that may result in increased bushfire activity late in the season. To prepare for the coming season, please read more detail in the intranet article.

Two old timers hang up their helmets

Sadly, next week we say farewell to Superintendent Keith King AFSM, Zone Commander MN2 who started with the NSWFB in December 1974. He worked as a firefighter at stations in the Sydney CBD and northern suburbs, and was promoted to Station Officer in 1987 serving in the GSA and country NSW. Keith was appointed to Inspector in 1991 and Superintendent in 1997. As Zone Commander for the Central Coast area, Keith has been responsible for managing a fourfold increase in permanent staff, the opening of four new fire stations and the relocation of two others. Keith is also renowned for his fundraising efforts and formation of the Central Coast Burns Equipment Fund.

We say a sad farewell also to Station Officer John Gardner AFSM who commenced with the NSWFB in January 1973, serving at City of Sydney , Crows Nest and Dee Why. John was promoted to Station Officer in 1985 and served across the State and in his current position of one of the Station Officers at Port Macquarie. John is well respected for his untiring efforts and outstanding results in community safety and fire awareness initiatives. As well as the AFSM, John received a Unit Commendation for Meritorious Service for efforts during the Thredbo landslide in 1997.

Hazmat restructure

The GSA Hazmat restructure has progressed, with the CO2 Tender and associated staff positions relocating from 9 Hazmat to 38 Pyrmont on 30 September. The next stage, aimed at spreading our Heavy Hazmat resources across the GSA, will involve the relocation of heavy Hazmat from 9 Station to 85 Chester Hill, which will be completed following suitable building works. I am aware that some staff have expressed concerns about certain aspects of the changes, and these concerns have been taken seriously.

Captain and Deputy Captain survey

We will be developing and delivering a new Officer Leadership Program for Captains and Deputy Captains. To help us do this better, Captains and Deputy Captains have been asked to provide input into the content of the program by participating in an online survey. The survey asks a number of questions about the experiences and needs of Captains and Deputy Captains. Its purpose is to help design a leadership training program that will be relevant to the operational, educational and leadership needs of Captains and Deputy Captains in a constantly changing and challenging work environment.

The confidential survey has been emailed to all current Captains and Deputy Captains and closes on Friday 15 October 2010. Don't miss your opportunity to have a say in the future educational direction of Captains and Deputy Captains within the NSWFB. For more information, contact A/Supt Rick Parkes A/Manager Professional Development Unit on 9318 4331 or

AIRS codes

According to SRS data, fires caused by cigarettes have been directly responsible for 77 fire fatalities between July 2000 and June 2005. From late September, new legislation provides that only reduced fire risk cigarettes can be produced, imported and sold in Australia . The Australasian Fire and Emergency Service Authorities Council has asked all fire agencies to include AIRS data so that the effectiveness of the reduced fire risk cigarette legislation can be measured. New codes are included in AIRS and more information is available on the intranet, on the AIRS website and in In Orders.

Office of the Commissioner

The newly formed Office of the Commissioner provides executive support to the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioners. The Office is also responsible for the coordination of notices for special events, retirements and the nominations and awarding of medals and commendations. It will distribute the illnesses, deaths and funeral notices to staff. Please forward all relevant requests and notifications to the Office of the Commissioner via email

Critical Incident Support survey

We’ve had a response of over 800 serving and retired firefighters participating in the Critical Incident Support survey already. However, the number of regional and retained firefighters participating has been low. To help us better understand the attitudes of firefighters across the NSWFB, and ensure that the data collected best represents all operational staff, we’re encouraging retained and regional firefighters to participate in the study. The survey closes on 31 October and is accessible through an external and confidential website. A detailed overview of the survey is on the intranet, with further information available through SF Mark Dobson, Manager Critical Incident Support on 0448 295 725 or


Busy day for residential fires

Saturday 25 September was a busy day across the state with a total of 9 residential premises being damaged by fire. Fires occurred at Wetherill Park , Parramatta , Granville, Bondi, Mortdale, Glenwood, South Hurstville , Port Macquarie and Kelso. Five of these fires were attributed to kitchen and cooking accidents. Three people were treated for smoke inhalation and one person required transport to hospital as a result of a serious kitchen fire.

2nd Alarm at Vaucluse Boys High School

Crews responded to a disused school hall alight at 0200 hours on Sunday 26 September. The crew from 76 Bondi sent the first Red message calling for a 2nd Alarm response when they observed fire through the roof of an old 30m x 20m school hall. Due to the dangers of collapse, a defensive strategy employing 4 x 70mm hoselines and an aerial appliance successfully contained the fire within two hours. Crews from 76 Bondi, 11 Woollahra Pumper and Ladders, City of Sydney Runner and Rescue, 39 Randwick , 3 The Rocks and 4 Darlinghurst Ladder Platform attended the incident.

Quick response and rescue at Orange unit fire

A rapid response to a unit fire in Orange enabled firefighters in breathing apparatus to quickly rescue a person trapped in his burning unit. On Tuesday 28 September, 412 Orange crew were called at 1845 hours and arrived just five minutes later to find smoke issuing from an apartment block. Crews in breathing apparatus quickly located a man overcome by thick smoke in the bedroom of his unit. He was carried to safety and then treated with oxygen therapy by firefighters until the arrival of the ambulance crew who transported him to hospital. The fire was quickly contained to the bedroom area. Well done 412!


  • Commissioner’s email:
  • Kerri Raymond, A/Commissioner’s PA: 9265 2930
  • To contribute a story to the intranet, please contact the Public Affairs and Communications Strategy Unit: 9265 2907