Friday 19 October 2007 Number 424. NSWFB
The Rumour Mill No (02) 9265 2627


Primo Smallgoods factory fire
More than 130 firefighters from 46 stations made a great ?save? of about 30 per cent of the building at a 12th alarm fire at the Primo Smallgoods factory in Greenacre last Monday. Firefighters had to deal with a number of challenges at the incident including insulated sandwich paneling, a collapsed wall and ceiling and hazardous materials. During the fire our Greenacre Logistics Support Centre had to be evacuated. This was the NSWFB?s biggest resource commitment since a 13th alarm fire at Lidcombe in 2006. A great team effort by everyone involved. See the intranet story.

NSWFB war memorials
I am proud to report that our two principal war memorials, the Honour Rolls at 1 City of Sydney and 260 Newcastle fire stations, have now been included in the Australian War Memorials? Register and are listed in the NSW register section. Thanks go to SO Ian Grimwood, supported by Assistant Commissioner Bob Dobson, who researched the names and employment details of the NSWFB personnel mentioned on the Rolls and photographed and recorded them. To see the listing for Newcastle click on and to see City of Sydney click on

Retired Chief Officer visit
On Wednesday, together with Deputy Commissioners Benson and Thompson, I had lunch with retired Chief Officer Stan Hearn who was visiting from Queensland. Stan retired in 1994, and is fit, healthy and active. He asked that I pass on his best regards to everybody in the NSWFB family.

Retirements: Capt Keith Willis AFSM and Doug Hall
After more than 51 years of service, Condobolin?s energetic and highly respected Captain, Keith Willis AFSM, has decided to hang up his helmet for the last time. Keith has had a long and distinguished career and I wish him all the best for a long and happy retirement.

On Thursday I attended a function to mark the retirement of Engineering Special Projects Officer Doug Hall, who has decided to pursue other interests at the age of 80. Doug has been a driving force behind the modernisation of the aerial fleet, our pumper programs, our fire boat and many other critical projects, and his expertise will be greatly missed.

Better Leadership through mentoring
As some of you will know, we started a mentoring program for senior officers and managers three years ago. All the then CEG members, the Chief Superintendents and some Superintendents, non-uniformed Assistant Directors and managers were trained as mentors and allocated less senior officers/managers as mentees. I have been very impressed with the results and I know that many people have benefited from having a formal mentor. I am also pleased that the program has begun to improve the flow of information and, most importantly, knowledge around the Brigade.

But this is just the beginning. It is now time to extend the program more widely throughout the Brigade and we plan to do this by training more mentors, initially at the Superintendent/Manager level. I?d like to emphasise that this program is not about getting promoted. It?s about a new and better way of leading our people. Based on an adaptive style to leadership, it encourages leaders to use the appropriate style of leadership in each different situation. Learning and practicing these skills is an important part of preparing ourselves for our future as one of the world?s best fire and rescue services.

I will be writing to Superintendents, Managers, and Inspectors soon asking whether they want to participate in the program, which is entirely voluntary.

AFAC Committee of Management
At the Australasian Fire Authorities Council (AFAC) Annual General Meeting on 19 September, I was elected as one of four directors on AFAC's national Committee of Management. The NSWFB has been an active member of AFAC over the years and we now have an even greater opportunity to help set the strategic direction of Australian fire and rescue services.

More rain water tanks for NSWFB fire stations
Seven more fire stations are to be fitted with rain water tanks as part of the NSWFB?s ongoing commitment to tackle the issue of climate change and water scarcity. The proposed additional stations are 305 Goulburn, 508 West Tamworth, 468 Tweed Heads, 422 Warrawong, 11 Woollahra, 27 Parramatta and 340 Umina. These stations may change if the site is determined unsuitable by Properties. In August it was decided to install rain water tanks at 428 Queanbeyan, 452 Tamworth, 244 Brewarrina, 35 Botany, 304 Gosford, 228 Berkley Vale and 434 Hamlyn Terrace.

National Firefighter Championships ? Lakes Entrance
Starting today, the 2007 National Firefighter Championship is being held in Lakes Entrance, Victoria with firefighters from Casino, Glen Innes, Kelso, Nowra and South Grafton competing against teams from across Australia and New Zealand. The team from Kelso will be aiming to defend its title as National Champion. The competing teams were selected based on their performance during the 2005/06 NSWFB Firefighter Championship series, which included the 2006 State Championship. I wish all the teams the best of luck, and will be there to support our teams.

New retained recruitment toolkit
The new retained recruitment toolkit is up and running, and can be accessed via the Station Portal. This is a fantastic resource for retained firefighters, captains and zone offices across NSW and I encourage you to use the many resources available to you in the toolkit. For further information about the toolkit see the intranet story.

SAP goes live for Inventory
I am pleased to report that after five months hard work by the IT and Logistics Support departments SAP, our new electronic finance and accounting system, went live for Inventory on Wednesday 17 October. The new system enables us to track the 3,200 or so stock lines at Greenacre, ensuring there are adequate spare parts on hand to service our appliance fleet. SAP was introduced last year in Finance and will be introduced into Human Resources/Payroll next year.

Executive development courses
Congratulations to CSupt Rob Lindsay (Area Commander RN), Supt Gary McKinnon (Zone Commander RN2), Karen Bode (Human Resources Manager) and Sonya Sandham (Manager Media and Community Relations) who have been successful in securing places in NSW Government executive development programs in 2008. Rob and Gary will undertake the Australian and New Zealand School of Government Executive Master of Public Administration, while Karen will study a Graduate Diploma in Public Administration at the University of Sydney. Sonya will undertake the NSW Public Sector Executive Development Program. I wish them all the best in their studies which will benefit each of them individually, and ultimately the entire Brigade.

NSWFB donates $65,000 to the Burns Unit
Last week Supt Ian Krimmer represented me at the annual NSWFB cheque presentation to the Burn?s Unit at Westmead Children?s Hospital. Supt Krimmer presented Dr John Harvey, Head of the Burns Unit, with a cheque for $65,000 on behalf of the NSWFB to assist with the care and support of patients at the hospital. Since 1996 we have donated over $1.6 million to the Burns Unit. Dr Harvey thanked the NSWFB for its tremendous support over the years and presented Supt Krimmer with a framed drawing of a fire truck. See the intranet story.

Appliance Training launches two training DVDs
On Wednesday 17 October Appliance Training launched two training DVDs on 4WD and heavy vehicle competencies. The aim of both DVDs is to supplement the face to face training supplied by Appliance Training. Off Road Driving covers the full range of techniques needed for 4WD driving on different terrain and Heavy Vehicle Competencies gives drivers an insight into some of the core competencies required to obtain a Heavy Vehicle licence.

Voluntary health and fitness assessments
The NSWFB is committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of all employees and is continuing to offer Health and Fitness Assessments to all staff on a voluntary basis. Regular health and fitness reviews can help firefighters and non-uniformed staff understand how they can improve their physical health and fitness levels and how the Health and Safety Branch can assist them to do this. There have been important changes to the program and reviews can now be performed by your GP with the results, if you choose, being forwarded to Health and Safety. The fitness part of the assessment can be undertaken at head office or the Health and Safety team can visit the station. For more information call 9265 2800 or 1800 425 282.

Rumour: Is it true that the department has abandoned plans to build and staff a fire station at Vincentia on the South Coast?

Response: No. This is a significant growth centre and there will be a need in the future to supplement existing RFS resources. Submissions will be made via the normal budgetary processes to assist future planning in this regard, and significant consultation will continue with the RFS.

12th alarm fire
Never assume anything
This is a true story
NSWFB respond to Lismore hail storm
Bradbury house fire
B-Double truck lands in the Richmond River

NSWFB donates $65,000 to The Burns Unit
New Retained Firefighter Recruitment Toolkit goes live
ComSafe training put to the test
NSWFB launches bushfire CSA campaign

Commissioner’s e-mail:
Cora Sarmiento, Commish’s PA: 9265 2930
PACSU: fax 9265 2882
Commish’s Corner Rumour Mill: 9265 2627
To contribute a story to the intranet, please contact Public Affairs Officers: (West) 9265 2613, (South) 9265 2802 or (North) 9265 2631