Reduced fire risk cigarette campaign
Along with Minister Kelly, I today met with Police and Emergency Services Ministers from across Australia in Adelaide to progress the introduction of a national standard for reduced fire risk cigarettes. We have asked the Australian Government to introduce national legislation making it illegal to offer any cigarette for sale that doesn't comply with a proposed Australian Standard which Chief Superintendent Jim Smith has been instrumental in developing.
The NSWFB has been working on this issue with stakeholders nationally and internationally for the past two years because it has the potential to reduce cigarette-related fire deaths by up to 68%. It may also reduce the risk to firefighters who are called upon to fight what are in many cases preventable fires. At least 67 people died in cigarette-related fires between 2000 and 2005, and possibly more. Many more were injured or in some other way affected.
13th Alarm structure fire at Lidcombe
Units from across Sydney responded to a 13th Alarm structural fire at Lidcombe on the evening of Sunday 12 November. The fire was a significant one which spread rapidly throughout the structure, taking some five hours to bring under control. I attended the scene and observed the actions of the participating firefighters, who worked diligently under trying conditions to control the blaze and protect nearby property. Images and a description of the incident are available to view.
Appointment of new Area Commanders
Another stage of the restructure is now nearing completion, with four new Area Commanders selected following interviews last week. The selection panel advised me that they experienced difficulty in reaching a decision due to the high standard of the candidates who applied. I have approved the selection panel's recommendation as follows:
Area Commander Metropolitan North (Newcastle): Chief Superintendent Jim Smith;
Area Commander Regional North (Port Macquarie / Coffs Harbour): Superintendent Rob Lindsay;
Area Commander Regional West (Dubbo): Superintendent Neil Harris; and
Area Commander Regional South (Queanbeyan): Chief Superintendent Michael Ryan.
Superintendents Lindsay and Harris will be promoted to Chief Superintendent on Friday 24 November, and the four new appointees will take up their positions following an induction program in which all seven Area Commanders will participate. As there will be a number of vacancies at the level of Superintendent, the Superintendent's rotation policy will be observed, as agreed with the Union, prior to any advertisements for possible promotions.
I congratulate the successful applicants and also the unsuccessful candidates, as they all performed extremely well.
Occupational Health and Safety prosecution
Last Friday afternoon, 10 November, Justice Boland of the Industrial Court handed down his finding in the Occupational Health and Safety prosecution arising from a tragic incident that occurred at Rutherford in 1999 where 3 workers died and a firefighter was injured following an explosion that occurred at a cottonseed silo.
The Court found the NSWFB guilty of breaching the OH&S Act 1983 in that it failed to ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees and non employees. The Court did not accept that Section 78 of the Fire Brigades Act protected the NSWFB from prosecution with respect to failures under the Occupational Health and Safety Legislation.
At this stage the Brigade is examining the decision and taking advice from our lawyers on the matter.
Welcome new recruits and inspectors
I attended two formal graduation ceremonies recently. Firstly, to the 19 new recruits who have joined ‘the family’ of the NSWFB - welcome. We know that you will continue the fine traditions of our service of helping those in need. Read more on the intranet.
It is also with great pride that I attended the latest graduation of the Inspectors Promotional Program. While 18 officers graduated, only three were promoted due to the lack of vacancies at this particular point of time. Congratulations to all 18 officers on their achievement. Intranet story
Fire stations to receive broadband
As part of the NSWFB IT Division’s continuous improvement of infrastructure throughout the organisation, fire stations will soon be receiving broadband. The rollout of the 512/128k ADSL broadband connection to fire stations in the greater Sydney area began on 13 November and will run until Christmas, while the rollout to regional fire stations will commence early in the New Year. All technicians will provide a letter of introduction to the Station Commander on arrival. A schedule of the rollout is available on the intranet. I have received a great deal of feedback during station visits about frustration with connection speeds. Under the leadership of Director Richard Host, the IT Division has worked to find solutions.
Critical Incident Support Program (CISP) - EOI for Peer Supporters
We’re starting a CISP Peer Support recruitment campaign, and all employees (firefighting, administrative and trades) are invited to submit an ‘expression of interest’ (EOI) for these positions. CISP provides information and education about the effects of critical incident stress, and a range of critical incident support services to members as required.
CISP Peer Supporters provide their services in a voluntary capacity, in addition to their regular duties within the Brigades. An initial four-day training and assessment program is undertaken, and if competency is achieved, attendance at team meetings and skills maintenance is then required on a regular basis.
We’re aiming to recruit 45 new CISP Peer Supporters across the State, and are looking for employees with at least five years service in the NSWFB, or similar experience, or relevant qualifications.
The recruitment campaign will soon be announced in In Orders, when application packages can be obtained from SO Wayne Young via email: ,or by phone: on (02) 9265 2814 or 0417 462 401.
BBQ safety campaign
Summer is almost upon us, and with it comes the risk of accidents and injuries involving barbeques in the backyard. To raise community awareness of the risks and how to minimise them we are once again promoting the Barbeque and Backyard Safety message. Information is available on the intranet.
I urge you to take every opportunity to promote the responsible operation of barbeques this summer. While we all enjoy a barbeque with our mates, having to attend one in a professional capacity is something none of us wish.
SWS message bears repeating
With the bushfire season in full swing, it’s timely to get the message out to your local communities about the SWS campaign. The urban / bushland interface presents numerous challenges to firefighters, one of which is the limited access to hydrants, so sourcing alternative water supply is vital.
Educating the public in your local area to the benefits of the SWS program can provide you with alternate, readily accessible sources of water, and your community with a “second chance” at saving their property in the event of a bushfire emergency.
SWS information, a safety fact sheet and a template media release to get your local media involved in “spreading the word” are available on the intranet via the Media Kit. I urge you to use them to get your message out.
Change of name for Gas Company
Due to the merger of AGL and Alinta, the gas company is now known as Alinta. When calling for a gas representative, ensure that you now call for a representative from Alinta. All phone numbers will remain the same in case of natural gas emergencies.
Rumour: After the Commissioner's visit to the opening of the Port Macquarie championships does the NSWFB now realise the area needs a rescue platform - due to the large amount of residential buildings being built above three stories high and also considering the nearest rescue platform would have to come from Newcastle?
Response: It has long been recognised that coastal resort areas such as Port Macquarie have had increasing concentrations of multi-storey infrastructure being established. The Building Code of Australia specifies means of escape, fire detection and occupant alerting requirements for various sized buildings, including fire-isolated stairs in the larger buildings in regional centres like Port Macquarie. As any aerial operator knows, it is rare to need to effect a rescue using an aerial appliance from buildings with fire-isolated stairs. However a larger issue in growing regional cities is establishment of large single storey commercial and industrial premises, which during a fire often need an aerial capability to project water from above. For this reason, the Brigades' future fleet program will provide for aerial pumpers to replace Class 3 pumpers at some major regional centres, including Port Macquarie. It is unclear at this stage when this will occur, however it will not be during this or the next financial year. Further advice will be provided when funding is available, priorities and placements have been determined, and timeframes for delivery and installation are known.
Rumour: Is it true that health services have a problem running health and safety courses in the Western Suburbs with the latest Swiss Ball courses run again at Headquarters, Alexandria and Bondi. Why is that firefighters in the Western Suburbs are not allowed the same access to the health and fitness programs as inner city staff?
Response: The Health and Safety Branch has run 43 Swiss Ball courses, with 31 of these conducted outside the inner city and evenly distributed throughout the regions. There are upcoming Swiss Ball courses in late November and December, to be held at the State Training College, 01 Station and in Bondi. There has not been a Swiss Ball course run in the city since December 2005 and the most recently completed Swiss Ball courses were held at Penrith and Ryde during July 2006. Swiss Ball courses have also been completed in Liverpool, Campbelltown, Greenacre and Orange over the past 18-24 months. The Health and Safety Branch is planning to run more Swiss Ball courses during 2007, and will make these as accessible as possible to all firefighters.
Rumour: There is a rumour going around that the NSWFB training college at Alexandria is being relocated. Is this true and if so where is it going?
Response: We are outgrowing the Alexandria training college and it is not able to satisfy NSWFB training requirements for the long term. Significant residential developments in the area over recent years and further major urban planning relating to Green Square make the viability of investment in upgrading the site as the principal training facility questionable. A number of options are being actively explored to determine the right balance of training infrastructure necessary to support the required operational preparedness of the NSWFB including USAR and CBR training. No decisions have yet been made.
Rumour: Is there any truth to the rumour that with RFS Commissioner Phil Koperberg departing for State Politics, the offices of Commissioner NSWFB and RFS will be merged, with NSWFB Commissioner Mullins becoming the "Commissioner NSW Fire Services", and Deputy Commissioners appointed for each service. This rumour has been circulating in Region West for a few months - quite some time before Commissioner Koperberg's official announcement.
Response: In a word, “No”.
Fire at Newport
Rail incident at Lithgow
Truck takes to water at Royal National Park
Firies shine in South Grafton Airport Disaster Exercise
Firies backing up the RAAF’s big days
Mortdale Fire ED colouring-in competition
Commissioner’s e-mail:
Cora Sarmiento, Commish’s PA: 9265 2930
PACSU: fax 9265 2882
Commish’s Corner Rumour Mill: 9265 2627
To contribute a story to the intranet, please contact Public Affairs Officers: (West) 9265 2613, (South) 9265 2802 or (North) 9265 2631