A short break
Running one of the world's best fire and rescue services has to be the greatest job in the world, but it's also nice to have a short break occasionally. I will be on leave from Friday 19 - Thursday 25 August. While I am away Assistant Commissioner John Benson will be Acting Commissioner.
Leadership and Planning Conference
On Wednesday and Thursday this week I attended the NSWFB Leadership and Planning Conference in Ryde. Around 120 participants, including Captains and Station Officers, Inspectors, Superintendents, Managers (uniformed and non-uniformed) and CEG, took part. The conference was opened by our Minister Tony Kelly, and key speakers included management consultants ChangeDrivers, and Craig Harris Secretary of the FBEU. In discussions we identified and analysed the key strategic issues facing the NSWFB; discussed NSWFB issues and priorities; and identified the key actions the NSWFB needs to deliver on in the next year. The conference also provided an opportunity for middle and senior managers to build networks across the organisation.
I was very impressed with the ideas and enthusiasm displayed by all participants and feel that we achieved the goals set out for the conference. The key outcomes of the conference will be incorporated into the NSWFB Annual Operating Plan for 2005/06 – my agenda for the coming year. Thank you to all those responsible for organising the event.
By the way I hope participants enjoyed our illuminating after-dinner speaker, a visiting English ‘Professor of Management' (who in reality was a corporate hoax comedian).
Restructure of the NSWFB executive
One of the key messages from ChangeDrivers at the conference was that “structure should follow strategy”. Many organisations have floundered in the past because they thought restructuring would result in good strategy – they had it back to front. CEG has been considering its own structure over the last 18 months against the background of our short, medium and long-term strategies. The conclusion reached was that our current executive structure was designed in 1991 for a different strategy, and does not necessarily meet today's needs. Union Secretary Craig Harris drew attention to perceived problems with regionalisation during his talk, and from my station visits I am aware that Craig is reflecting a view that is widely held among firefighters. Over coming weeks and months I will be asking for feedback on what is good and bad with our current structure, and will put forward a model that CEG believes will help us achieve our goal of being the best fire and rescue service in the world. Some changes are already taking place, with the position of Director Capability Development being deleted, and Training now under Human Resources. A new position of Director Business Systems and Information Technology will shortly be filled, and a new Director Logistics Support has been selected and will start with the NSWFB in September. It is my intention later this year to temporarily appoint Assistant Commissioner John Anderson to one of two proposed new Deputy Commissioner positions, where he will be project manager for the restructure. The main principle will be to not make too many changes below the executive level (ie, if it's not broken, don't fix it!). More to follow.
Central Coast Firefighters Ball
My wife Erris and I attended the Central Coast Firefighters Ball hosted by Superintendent Keith King and Zone North 7 on Saturday 6 August. About 180 people attended, including tables made up of NSWFB members, the RFS, Health, Premier's Department, and community members. A great night was had by all. The theme for the night was “Medieval”, and a lot of imagination and work went into many of the costumes.
The Central Coast Ball is the culmination of annual fundraising activities for the Zone and everybody was impressed with the presentation of a cheque for $17,000 to Northern Sydney and Central Coast Area Health by Superintendent King. It was also my pleasure to present three NSWFB Long Service and Good Conduct medals. Congratulations to the committee for organising a great evening.
Recruit graduation and bravery awards
On Tuesday I had the privilege of presenting commendations for courageous action to nine officers and firefighters and also welcomed 38 new recruits to the ranks of the NSWFB. The new recruits are the first to complete the new Certificate 3 in Public Safety (Firefighting and Emergency Operations).
The crews from 70 Maroubra and 56 Matraville B Platoon each received Unit Commendations for Courageous Actions at a house fire at Armentieres Way, Matraville on 7 June 2004 where a mother and her three children were rescued, but subsequently died. Three officers, Inspector (then Station Officer) Kel Mcnamara, Station Officer Cameron Northey and Senior Firefighter Barry Wallace also received Individual Commendations for Courageous Action for their actions at the same fire.
Senior Firefighter David Press from 216 Bathurst also received an Individual Commendation for Courageous Action for attempting a rescue after seeing a burning unit on his way home from work on 30 July 2004.
Defibrillator used at Burwood
15 Burwood “C” Platoon received a call at the station door this week to an elderly woman collapsed in the street. Station Officer Chris Sykes told me that the woman was not breathing and had no pulse when firefighters arrived with their AED and EMT pack. They applied the AED and successfully shocked her heart, while applying oxygen. Upon arrival of the Ambulance, they delivered a breathing patient with a pulse – well done. I know that 237 Station Branxton, which assists the Ambulance Service as a registered medical response unit, has also used the AED before. If other stations have occasion to use them, please e-mail me to let me know.
Senior officer on AFAC Development Program
Deputy Regional Commander West, Chief Superintendent Michael Hurley has been seconded to participate in the AFAC Executive Development Program at the Australian Institute of Police Management, Manly.
Chief Supt Hurley will fill the role of Visiting Fellow. This will entail assisting, mentoring and assessing students during the three week residential component of the course. The secondment will run from Sunday 7 August to Friday 26 August. Good luck and congratulations, Mick.
Incident updates
There have been several major incidents this week, including a fatal fire at Marrickville, a factory fire at the Dairy Farmers complex at Hexham and a scout hall fire at Killara. Go to the intranet to read more.
AFA reveals NSWFB treasure
On Wednesday, 71 Castle Hill B Platoon attended an AFA at Aminya Nursing Home Baulkham Hills and found a 90 year old NSWFB treasure in retired firefighter 624 Alan Peters. Alan recalled signing on to the Fire Brigade in the early 1940s at Baulkham Hills and was in the brigade for 14 years before he suffered from TB. He returned to the brigades after a 12 year absence until retirement 30 years ago. Alan reminisced about working around the local area at various stations including 27 Parramatta, 44 Auburn and 71 Castle Hill. SO Wayne Young said it was a delight to meet Alan, a part of the NSWFB's living history.
Forbes Zone Championships
At the S7 Zone Championships in Forbes last weekend the home team took out the Zone title. Several Zone records were broken in a very successful championships event. ZCS7 Superintendent Steve Davis reports that the Forbes team did a great job in helping to organise the event, but that all the credit must go to the competitors from the 21 teams across the State. The event was popular with local residents, who also got to see the kitchen fat fire simulator in action. Well done to all participants and especially to the organisers.
Bluey Day
By all accounts, Bluey Day has been a success again this year. The tally at this stage is around $40,000 and rising. Thanks to all those who took part in head shaves and fundraising, including Recruits from the Training College, City of Sydney C Platoon, 48 Mortdale's Justine Denton and Phil Cashion, Chief Superintendent Jim Smith, Superintendent Dave Gray, Ray Cranley, 252 Carrington firefighters and SO Fernando Martin and of course everyone who donated money to participants and directly to the NSWFB Employees Credit Union. A special thanks to Superintendent Jim Smith, who organised the NSWFB's involvement in the event.
Donations are now being finalised and you can donate into the credit union account: N SWFB Employees Credit Union, Bluey Day Account, Acct Number 97944 (S1 Account), BSB # 802825.
Long Service and Good Conduct Medal photo gallery
Many ceremonies are being held throughout the State for the awarding of the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. If you would like to post photos of your local event to a special photo gallery on the intranet, email them to your regional Public Affairs Officer.
CFU training day
This Sunday the CFU training day for Region South will be held at the Cooper Street reserve, Engadine. CFU volunteers will be prepared to assist the NSWFB in defending their homes in case of bushfire. They will develop skills in using and maintaining hoses, hydrants and portable pumps as well as first aid awareness. Last year more than 1000 CFU volunteers attended the Region South training day and this year that number is expected to be nearly 1400. Well done to the team running the CFU program, it is going from strength to strength.
Hearing Awareness Week – 21 to 27 August
Hearing Awareness Week is a national event held in the last week of August each year. It provides an opportunity to raise community awareness of hearing impairment and ways to protect your hearing.
Hearing loss can affect people at any age in our community with one in five Australians over the age of 15 having some degree of hearing impairment. It can be present at birth, acquired through illness, accident, exposure to noise or as part of the natural ageing process. Hearing Awareness Week also provides an opportunity for the hearing impaired to share their experiences and knowledge and help create a greater understanding of their needs and aspirations.
For more information visit the Hearing Awareness Week website at or phone (02) 6262 7808. If you are concerned about your hearing, Health Services can arrange hearing tests on request. Contact Health Services on 9265 2800 or 1800 425 282 for more information.
Commissioner's e-mail:
Cora Sarmiento, Commish's PA: 9265 2930
PACSU: fax 9265 2882
Commish's Corner Rumour Mill: 9265 2627
To contribute a story, please contact Public Affairs Officers: (West) 9265 2613, (South) 9265 2802 or (North) 9265 2631
Cut off for submissions is 10:00am Thursday